Im not a noob...Im just better than you =)


New member
Apr 16, 2010
I can't believe anyone plays MW2. It's the biggest bitchcheaptacticscampfest I've ever seen. It's predecessor had very good balance for a realisticish shooter aside from a few laser guns but the second game's multiplayer is a fucking joke in my opinion.


New member
May 3, 2010
Limzz said:
I can't believe anyone plays MW2. It's the biggest bitchcheaptacticscampfest I've ever seen. It's predecessor had very good balance for a realisticish aside from a few laser guns but the second game's multiplayer is a fucking joke in my opinion.
It sold because it's predecessor was known for being so great. People still play it to get value out of it because the story was so...I'll just say "poorly written" (just my opinion. I say that because it seems like a bunch of random missions throw together with little to no explanation.)


New member
Sep 7, 2008
If someone has just killed you 3 times in a row with the 40mm grenade launcher (dubbed, "The noob tube") or the Carl Gustav ("The Big Tube") in BC2, they are a noob, in plainest terms.

Here's one for you: I was against someone who was rank 14, but had 8 Gold Stars with the tube.
Noob or not?


New member
Apr 17, 2010
UberMore said:
If someone has just killed you 3 times in a row with the 40mm grenade launcher (dubbed, "The noob tube") or the Carl Gustav ("The Big Tube") in BC2, they are a noob, in plainest terms.

Here's one for you: I was against someone who was rank 14, but had 8 Gold Stars with the tube.
Noob or not?
Did he kill you? If not, maybe. If so, maybe. I have no idea how good you are in relation to noob skill afterall.

Mr. McFuzzers

New member
Jun 7, 2010
beholdmycape said:
if you want to 'really' piss people off in MW2 I'd suggest you go round rocking a riot shield and a throwing knife, it's hilarious how these kids nerd rage when you shuffle up while they unlod an entire mag into you and then you just pop out and drop them with the knife.
Bonus points if it's the match winning kill.
I have a whole class devoted to this!

OT: Don't worry about him, most people (including me) sometimes rage by being killed by the same few guns over and over and OVER again. So don't really blame him most people at on point or another call the gun another person is using a n00b gun just out of rage.


New member
May 17, 2008
TerranReaper said:
cainx10a said:
All MW2 weapons are easy to use and even master. At the end of the day, it's a decent team-based/objective focus game. Some people can't get over the fact that THEY couldn't win against YOU. That's all there is to it, they don't see the greater picture of doing their part for the team to win rather than their part to satisfy their ego.
I would love to play your version of my MW2, all other versions of MW2 I've heard of, all consist of people running in random directions, not caring about the objectives and not working like a team.
- Play in a clan
- Play with friends


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Don't worry, for every mainstream fps, there are a LOT of idiots who will try to run how people play the game by making up stupid things about what is "noob". Never fall for "noob" bullshit.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I hate Hate HATE the whole culture surrounding the MW2 community. If you use x gun with y perk and z attachment, your a "noob". Then they whine "use a gun that requires skill nub" These idiots probably don't even know the definition of skill! To them it just means a gun that's harder to kill people with than others. Fuck that!

If it's in the game, use it I say.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
TheNamlessGuy said:
DuplicateValue said:
I've said this before: DON'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE ONLINE.
That means I shouldn't listen to you, which means I should listen to you, which means... God Dammit!

[sub]Why, yes, I do enjoy being an ass sometimes[/sub]

OT: I generally avoid online FPS's because I hate communities like that, but after spending much time playing TF2, I've noticed a trend of people complaining about the Demoman.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
infinity_turtles said:
omega 616 said:
don't comment on the usage of the word cheap, I know the argument "if it's in a game it's fair play and using it isn't cheap" ... yes it is cheap, if know something gives you an unfair advantage and you use it, your cheap.
See, if everyone has access to it, it's hardly an unfair advantage though. If I have an AK-47 and a knife, and you have an AK-47 and a knife, and I shoot you with the AK-47 after you pull out the knife, I didn't have an unfair advantage. You're just stupid. Just because you want to be able to play the game however you want and still have an equal chance of winning doesn't make the situation unfair. It means you're handicapping yourself.
Urgh, here we go ...

Your given a rather large array of wepons in a game, there are always going to be imbalances etc these soon become evident after the game is released, take the ever popular MW2 as an example.

ACR has no recoil, use stopping power to make up for the lack of power and you have an overpowered class. The problem is, other things that are on the opposite side of the balance get left by the way side, so you go into matches and theres always one person with the ump and a scar H (another notable exception is the ACR) so soon if you stand any chance of getting a kill streak you have to use the same over powered guns.

There could a million decent guns, then one gun that is just a powerhouse and empties a 100 bullet mag in a few seconds, that would be a cheap weapon 'cos it's just too overpowered and you have little chance against it.

This means that cheap is now normal and the game becomes stale, since everybody is using the same 5 or 6 different guns out of the wide variety.

While you can say "if it's in the game it's fair" that only works in balanced things like chess, in unbalanced things like MW2 it's a different story. It's exploiting an oversight in balance if you will.

I like trying out new guns but in MW2 it's made nearly impossible to do well with anything other than an overpowered weapon.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
People are always like that online with an FPS. Some brats just don't want to lose so they scream that you are a n00b.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
beholdmycape said:
if you want to 'really' piss people off in MW2 I'd suggest you go round rocking a riot shield and a throwing knife, it's hilarious how these kids nerd rage when you shuffle up while they unlod an entire mag into you and then you just pop out and drop them with the knife.
Bonus points if it's the match winning kill.
I haven't played MW2 multiplayer that much (despise that game for personal reasons) aside from a few matches at my friend's place...

But this shield tactic awfully reminds me of my old asshole tactic in Counter Strike (the old one, from back in 1998 or whichever). Shield, flash grenades, magnum (no throwing knives there).

So annoying yet so awesome. I love riot shields =p


New member
Apr 17, 2010
omega 616 said:
infinity_turtles said:
omega 616 said:
don't comment on the usage of the word cheap, I know the argument "if it's in a game it's fair play and using it isn't cheap" ... yes it is cheap, if know something gives you an unfair advantage and you use it, your cheap.
See, if everyone has access to it, it's hardly an unfair advantage though. If I have an AK-47 and a knife, and you have an AK-47 and a knife, and I shoot you with the AK-47 after you pull out the knife, I didn't have an unfair advantage. You're just stupid. Just because you want to be able to play the game however you want and still have an equal chance of winning doesn't make the situation unfair. It means you're handicapping yourself.
Urgh, here we go ...

Your given a rather large array of wepons in a game, there are always going to be imbalances etc these soon become evident after the game is released, take the ever popular MW2 as an example.

ACR has no recoil, use stopping power to make up for the lack of power and you have an overpowered class. The problem is, other things that are on the opposite side of the balance get left by the way side, so you go into matches and theres always one person with the ump and a scar H (another notable exception is the ACR) so soon if you stand any chance of getting a kill streak you have to use the same over powered guns.

There could a million decent guns, then one gun that is just a powerhouse and empties a 100 bullet mag in a few seconds, that would be a cheap weapon 'cos it's just too overpowered and you have little chance against it.

This means that cheap is now normal and the game becomes stale, since everybody is using the same 5 or 6 different guns out of the wide variety.

While you can say "if it's in the game it's fair" that only works in balanced things like chess, in unbalanced things like MW2 it's a different story. It's exploiting an oversight in balance if you will.

I like trying out new guns but in MW2 it's made nearly impossible to do well with anything other than an overpowered weapon.
Than you can use an overpowered weapon. Problem solved. You have the option to deal with it, so it's fair. If you play rock-paper-scissors, but refuse to use rock, the other person isn't being unfair by always choosing scissors. You're just playing with made-up rules that only affect you.

It seems you're equating your personal fun with fair. They're two different concepts. It's not like this is a case where it's some special thing where you have to be on one side to win, right? Everyone has access to it. That's fair. You saying "I don't have fun that way so I won't do it even if I could" doesn't make it unfair. It means you don't enjoy it. Complain about the balance issues if you want, because it could be unbalanced, but don't say it's unfair for someone to do something you can but won't.

So yeah, unbalanced does not mean unfair if everyone can use what's unbalanced.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
infinity_turtles said:
Than you can use an overpowered weapon. Problem solved. You have the option to deal with it, so it's fair. If you play rock-paper-scissors, but refuse to use rock, the other person isn't being unfair by always choosing scissors. You're just playing with made-up rules that only affect you.

It seems you're equating your personal fun with fair. They're two different concepts. It's not like this is a case where it's some special thing where you have to be on one side to win, right? Everyone has access to it. That's fair. You saying "I don't have fun that way so I won't do it even if I could" doesn't make it unfair. It means you don't enjoy it. Complain about the balance issues if you want, because it could be unbalanced, but don't say it's unfair for someone to do something you can but won't.

So yeah, unbalanced does not mean unfair if everyone can use what's unbalanced.

In your example you missed my point, the cheap move is lava it melts rock and scissors and burns paper ... why use anything else if you can win/draw all the time using that? So everybody starts using it 'cos who wants to lose so by trying other things like your encouraged to do your punished by people who want to win, who knowingly use overpowered weapons.

I never mentioned anything about fairness, I never said cheap tactics weren't fair, I said there cheap. If your ok with being a cheap player then don't be hurt when you get called cheap.

If a majority says something is cheap and the minority says all is fair, either it's a case of "everybody else is wrong, I am right" or we live in a democracy, which ever you prefer really.

nick n stuff

New member
Nov 19, 2009
internet gamers such as this guy are so far up themselves it's unbelievable. just let him to his strange ways and get on with life


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Being called a noob is general praise. The highest form of praise in an Online FPS is being accused of hacking.
I think the highest form of praise in Gears of War was when I was said to be the Host since I wiped out the other team myself 6 times with the Boomshot that was fun.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
omega 616 said:
infinity_turtles said:
Than you can use an overpowered weapon. Problem solved. You have the option to deal with it, so it's fair. If you play rock-paper-scissors, but refuse to use rock, the other person isn't being unfair by always choosing scissors. You're just playing with made-up rules that only affect you.

It seems you're equating your personal fun with fair. They're two different concepts. It's not like this is a case where it's some special thing where you have to be on one side to win, right? Everyone has access to it. That's fair. You saying "I don't have fun that way so I won't do it even if I could" doesn't make it unfair. It means you don't enjoy it. Complain about the balance issues if you want, because it could be unbalanced, but don't say it's unfair for someone to do something you can but won't.

So yeah, unbalanced does not mean unfair if everyone can use what's unbalanced.

In your example you missed my point, the cheap move is lava it melts rock and scissors and burns paper ... why use anything else if you can win/draw all the time using that? So everybody starts using it 'cos who wants to lose so by trying other things like your encouraged to do your punished by people who want to win, who knowingly use overpowered weapons.

I never mentioned anything about fairness, I never said cheap tactics weren't fair, I said there cheap. If your ok with being a cheap player then don't be hurt when you get called cheap.

If a majority says something is cheap and the minority says all is fair, either it's a case of "everybody else is wrong, I am right" or we live in a democracy, which ever you prefer really.
You stated another broken example though. is that broken example capable of beating the other? Also, is it actually impossible to beat someone using that weapon, or just more difficult? It's not like the gun is bloody Akuma or anything.

Also, you said

don't comment on the usage of the word cheap, I know the argument "if it's in a game it's fair play and using it isn't cheap" ... yes it is cheap, if know something gives you an unfair advantage and you use it, your cheap.
Italicized for emphasis.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm not naive enough to think that FPS' requite anything amounting to skill, yet there are still some things considered cheap and nooby, i understand G18s and i use them myself from time to time but you still need to aim which is pretty much the cornerstone of FPS', yet things like noob toobs simply require running around and as soon as you see someone press fire
I'd strongly advise muting them, as well as them being muted they wont hear what you say, i tend to go into games and mute everyone unless i hear them talk normally
I tend to play COD primerily with friends so i know if i've muted them they cant give me shit about it because neither of us can hear each other