I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled today...


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
make sure your doped up good, especially once you wake up, I was put under for getting mine out and when I really woke up from the drugs I ended up having pretty much no painkillers in my system at all, that shit hurts like a ************

yeah getting them out sucks, hopefully yours heal right also, one of mine didnt so I have this huge scar behind my teeth on my lower jaw that used to get cut up every now and then, its been awhile since any of that happened but it was an annoying thing


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I used to wrench my loose(ish) teeth out when I was younger. You will have drugs. Man up.

Capt. Crankypants

New member
Jan 6, 2010
Z of the Na said:
I've been told that I'll be knocked out so hard I won't feel a thing. It's afterwards that I am worried about; dry sockets and possible cotton swabs in my mouth for hours.

I freakin' love Frostys though. That sounds awesome.
HAHAHAHAHA, hours. Funny. Mate, I had all 4 surgically removed at 19-ish. You will probably wanna keep cotton/tissues/whatever in your mouth for days, because there'll be a pretty constant stream of blood and saliva for a while. You won't want to eat/drink ANYTHING for the first day or two, and you won't want to chew for a week.

That said, don't be scared of the actual operation, it's nothing. These people know what they're doing. You might even have a cute nurse to help you like I did.

Woodsey said:
I used to wrench my loose(ish) teeth out when I was younger. You will have drugs. Man up.
You're not serious right? This is nothing like pulling loose teeth. This is cutting open the back of the gums to extract the largest molars you have, then getting stitches in your gums.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Buy lots of applesauce. That helped me through my surgery, as it was the only thing I could eat. Also, I suggest that you buy a new game right before the surgery, so that when you finally come to you'll have something to take your mind off of your mouth. That's what I did, worked like a charm.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
only got a local anaesthesia the two on the left got taken out of my jaw by a dentist. It was the pure horror. The hadnt come out yet so they had to open the jaw a bit and break them inside before removal.Took nearly 2 hours and I couldnt open my mouth right for nearly 3 weeks. The other 2 were extracted by a real surgeon it was over in a few minutes and healed very quick.
fazit: Get yourself a surgeon man.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Remember, most people have to go through this procedure nowadays. If a normal person could do it, I am sure an Escapist will have no problems. Plus, that isn't the most painful procedure the dentist may bee forced to do. from what I hear, Root Canals are much worse.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
Z of the Na said:
I've been told that I'll be knocked out so hard I won't feel a thing. It's afterwards that I am worried about; dry sockets and possible cotton swabs in my mouth for hours.

I freakin' love Frostys though. That sounds awesome.
I've had all 4 out and I needed to watch the precautionary vid and it freaked me out too.

It's not a problem, but this is what needs to be remembered:

1. Eat chips and crackers up until the recommended stop-time due to anesthetic since there will be no crunchy anything for a long time.

2. Stock up on apple sauce and icecream and milk for milkshakes. Soups?

3. Don't abuse the drugs ... It sorta goes without saying.

4. If you don't want to look like a retarded chipmunk, wear that stupid sock and ice CONSTANTLY. If you can go to bed with it on, do it. Once you start puffing on one side of the jaw, you will likely puff on the other side.

5. Have someone document your experience. I said some goofy shit while I was anesthetized from wisdom teeth removal.

6. Keep cleaning those sockets. I freaked out about the dry socket thing too, but if you just stay vigilant and clean like crazy, you'll be fine.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
UnendingLight said:
What a coincidence, I just had all 4 of mine pulled yesterday, all of which were just below the gum as well.

I don't know how yours are coming in, but my top ones were coming in well, but the bottom 2 were going to push and crowd, so I had all of them gone.

To give you a little about how it goes:

Emotions/Feeling going off a mid morning surgery:

Nervous (before) > Fun (During/a little after) > Aching/Annoying (after/when you get home [MAKE SURE TO TAKE THE PAIN KILLERS AS SOON AS YOU CAN]) > Somewhat normal feeling as numbness wears off > AGONIZING Stomach pain (much later in the evening)> Slight Discomfort, like you got punched in the jaw (later at night)

The worse parts are the aching and annoying gauze when you first get home, and then the tremendous stomach pain much later. If your lucky, your stomach can handle the meds/slight bleeding better than mine (I have a pretty weak stomach).

But honestly, don't be afraid of the procedure itself. It's actually fun/barely remember it.

As for this second day, just a bit more swelling, but ice REALLY gets that down. I'm sure your dentist will tell you, but 20 minutes on and off for ice for the first 2 days is very helpful to keep swelling and aching down.

The first day is the worst, but you'll be fine! :D HAVE NO FEAR!
rsacks said:
The advice I have is make sure you have someone with you when you go. It doesn't matter if you're driving or taking the the bus/train/subway, you are going to be screwed up when you come out of the anesthetic (I know, it happened to me, I could barely walk when they were done because of the drugs.). When you get home it's also a good idea to have someone to help out because even if you only need to take a few of the pain pills they give to you, they will probably make you really really groggy.

For food, I like other people's suggestions of Frosty's, nice and cold to help with the pain. I ate a lot of yogurt and soup broth. After a couple of days soft things like soup noodles and such will be ok.

Also: Frozen peas. I'm serious, frozen peas work better than any ice pack because they'll conform to you swollen cheeks. I'd say get 2 or 3 bags so you can rotate them in and out when they get too warm.

TL:DR- Have a buddy with you when you go,Frosty's and yogurt to eat and frozen peas to use as ice packs. There's nothing to worry about, this procedure is very common and the dental surgeons are well practiced.
Ok, that makes me feel a bit better about what to expect. Thank you very much for your advice, both of you.
standokan said:
I'll light a candle for you because that might just hurt like hell.
Your avatar made that statement much less intimidating than it actually was. Still, I'll take your word for it.

Woodsey said:
Thanks for your consideration, compassion, and sensitivity toward my personal phobias.
Jan 27, 2011
Take my advice (I've been there)...Have LOTS AND LOTS OF CHICKEN SOUP.

For two or three days liquids are all you can eat anyway, and it's one of the earth's natural restoratives (and it just tastes and makes you feel good).

It's gonna be a massive annoyance to deal with afterwards for a few days, but it'll get better. Just make sure to take your painkillers.

Cap'n Moe

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I had to have my jaw broken to remove mine, I had some ridiculous scar tissue on my jaw from a previous injury, so I cant open my mouth to the extent of say, your local 2$ hooker. Your situation sounds pretty bad, but put it this way, you dont have to get your jaw wired shut for XX amount of time because of a sports injury that happened years prior. Good news is, after it was all over, I am back to kickboxing, and still happy with it, and I am now in amatuer MMA. Getting those puppies removed now, will save you A LOT of BS later. Good luck, and dont suck on ANYTHING! (No perverted puns intended)

Your Nightmare

New member
May 28, 2010
Hmm, I have a small edge of my wisdom tooth poking through. I don't know much else about them though. Is the procedure the same as having teeth removed for braces? 'Cause I had 4 of them out.

Does everyone have to go through it or only if they develop wrong? My dentist just kinda said "You have a wisdom tooth growing, make sure you brush it" then kicked me out...

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Z of the Na said:
...and I am absolutely terrified. I'm 20 years old and this is the first time I have been legitimately afraid of the dentist. These wisdom teeth coming in are really messing up all of the work three years of braces accomplished. I suppose the pain will be alleviated to a great deal once this is all over, as I am in a fair amount of pain, but I am no less worried.

Would there be any advice my fellow Escapists could provide to ease a troubled mind? I've never had to go through anesthesia or surgery like this yet in my rational life. I'm scared, is all.
Dude Anesthesia is the $hit! I'm not joking either. You'll feel so damn good that you'll doze off in no time.....however there are a few drowsy after effects after the surgery and it could be worse man.
I had to get 7 teeth pulled because all 35 (Yes 35) of my were jamming at least four in the back sides of my mouth under the gum. So they took 7 out to even it out and let them grow out from under the gum. This was about 2 years ago. Couldn't talk or eat solids for a week...

Trust me the pain you'll experience isn't all that bad, plus if you're lucky they'll probably give you painkillers! (HOORAY VICODIN!!)

Just relax man, you'll be alright

On a side note. That General Grievous Avatar is badass.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
Mackheath said:
Relax. Believe me, it is far, far worse if you don't.

Would you like a hug?
Madara XIII said:
Just relax man, you'll be alright
You're probably right. Most of the things I've read in this thread are probably personal experiences based around the surgeon who actually performed the procedure, and how well he/she did it. Still, it provides me with at least an idea of what to expect.

Oh what the hell, I'll take that hug.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
You'll be fine. I was knocked out when mine were removed, so that may have helped. When they finished, I felt wobbly but otherwise fine. They gave me pain pills, but I never took them.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
All of my teeth were removed from my upper jaw. Most of them had to be surgically removed. Luckily I was asleep for the procedure and they only hurt afterwards when my parents forgot to give me my pain medication. Yeah...that was "fun." But yeah, I understand your fear and your pain, and just be glad you don't have to get dentures. I'm 26 now and I've had them since I was 23 or so. Good luck, and hopefully it won't hurt too much. Just remember your pain medication!

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Z of the Na said:
Mackheath said:
Relax. Believe me, it is far, far worse if you don't.

Would you like a hug?
Madara XIII said:
Just relax man, you'll be alright
You're probably right. Most of the things I've read in this thread are probably personal experiences based around the surgeon who actually performed the procedure, and how well he/she did it. Still, it provides me with at least an idea of what to expect.

Oh what the hell, I'll take that hug.
Take Drugs! Not Hugs! Vicodin is your friend.....bad thing about it though is that 800mg of that will put you in a 16 hour nap.....loved every minute of it.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
I haven't personally taken out my wisdom teeth (though I'm afraid I might have to soon), but I have taken care of people fresh out of the surgery. Everyone is different, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Follow the instructions the dentist gives you, TAKE THE PAINKILLERS, and enjoy the mushy food you're gonna eat.
Also! Get plenty of rest. Good luck man!


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Well, if their mojo is good with the novacaine, the only thing you'll feel is a bit of pressure from having the tools pushing on your wisdom teeth. That said, if you've got a problem with needles, the novacaine itself may frighten you.

There's also a very real chance that your mouth may be a bit numb for the next couple days, with residual novacaine. I was told that this is fairly common, and nothing to be concerned with. In my experience, the numbness went away completely less than 48 hours after the tooth got pulled.

I was given some pain meds by the dentist, but I didn't need them, at all.