Nope nor Tali nor Garrus nor any other game that allows humans to marry/romance anything other than humans.scnj said:Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
you do realise that playing as a khajit or argonian in any previous game would count as furrying it up. adding yiff is a pretty logical next step. and by this logic, gay people are going to be the biggest fans evar too.Nudu said:Oh god the furries.
HOORAI!twistedheat15 said:I'm going gay lizard on cat and idc what anyone thinks! Only homosexual inter-species beastility can hold my interest in 2011's!
Not bestiality, inter-species erotica. Bestiality is just when you act like animals. Inter-species erotica is when one of you actually is an animal.pulse2 said:So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm aboutBut there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?
(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)
-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.
I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
No, not really. Same thing IMO.scnj said:Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.scnj said:Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Your reminding me very much of fox news atm XDpulse2 said:Maybe so, but it puts across the point I'm making quite well. We know it's allowing us to do it otherwise it wouldn't be a topic, but it wants you to have a lizard wife / tiger husbandweker said:Promoting is an extreme word to use. allowing yes, promoting? their not shouting you should go bang animals for points XD. As one of the guys above me stated OMG the furries will be scary.Step out of your comfort box a little yaknow? Go on, take a chance, how bad can tiger lizard children be?