

New member
May 21, 2011
While I do find the idea pretty disgusting,the same could be said for a number of the many,many, many different fetishes,so.... Just don't have kids I suppose,that just seems like another big can of worms.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
1. Have I noticed I have an attractive cousin? Yes.
2. Do I want to bone her? Society would shun me forever, not worth it.

Bug MuIdoon

New member
Mar 28, 2013
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Adoption means an incest couple wouldn't need to have their own baby in the first place, completely overriding those problems you mentioned.
ahh, makes more sense :] I read it as 'to put the baby up for adoption', never mind. Though it still doesn't stop the possibility of accidental births

Darken12 said:
Um, there are plenty of other cases where a couple is almost guaranteed to have a child with terrible genetic conditions. We do not prevent them from having children. We recommend genetic counselling, which informs them of the risks they are undertaking and what official medical recommendations are.

If having a child with genetic conditions was such a horrible event that absolutely needed to be prevented from happening, we would perform automatic abortions (or induced labour and subsequent infanticide) on any pregnant woman whose child turned up positive on congenital birth defects or genetic conditions screenings.
You missed the part where I stated that it wasn't my opinion, just playing the devils advocate, but that's cool.

I have to admit though, in light of your post, couples who go ahead fully knowing they will have a child with genetic implications is, in my opinion, incredibly wrong and borders on abuse. But that's a different topic, as is the whole abortion debate which you mentioned.

DoPo said:
I'm a bit confused why you described the problems they won't face and were confused by that.
Pardon? They are factors that occur due to incestuous breeding among humans. I think we have the wrong end of each others stick or something, ha ha. I read his post differently than he meant (see above)


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Bug MuIdoon said:
ahh, makes more sense :] I read it as 'to put the baby up for adoption', never mind. Though it still doesn't stop the possibility of accidental births
There are accidental births in many cases, in completely normal relationships. As another poster mentioned, there are also cases where a normal couple are almost guaranteed by doctors that a birth by them will be flawed.


New member
Jul 2, 2011
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Milk said:
This thread is going to end well.

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Hey, look at that, it's everyone's answer to this thread.

Yeah, I think we can just end the thread with this comment, because it's just minor variations of this.
Yeppers, pretty much this. Although I'd like to contribute something I recently learned: Albert Einstein married his first cousin. I'm not sure if this is generally known, but I just learned about it so...


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Bug MuIdoon said:
You missed the part where I stated that it wasn't my opinion, just playing the devils advocate, but that's cool.

I have to admit though, in light of your post, couples who go ahead fully knowing they will have a child with genetic implications is, in my opinion, incredibly wrong and borders on abuse. But that's a different topic, as is the whole abortion debate which you mentioned.
My bad!

The moment you start regulating a person's reproductive freedom is the moment you jump down the slippery slope towards eugenics and other similarly nasty things. We have to educate people and then trust they will do the right thing. That's the entire point of genetic counselling. It's a lot better to discuss this sort of thing in the open and non-judgementally, while providing access to contraceptives if they so desire.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Meaning of Karma said:
So long as you're not inbreeding for multiple generations, I really don't give a shit.
The main reason it shouldn't be done, really. Once you decide a thing like that is acceptable once, anyone can go at it and limit the branches of the family tree. Before you know it, it's House of Usher time.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-In the case of no possible offspring?

-With offspring?
Assuming the involved parties are consenting to the act, I say no... Albeit begrudgingly.

seydaman said:
-Should incest be legally banned?
Again, I say no, but only begrudgingly.

seydaman said:
-Does the act of incest disgust you?
To the deepest depths of my very being, but I believe in equal rights for any and all... Which happens to include the (literal) mother fuckers, therefore it'd be quite hypocritical of me to demand rights for teh gays and lezbins but not people that engage in incest, much as I dislike it.


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
well incest is a game the whole family can play and is that not what many religious nuts want, family entertainment ?

on a more serious note i see no problems at all for first generation however after a few generations there could be issues with bad genes cropping up more often than is ideal though with modern genetic screening and or some advancements in the field that issue may well be mitigated to a point where it is moot

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I'm not endorsing incest. That said....

Darken12 said:
This is my view as well. Though from a medical standpoint, I would recommend genetic counselling for heterosexual couples who might run the risk of being pregnant, just as it is recommended for couples who have a risk of passing on genetic conditions on their offspring.
The odds of genetic defects are lower than in a woman in her 40s (with any partner), so I hope you're going to apply that evenly. It takes a history of incest to run the risk of "flipper babies," as they're commonly called.

Incest is subject to a lot of taboo and hyperbole and such because it's "gross." And I agree with the "gross" part, though that's a personal assessment. I just disagree with excuses for banning something which isn't all that inherently harmful or dangerous.

Now, I'm more concerned about certain relationships, such as parent/child because of the inherent influence that exists. And honestly, I'm...Not sure what to do about that.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
This takes me back! My very first post on this website was on a topic just like this. I pretty much said the same thing as Milk.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Bug MuIdoon said:
You missed the part where I stated that it wasn't my opinion, just playing the devils advocate, but that's cool.
He didn't condemn the poster, he condemned the logic. And the logic is still broken and horrible.

And no, I did not miss the part where you said that, in light of his post, yada yada...I'm just pointing out that addressing poor logic is the same whether addressing a genuinely held opinion OR a DA-stated opinion.

And that's my point here.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Darken12 said:
This is my view as well. Though from a medical standpoint, I would recommend genetic counselling for heterosexual couples who might run the risk of being pregnant, just as it is recommended for couples who have a risk of passing on genetic conditions on their offspring.
The odds of genetic defects are lower than in a woman in her 40s (with any partner), so I hope you're going to apply that evenly. It takes a history of incest to run the risk of "flipper babies," as they're commonly called.
Of course, I have been trained to aid in giving genetic counselling for many different kinds of patients. From people with specific genetic conditions to those above a certain age (such as the case you mention) to those with a family history of genetic conditions to other risky cases, there is actually a significant number of couples who ought to be given genetic counselling. It's just not a very widespread practice.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I believe everyone has the right to their pursuit of happiness as long as it doesn't stop anothers. So I have no problem with just sex or anything, but it's proven that conception between closely related people doesn't give child enough genetic diversity and that can lead to a lot of problems for the childs life. And that will infringe upon his/her happiness. Of course he/she would have never existed if they hadn't conceived. It's a very strange area in my view of how the world should work.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
It depends.

Are they pretty, big busted, tall sisters?

And can I join in?


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Had an oedipal complex, finally broke it. It disgusts me now. Not too sure about morally, but I'm Christian. I don't disapprove of it if it's consensual but I'd never do it.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
i better put my 2 cents in before this thread takes a severe left turn.... or right turn?

i am so liberal that it dosent bother me.
it would be hypocritical for me to condemn it when i have seen 'alot of video' containing fake situations,, well maybe not all fake. oh boy umm yep..

i wouldn't suggest siblings have babies, that would be dangerous and wrong.