Im not a noob...Im just better than you =)


New member
Jul 4, 2009
TelHybrid said:
Lowbreed said:
TelHybrid said:
Lowbreed said:
The question is whether or not you were using akimbo.
If you were, that is the ultimate noobishness.

I can't blame people who whine about nub weapons because most of the time I actually have to agree with them (even though they are often quite the idiot). Back in COD 4 (dedicated servers I miss you!) we could just ban martyr / tube.
How is akimbo noobish? unless you're at close range you're a bit screwed.
That's like saying using a sniper rifle at long range is noobish because someone with a pistol can't compete.
Not quite, you have to aim with a sniper rifle remember?


Aug 25, 2008
S29 Afterlife said:
If you just started out, and you choose a gun, you're a "noob" using a "gun", therefore, it is automatically a "noob gun" since all the "noobs" use it.
i.e the Models. EVERYONE knows it's good, even the new people, that's why it's a noob gun; the NOOBS used it. It's not because it's a cheap gun, it's based on the efficiency of the gun, and how many people know it's a pretty badass weapon. But this is all just my opinion.

Did that clear anything up?
i use the models, just not with akimbo, i use FMJ for that shotgun =) although i do hate the twats that use akimbo with them. the model is acctualy better with FMJ does abit more damge and goes through walls easier, good for campers =D


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Oh this reminds me of this time on CoD4 where I was playing S&D and defending my team's...err box thing. I killed a guy and he gave me a message telling me to grow some balls. I replied back with some stupid messages just to piss him off even more. It ended up with him calling me a cockroach and somehow admitting that he was a paedophile.

I lol'd

Oh and last week there was some random kid complaining a lot during a match.

Kid: *blah blah complaining*
Some random guy: Jesus, just shut the fuck up and play the game.
Me: I agree
Kid: So do I (Shitty comeback)
Me: Then shut up then
Kid: *Silence*

Was pretty damn funny


Elite Member
Jan 9, 2009
People like that deserve to be killed by a 'noob gun.'

In fact as Heavy in TF2 I get noob gun comments all the time and they are then primary targets. Nothing says 'fuck you' like 5 dominations on the go.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
in every game there are some kind of OP weapons or characters that people will call you a noob for using .. in alot of leet games online you'll get kicked from the room just for having such a thing in your inventory. it's mostly tool that noobs can use to kill elites .. weapons that require no skill to be able to thoroughly screw up someones day with

2 prime examples are:

famas: R6V2

pretty much all i can think of now but i KNOW there are more

most people will kick you and call you noob because they want to create an enviroment where winning requiers skill

some people will just call you noob because they can't take the fact that they got raped

i usually reply to these with a "i'd rather be a noob than a guy that got severely owned by a noob"


Aug 25, 2008
Vianyte said:
Oh this reminds me of this time on CoD4 where I was playing S&D and defending my team's...err box thing. I killed a guy and he gave me a message telling me to grow some balls. I replied back with some stupid messages just to piss him off even more. It ended up with him calling me a cockroach and somehow admitting that he was a paedophile.

I lol'd

Oh and last week there was some random kid complaining a lot during a match.

Kid: *blah blah complaining*
Some random guy: Jesus, just shut the fuck up and play the game.
Me: I agree
Kid: So do I (Shitty comeback)
Me: Then shut up then
Kid: *Silence*

Was pretty damn funny
Going through my old made my day


New member
Nov 21, 2007
0're annoyed you came across a MW2 player who, after being killed by you, bitched about the kill and called you a "noob"?

That's like saying you'd be surprised to see someone walk out of the ocean wet.

Stupid people will be stupid. Bitchers will *****. People will use exploits and cheap tricks. And online communities (especially the more populated ones, like MW2's) will be filled to capacity with assholes.

I say either deal with it or find something else to play.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
cainx10a said:
All MW2 weapons are easy to use and even master. At the end of the day, it's a decent team-based/objective focus game. Some people can't get over the fact that THEY couldn't win against YOU. That's all there is to it, they don't see the greater picture of doing their part for the team to win rather than their part to satisfy their ego.
I would love to play your version of my MW2, all other versions of MW2 I've heard of, all consist of people running in random directions, not caring about the objectives and not working like a team.

Dr. Octogonapus said:
There is no such thing as noobish tactics, guns, attachments, perks, or kill or death streaks. You earned the thing by killing people like them over and over again. What right do they have to insult you for using any of the things that you were rewarded?
Theoretically, if there was a gun that had bullets that followed you and killed you no matter where it hit you, would you consider that to be a noob gun or not? Just because the developers put it in the game, doesn't mean it's balanced.

OT: Depending on the situation, it can be justified to why some perks/guns/attachments are considered to be "noob" weapons. What can be considered a noob weapon is debatable, if say, mostly everyone from all platforms considers it to be a noob weapon, then maybe there's a problem.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
arc1991 said:
on MW2...
Well theres your problem...

OT: This happens all the time to me, I get called noob or hacker just because I was silly and learned to aim in an FPS... I occasionally use the rediculous weapons that everyone calls the user of a noob, such as the Pazershrek in Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory (It's refered to by everyone ingame as the Noobcannon due to its area insta-kills) when I just want to mess around and have fun in a game I bought to entertain myself.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I see what your problem is, XBL.

I can't use the G18, the recoil is startling! It's like a 12 year old on a .50 cal, after 5 shots your shooting birdies.

Some guns are overpowered in that game, ACR - no recoil and awesome iron sights, various guns - overpowered, noob tube and knife classes are cheap and I seem to be the only person who suffers from this but I can't get 1 kill with the revolvers.

don't comment on the usage of the word cheap, I know the argument "if it's in a game it's fair play and using it isn't cheap" ... yes it is cheap, if know something gives you an unfair advantage and you use it, your cheap.

Like if you know punching somebody in the nuts will give you an advantage and you use it, your using a cheap shot aka your cheap, get it? Got it? Good.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
arc1991 said:
seriously this pisses me off so friggin much!
Picture this...

Your happly walking along a little side path on the map 'Derailed' on MW2... you have an FAL as a primary...and G18 machine pistol as a secondary... you currently have the FAL out, although its got about 4 shots (enough to kill one person with good accuracy)

You spot someone...camped firing at the bridge where your team is, he spots you runs out and trys to knife you, you shoot him, but dont kill him with the FAL, he misses, you wop out the G18 and kill him...all you here is, "YOU FUCKING NOOB!!! U USED THE G18 THATS A NOOB GUN!!!!!!

no its not a noob gun, and its quite hard to get kills with (for me anyway, the recoil is blerghhh)

why are people like this and accuse u of being the pisses me off, i use the guns in the game, the guns that are given and because of this im the noob? Pffft

has anything like this happend to you guys?

EDIT: ok i should point out, i found it quite amusing, so don't worry i wasnt like really pissed off about it(like volcano exploding pissed off) just enough to spark something at the back of my head to utter creep! lol =P
"Your happly walking along a little side path on the map 'Derailed' on MW2..."

There's your problem right there!
People who play Modern Warfare 2 are complete psychopaths who are unable to differentiate between real life and pixels, and shouldn't be playing any games let alone walking around outside of mental hospitals.
You're much better off playing a friendlier more intelligent type of game like Bad Company 2 or Lostplanet 2.
I got bored of MW2 after hitting level 35 (no prestige).
Not because the games basically a rehash of CoD4 in every sense of the word, but because most of the community are just complete dickheads who have nothing better to do with their time than acquire tenth prestige.

Triple AD

New member
Apr 1, 2009
FalloutJack said:
Oh, I love this. People play wargames online and have the audacity to complain about how they're killed. This is WAR, people. In case you haven't noticed, most people in war don't care how they kill the other guy.
This has given me a brilliant idea next time somebody calls me a noob I will yell this in a very stereotyped military fashion. E.g "Noob gun? This is war dammit why the hell are you whining like a little girl when there are people to be killed, we are trying to save people and all you can do is complain about a weapon. Where the hell were you recruited? The Whimps Army? Now go out there and show what you're really made of!"

Sorry bout that :S

Yeah I find it annoying when my friends call me a noob (sorry n00b) when I use a crap gun, wouldn't that make me better as I am using something that is harder to use... Although now that I think about it my friends will use any excuse to call me a n00b :p

Also laugh at their stupidity they deserve it ;)


New member
Apr 17, 2010
omega 616 said:
don't comment on the usage of the word cheap, I know the argument "if it's in a game it's fair play and using it isn't cheap" ... yes it is cheap, if know something gives you an unfair advantage and you use it, your cheap.
See, if everyone has access to it, it's hardly an unfair advantage though. If I have an AK-47 and a knife, and you have an AK-47 and a knife, and I shoot you with the AK-47 after you pull out the knife, I didn't have an unfair advantage. You're just stupid. Just because you want to be able to play the game however you want and still have an equal chance of winning doesn't make the situation unfair. It means you're handicapping yourself.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Haha, I used to be like that back in the good old "Angry-Teen" Days, screaming at people and stuffs...Maybe it was just becuase I was super competitive? End of the day MW2 generally has a 98.9% population of whiney 10/12 year olds playing ALL day...So you should go into it expecting something lol
Mar 18, 2010
"Noob" has come to mean "anything I don't like." Fuck people online, anyway. If you win, you win. If you don't, you don't. People BAAAAWWWWing is just them whining, so fuck 'em.

If you go on 4chan, it's also kindof like "Fag" is there, just a blanket term for... everyone.


New member
May 3, 2010
And that's exactly why I don't play online (normally). I prefer playing against people I know, especially if there in the same room. That way, I can smack them for saying stupid stuff. If it was designed in the game, it's not cheating. As for "noob"/"newb" comments, they just need to shut up because they're pissed that they got beat...which deserves a smack for, as the Godsmack song says, they "crying like a b***h"