

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
One of those fun little quirks of human psychology. No one wants to sleep with their own sibling, but just about everyone likes the idea of a threeway with twins. ;)

I say as long as no children are possible, do what you like.
Bravo, I salute you.

Also has anyone seen game of thrones? Lanisters lol


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Ooh, stomping on all that culture and personal liberty, are we not?

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

As for people getting hurt - the chances of the kids/offspring/litter showing signs of degenerative conditions or other 'anomalies' go through the roof. It is just not a good idea.

Every now and then, a case of 'brother loves sister' or similar makes it to the headlines. Those are but a fraction of the actual cases, inspired by sheer idiocy, ignorance, 'cultural peculiarities' or naughty bits juice flowing a bit too freely. In the end, it's none of my business if these odd pairings don't work out in the end, but what I am bothered by is that the average family humping session creates two to three faulty clones in the process, and the sum of things that can (and will) go wrong is not a pretty sight, and it tends to end up being society's problem to handle, once the misguided confusion and chemical imbalance some people refer to as 'love' subsides and reality comes a-knockin'. Plus, the average ass backwards society that accepts incest oftentimes also just so happens to be not very welcoming of faulty babies, all too readily labelling them to be sent from the devil or some other imaginary bunny friend, just in order to not have to think about the actual root of all random stupidity and evil. Go figure.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
It's pretty gross and I don't understand why anyone would want it, but then I don't understand foot, poop, piss, necro, furry, gore, or countless other fetishes either. At any rate, consenting adults should be allowed to do what they like, provided it doesn't hurt anyone.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Arakasi said:
Milk said:
This thread is going to end well.

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Yeah but provided no one is getting hurt it is none of my business.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Agreed entirely.
Although I think that having a child from incest (however close the relation is that is considered statistically dangerous for the child) should certainly be banned.
But what about if they used that gene selection thingy-ma-bobby that chose that healthiest genes?
And assuming that doesn't work what about just making them have abortions if it's shown that the fetus has physical or mental disabilities?


New member
Jun 14, 2011
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
Arakasi said:
Milk said:
This thread is going to end well.

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Yeah but provided no one is getting hurt it is none of my business.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Agreed entirely.
Although I think that having a child from incest (however close the relation is that is considered statistically dangerous for the child) should certainly be banned.
But what about if they used that gene selection thingy-ma-bobby that chose that healthiest genes?
And assuming that doesn't work what about just making them have abortions if it's shown that the fetus has physical or mental disabilities?
That'd be fine assuming it were all accurate.

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
If the incest is between two heterosexual, blood-related siblings, then yes, it should be banned or some kind of surgery should be undergone to make one of them unable to reproduce. I don't give a shit who or what someone else claims to love, but the dangers of incest-caused birth is too great for the rest of society and the child.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
JimB said:
It is as morally wrong as killing is; which is to say, this question is meaningless without context. So are the next three, for which reason I will skip them.
That's a more keen observation than most here have given as to the question itself. I appreciate this kind of inquisitiveness to the automatic "s'all good" attitude that this thread seems to boast, especially considering this is a moral issue where context is very important and should not be forgotten or dismissed so easily.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Evil Smurf said:
1. Have I noticed I have an attractive cousin? Yes.
2. Do I want to bone her? Society would shun me forever, not worth it.
Mind if I bone her then?

On-topic - No, I see nothing wrong with it. Not having a sister, I'm free to fantasize all I'd like. And when you play Second Life, incest is one of the tamest fetishes you'll ever have the pleasure (or misfortune) of experiencing.


New member
May 12, 2011
Milk said:
This thread is going to end well.

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Yeah but provided no one is getting hurt it is none of my business.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Bamm End thread/ first answer and he got it as long as I dont have to hear details I dont care

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
Eh, as long as you don't have children I think its fine.
My view on most topics like this as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, except possibly the person doing it as it is their choice, feel free.
But I feel like it would be unfair on the child even if they turn out completely normal just having the incest stigma hanging over their head.


New member
Mar 23, 2013
Depends all on the situation, people who are say brother and sister but raised apart don't develop a reverse sexual imprinting known as the Westermarck effect, which desensitizes them to later close sexual attraction; it is hypothesized that this effect evolved to prevent inbreeding but are very likely to suffer from genetic sexual attraction and have a relationship.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Personally I only really see a problem with incest when its across generational gaps(father+daughter/mother+son) since it can be seen as the elder person taking advantage of the younger. Between siblings and cousins(barring no large age gaps) its just sex. The biggest reason that people worry about incest is the passing on of genetic conditions and unless you have something major which would need to be discussed even if you weren't banging your sister, the heavy genetic overlap only becomes a major problem when its across multiple generations.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Aethren said:
Evil Smurf said:
1. Have I noticed I have an attractive cousin? Yes.
2. Do I want to bone her? Society would shun me forever, not worth it.
Mind if I bone her then?

On-topic - No, I see nothing wrong with it. Not having a sister, I'm free to fantasize all I'd like. And when you play Second Life, incest is one of the tamest fetishes you'll ever have the pleasure (or misfortune) of experiencing.
If only society was different, amiright?


New member
May 29, 2011
No, it shouldn't be banned or anything like that. If they're two consenting adults who wanna bang each other, why should I care if they're related? Sure, when I think of me having sex with people I'm related to, I wanna throw up. But that's no reason to stop people who like it. It's their business and it doesn't affect me at all.

Just watch the baby-making. Science has clearly stated that the odds for genetic fuck-ups go way up with each generation of inter-breeding. Then again, it almost certainly wouldn't get past the first generation, since the vast majority of humans naturally develop a non-attraction to their family members through...whatever chemical process the brain undergoes. It's late, I can't remember the name of it.

The point is: no babies.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
What a man and his relatives do behind closed doors is nobody's business but their own. But once children start becoming a bi-product of the relationship then, well...



New member
Aug 12, 2009
-Is incest morally wrong?
-In the case of no possible offspring?
Definitely not
-With offspring?
Im not sure about the rate of deformities/problems with inbred children so I cant comment. Maybe.

EDIT: I just thought of something that may or may not be valid; People with certain disabilities have a higher chance of producing children with that disability. I don't think they should be banned from breeding and therefore it would be cognitively dissonant for me to say that it is wrong for related people to have children

-Should incest be legally banned?
-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Other people doing it? No
Me doing it? Yeah a bit but thats no reason to ban anything


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
I have named this dead fish "Incest" and I'm going to slap everyone's face with it: INCEST!
*slap slap slap*


-Is incest morally wrong? Thppt, morality. Bwahaha. Is someone's mating with a close relative messing with someone else? No, than no one should care.

-In the case of no possible offspring? Again, is this really bothering people who aren't involved?

-With offspring? Oops, now we've got an issue. If the child comes out fine, then that's fine. But if the child comes out with mental or physical deformities, then they become a burden on the society they're a burden to society and now you're effecting other people with your perversion. Sure, that can happen with two random people, but not anywhere near the chances close relatives have. Methinks you should look into the ancient Chinese art of Vasectomyfu if you want to boink your sibling.

-Should incest be legally banned? >.> I'm sorry, are they killing people with their weirdness? Stealing money by sleeping with each other? Harming innocent people by privately doing stuff in private? No, we shouldn't take legal actions against consenting adults doing their own thing.

-Does the act of incest disgust you? Actually, not really. At least, not more so than other people having sex. No, I don't care. They're people who are attracted enough to each other to stick bits of each other together, I don't see a difference between relation and not. Except for the offspring bit, but that would just mean I'd find the offspring gross.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
What people do behind their bedroom doors is none of my business.

Also, if you're banning incestuous baby-making, you're basically starting a mandatory eugenics program. Slippery slope.

My sister's husband has some terrible genetic diseases he might have inherited from his father. (who is wheel-chair bound and barely able to function anymore) He has a 50/50 chance of developing the same disease. Even if he doesn't develop the disease, any of his biological children will still have a 1/4 chance of developing said disease. If they decide to have children someday, who's going to be the one to tell them no? (not really an issue, because it sounds like they plan to adopt, devil's advocating here)

I mean, hell, my own genes are definitely mediocre. I have a family history of suicide on one side, and lots of heart disease and mental health issues on the other side. (some bi-polar, some depression, some OCD) Does that mean I'm not allowed to reproduce, because my kid is likely to be messed up in the head?

That sort of thinking is pretty dangerous in it's own right. I think that a few incestuous babies are much less of an issue. Incest by its very nature is rather rare, and our population as a species is so massive that a little inbreeding isn't going to hurt it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If two siblings want to destroy their own family and the life of the offspring they might possibly have by doing it, who am I to stop them?

Let's hope for them the tumble was worth it.