It's not promoting it, in fact it doesn't even feature it if you think about it. Argonians and the Khajit are can think and act like people, not common animals. You might as well say the elves are beasts as well.
Argonians and Khajiit are not animals so it isn't beastiality. They are just Furries and a lot of furries I have met are a human/something cross-breed, not that big a deal guys.
So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm about But there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?
(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)
-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.
I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
It is not beastiality. That would require that the "animal" in question be just that, an animal. the Khajiit and Argonians are sentient peoples, just as smart and capable as others in the game. The fact that they look like cats and lizards is merely a result of their evolutionary path, so any relations with them would simply be an interracial relationship, nothing more.
Aside: If I may ask, why are you freaked out about Skyrim, when the Mass Effect series can have you be in a relationship with at least 4 separate alien species (and counting)?
So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm about But there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (Argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?
(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)
-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.
I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
Is it really beast-iality when they're not beasts, they're people? And it's no real different, as pointed out, as going with Tali, Garus or Liara from Mass Effect.
To be entirely honest, is it really any real different than having a Dwarf or Elf character flirt Liliana (a human) from Dragon Age? Or a human with Zevern (an elf)? Half-Elf and Half-Orc are semi 'Old School' forms of canon cross species pairings. The fact, it even implies it's so often that those hybrids are treated as their own race rather than some sort of template to another race. Are those pairings less bestiality just because one of the non-human species is more 'pretty' than the other? That seems to be a bit intellectually dishonest.
That doesn't even touch the implied necrophilia of half-vampire pairings, or what not, but few people seem to have a problem with that too.
There's also the sort of dishonesty that it 'encourages' you to marry an Argonian or whatever. I haven't been following the game much, but I'm pretty sure there's no point where the game encourages you to to marry a specific species or gender.
Heck, you could make a stronger point that Fable 2 or 3 encourages heterosexuality despite its claims to be totally neutral with 2's "Alex" quest line.
Where the only 'good' ending to that quest is to marry somebody of the opposite sex; the only other resolution to the quest is to break the heart of and subsequently have kill themselves. Or forever let the quest clutter up the game.
Or Fable 3's intro, where you're the blood son or daughter of your previous hero, who apparently has a son or daughter. You can't really even pretend that you're adopted because you have all the same 'hero genes', unless that stuff is passed through adoption lines somehow.
Or the intro which heavily implies you're very romantically close to a member of the opposite sex.
That sort of game play/story telling seems to encourage a character's sexuality a lot more than just the mere possibility floating around for some hot Khajiit on Argonian action.
Granted, I'll amend my view a bit if somebody can show me any sort of game play element that favors it, like quests that can't be completed on the proper good/evil alignment without cross-species sex or something.
ForgottenPr0digy said:
Naked mods for the cat and lizard people day one from the furry community.
That happens pretty much on day one for.. about every game, that has any sort of 'remove armor' feature. Isn't that sort of part and parcel for rule 34?
Like others have said, the Elves are as human as the Argonians and the Kajhit, so any moral arbiters who say "NO, BANGING THE LIZARD/KITTY IS WRONG!", and then makes eyes at a nearby pretty elf is being spectacularly hypocritical.
Remember people, just because it looks like you, but shorter and with pointy ears, it's not human, and you're still going to end up with some rather odd babies, if any at all.
If anyone makes an issue with it, just point at a liger and say "HUMANS CAUSED THIS!"
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