Im not a noob...Im just better than you =)


New member
Dec 12, 2007
beholdmycape said:
if you want to 'really' piss people off in MW2 I'd suggest you go round rocking a riot shield and a throwing knife, it's hilarious how these kids nerd rage when you shuffle up while they unlod an entire mag into you and then you just pop out and drop them with the knife.
Bonus points if it's the match winning kill.
I do that in some Domination games but I use semtex grenades, more satisfying watching them realise they've been stuck. Note you can also use semtex against a Riot Shield if you do it right.

I think the most frustrating thing, after auto-aim bots which are really quite common is dual 1887 shotguns or runners who like to stab.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
DuplicateValue said:
I've said this before: DON'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE ONLINE.

Seriously, you'll be a much happier man.
thats what i do, before every match i mute everyone that isnt in my clan.


New member
May 16, 2009
Lowbreed said:
The question is whether or not you were using akimbo.
If you were, that is the ultimate noobishness.

I can't blame people who whine about nub weapons because most of the time I actually have to agree with them (even though they are often quite the idiot). Back in COD 4 (dedicated servers I miss you!) we could just ban martyr / tube.
How is akimbo noobish? unless you're at close range you're a bit screwed.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I misuse every unbalanced item in a game as much as I can, to send a message to the developers to fix it with all the rattling of sabers generated.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
TelHybrid said:
Lowbreed said:
The question is whether or not you were using akimbo.
If you were, that is the ultimate noobishness.

I can't blame people who whine about nub weapons because most of the time I actually have to agree with them (even though they are often quite the idiot). Back in COD 4 (dedicated servers I miss you!) we could just ban martyr / tube.
How is akimbo noobish? unless you're at close range you're a bit screwed.
Point is you only use it in close quarter areas (such as bunkers, tunnels, houses, etc.etc.) and then you add the generic knife running perks and presto you have a lot of firepower with no aim necessary and you can get up close. Up close a normal assault rifle or such's firepower cannot compete.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Being called a noob is general praise. The highest form of praise in an Online FPS is being accused of hacking.
Does modding count?

S29 Afterlife

New member
Jun 3, 2009
If you just started out, and you choose a gun, you're a "noob" using a "gun", therefore, it is automatically a "noob gun" since all the "noobs" use it.
i.e the Models. EVERYONE knows it's good, even the new people, that's why it's a noob gun; the NOOBS used it. It's not because it's a cheap gun, it's based on the efficiency of the gun, and how many people know it's a pretty badass weapon. But this is all just my opinion.

Did that clear anything up?


The Cheerful Pessimist
May 6, 2009
The closest encounter I had with that is where I was playing horde on Gears 2, I THINK I let someone die a bit stupidly, all my team were dead and I was tring to fight off what was pretty much all of the current wave and I think this guys was just under my line of sight. Anyhoo I died and the game ended. I end up getting a message from this player that said quite simply. "ur a dick". How pointless is that! I considered sending him a "fuck you" in return but hey. He also gave me a bad rating an XBL for being "Unsporting" The hell with that I was "unsporting" because I didn't spot you to save you. Shoulda reported him to get him back but what the hey.

I've finished ranting now XD


New member
May 7, 2009
arc1991 said:
seriously this pisses me off so friggin much!
Picture this...

Your happly walking along a little side path on the map 'Derailed' on MW2... you have an FAL as a primary...and G18 machine pistol as a secondary... you currently have the FAL out, although its got about 4 shots (enough to kill one person with good accuracy)

You spot someone...camped firing at the bridge where your team is, he spots you runs out and trys to knife you, you shoot him, but dont kill him with the FAL, he misses, you wop out the G18 and kill him...all you here is, "YOU FUCKING NOOB!!! U USED THE G18 THATS A NOOB GUN!!!!!!

no its not a noob gun, and its quite hard to get kills with (for me anyway, the recoil is blerghhh)

why are people like this and accuse u of being the pisses me off, i use the guns in the game, the guns that are given and because of this im the noob? Pffft

has anything like this happend to you guys?

EDIT: ok i should point out, i found it quite amusing, so don't worry i wasnt like really pissed off about it(like volcano exploding pissed off) just enough to spark something at the back of my head to utter creep! lol =P
You killed him. Therefore you are a Noob. N00b translated into english means, "I am invincible how could this mere mortal defeat me. There must be a reason, he's a hacker or using a over powered gun. I shall insult him out of anger for defeating a god".

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Funny how "noob" has changed from being used to describe people who are bad at a game, to being used to denigrate the person who just beat you, isn't it?

If you lose because you deliberatly chose to go up against a gun with a knife, we have a different word for you: SCRUB!


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Well I don't play CoD but I have been called noob for winning games of Blazblue for using combos....

Dr. Octogonapus

New member
Aug 3, 2009
There is no such thing as noobish tactics, guns, attachments, perks, or kill or death streaks. You earned the thing by killing people like them over and over again. What right do they have to insult you for using any of the things that you were rewarded?


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I've yet to play this game. Which version has the least amount of kids with mics playing on?

But seriously, the only "noob gun" is an AWP.

I'm joking.... but it does cheese me off... alot.


New member
May 16, 2009
Lowbreed said:
TelHybrid said:
Lowbreed said:
The question is whether or not you were using akimbo.
If you were, that is the ultimate noobishness.

I can't blame people who whine about nub weapons because most of the time I actually have to agree with them (even though they are often quite the idiot). Back in COD 4 (dedicated servers I miss you!) we could just ban martyr / tube.
How is akimbo noobish? unless you're at close range you're a bit screwed.
Point is you only use it in close quarter areas (such as bunkers, tunnels, houses, etc.etc.) and then you add the generic knife running perks and presto you have a lot of firepower with no aim necessary and you can get up close. Up close a normal assault rifle or such's firepower cannot compete.
That's like saying using a sniper rifle at long range is noobish because someone with a pistol can't compete.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Then there're those who treat the fact that you camp like its illegal and you should be fed to the hyenas for doing it. And knifing.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
I got called a noob when i was using the huntsman as a sniper. Apparrantly hitting things at range with an arrow is more noobish than the rifle. Oh, and I like to move when I shoot, believe it or nor, im not a fan of the campsniper :p
