Is the question, "Are you gay?" offensive?


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Not to anyone who is actually worth not offending.

I don't care if people ask me whether I'm a carpenter either.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
I hope not, as I have that horrible feeling I may have to ask that soon, but I don't really think it would be insulting, though the person in question is a touch hormonal.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Harry Mason said:
GamerKT said:
AndyFromMonday said:
It's all about context. If you use it as an insult of course I'm going to be offended. If you're just asking an honest question then I'll provide you with an honest answer.
How the fuck is it an insult?
It can be an insult like this...

"I like that color, it's pretty."
"What are you, GAY?!"

The honest question version goes like this...

"I was wondering, are you gay?"
"Why no. No I am not. I happen to be straight"

Very big difference in intentionality here.
No. Not an insult unless you're a homophobe, or think being gay would be worthy of insulting.

It'd be like some similar situation and someone saying "What are you, black??"


I'm not a racist, so I don't give a shit if someone (intentionally or otherwise) gets my race wrong. I'm not a homophobe, either, so I really don't care if someone gets my sexual orientation wrong. Unless you have some other problems, it is not an insult. If so, for some magical reason, explain how. For real.


New member
May 7, 2011
It's a bit up-front I guess. And it would of course depend on the person. Maybe if you are going to ask try taking a different approach. I don't have a clue what this other approach could be though.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
It's not that offensive. However if the person being asked was straight, they would be pissed probably. Kind of like how if a fat woman is asked if she is pregnant when she is in fact not.

Really it all depends on who is being asked and whether they consider it offensive... Usually if they say no the it usually is considered though.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Firstly, it's kind of a personal question.

Secondly, assumptions do more harm than good.

I've been in similar situations (both wondering if somebody is gay and being asked if I'm gay...but this is high-school we're talking about) and it will always be a slippery slope. Oh sure it's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask, but it's almost never pulled off in a mature manner, more in a "WHAT THE FUCK, ARE YOU GAY OR SOMETHING?" way.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Madara XIII said:
Zeren said:
I don't mind that question. I answer, "No I'm not. I am however, pansexual"
Pansexual basically meaning Gender-Blind in attraction.

Isn't that just another term for Bi-Sexual!?!? Like as in Politically Correct Terms?
Or is there something I'm missing, like having a Sex with a Toaster or what not?
I'm glad you asked! Let me help clear that up! It's a bit big to copy paste, so here is a link.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I don't believe it is.
It's really just a personal question like any other at its core.
And just like any other personal question, it can be offensive depending on why/how/when it is asked.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
CrimsonBlaze said:
Personally, I would want to know if a girl I'm dating is gay so that I would know where this relationship was going (believe me, it would have saved me some time in past incidents).
How would this work? If she´s gay why would she date you to begin with? Just as an off colour joke? If so, she´s a very mean spirited *****?.
OT: No I wouldn't call it offensive to ask someone that, it´s a legit question.

Master Phoenix

New member
Dec 14, 2009
Like most things to say in this life and human interactions, it all depends on the context.

If you have been dating someone for a while and they ask it out of the blue, then yes, it might be considered somewhat insulting.

However, if there's a reason behind the question (E.g. you are not only asking out of curiosity but you have a point to make regardless of the answer). Then I don't see a problem with it.

I have always found simpler to ask certain things that might be considered offensive in a "watered down" comedic way: Instead of "are you gay?" you could ask: So, what do you like, men, women, zebras?

Again, it's not the question itself, it is how you ask and why you ask it.

All the best.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
It's not offensive at all. We're guys, we trash talk each other all the time. The insults we throw are much more offensive than "Are you gay or something?"


New member
Nov 16, 2010
No more so than asking: Are you straight?

More over...why do you even want to know this; less you're interested in having sexual relations with someone.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
kebab4you said:
CrimsonBlaze said:
Personally, I would want to know if a girl I'm dating is gay so that I would know where this relationship was going (believe me, it would have saved me some time in past incidents).
How would this work? If she´s gay why would she date you to begin with? Just as an off colour joke? If so, she´s a very mean spirited *****?.
OT: No I wouldn't call it offensive to ask someone that, it´s a legit question.
Well, I was dating a girl for a few weeks (nothing serious, but we were exclusive) and before our last date, she got a little alcohol in her and started telling me about various sexual encounters with women that she had years ago in great detail. At first, I thought that she was tipsy and just saying things and if anything, she experimented in college.

The next day, I asked if she "liked girls," and she said that she did. She went on to say that she had been hiding her sexuality for a while and believed that if she dated enough guys, she would be attracted to them. I told her that if she was gay, she should not be ashamed of it. We broke up, but I bare no ill will towards her.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I think it's something that can easily come off as rude if you ask it. You may only be curious, but regardless of their answer the other person could become insecure about what might make you think that they are a homosexual (since many equate homosexuality to being too masculine or feminine for their respective gender) or they could get defensive because they have been asked this by others in the past who meant to make fun of them.

Sexuality is a sensitive issue and if the other person knows you well enough that they would know you mean nothing by it then go ahead and ask, but otherwise it's just best to keep talking to that person and learning more about them from what they feel comfortable telling you.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Well no, it's just asking someone what their gender preference is. It's just as offensive as asking someone their age.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
as a bisexual male, i often have a problem especially when meeting new people, because i do definitely want to make that part of my identity clear, but i don't really want it to color first impressions people might have of me. I'd rather people think of me as a person first and as a bi dude second, and so people asking this question is great if it's well-meaning (i can usually tell :p).