Interest thread ( Sci-fi Survival horror RP )


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Scientist, Chef, security guard so far. They all have whats at hand. So, for what ever type of character you pick, just put some thought into what they might have and have access to.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
I hope you don't mind but I've stuck with the zoologist thing but changed it so that she knows nothing about aliens...her hope of finding them is pretty high though.

Name: Susannah Calem



Weapon/equipment: Combat knife, Veterinary supplies (varying strength anaesthetics to administer injections but also to apply to tranquilizer darts, suture kits etc).
Also carries a lightweight tranquiliser rifle in preparation for hunting new species on planets. She never saw the need for lethal firearms for herself as she was always accompanied by appropriately-armed guards during expeditions on Earth.

Appearance: Susie is 5'8, and in exceptional shape considering she's had two children. Her long, red hair is extremely vibrant and often occasions comment from newly met people. She often wears simple, comfortable clothes like jeans and a hoody but has been known to dress herself up beautifully for the right reasons. On HMS Intrepid, she is wearing her work clothes, consisting of a black pencil-skirt, white blouse and white lab-coat.

Bio: Susie loves animals and is one of Earth's top animal experts. When she was offered a place on the HMS Intrepid, the potential to find and study alien species was too good to pass up.

Although she was excited by this one-time chance, Susie was also worried about being away from her husband, Jonhny, and spending so much time away from her two children; she knew there was the potential that she would miss them growing up if she agreed to travel on HMS Intrepid. Having finally been convinced by Johnny to take the place, she misses them everyday and can can sometimes fall into long episodes of depression despite her bubbly and energetic exterior.

Although Susie is an exceptional scientist, it is in the field that she most thrives. The thrill of tracking and studying animals on Earth is something that couldn't be beaten. Thus far, however, no alien species have been found and Susie spends her days physically and mentally excercising, twiddling her thumbs and longing to see her family again.

Again, if you're not happy with it, I'll change it.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Tips_of_Fingers said:
Dectomax said:
Nope, thats fine! Sounds good.

@Ninja, thats cool. See ya around.
Wah! I don't want this to die!
Not gunna die, just waiting till after christmas to get it started! As I'm going to be very busy over the next few days.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Dectomax said:
Ok, any of you guys still up for it?
Yup. Although January is pretty busy for me as I have important exams...and lots of games to play ^.^

I'll still be able to participate if this goes ahead though.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
CaptainHook69 said:
Room for one more?

Sheet incoming.
Yup, will wait until this second pages, then I'll quote everyone who put a sheet in and see how many reply...then we'll have a looksie at the numbers we have.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Well..I'm here but going offline now..I'll check back every few hours though so if the other two reply just start. I better check my character sheet too....