I say yes, because the last time I killed one it was because I was bare foot in my bedroom and one bit me, it hurt and so I stomped the crap out of it in a fit of rage, hurt for a bit but I think the copious amount of stomping was probably more to blame then the spider itself.
I personally have no problem with spiders in general , except for the fact every time I see one its more of a eventually they will do something to incur my wrath so we might as well get it over with quickly, and when I kill them I don't want it to be a slow death from nerve gases so much as instantly removed from existence by the finger of god and that's all the mercy I've got.
I personally have no problem with spiders in general , except for the fact every time I see one its more of a eventually they will do something to incur my wrath so we might as well get it over with quickly, and when I kill them I don't want it to be a slow death from nerve gases so much as instantly removed from existence by the finger of god and that's all the mercy I've got.