There are alot of people in this thread who are saying things to the tune of "this mod is insensitive" or "the gaming community doesnt need this kind of attention".
By that standard the gaming community doesnt need a game where you can drive on the pavement at 100mph in the middle of not-Manhattan, firing a machinegun into passing cars, then picking up a prostitute, having sex with her and then smashing her skull open with a baseball bat, all whilst playing as a Yugoslavian warcriminal.
How insensitive is it to make a game about real life traumatic events? How would you feel about Modern Warfare, Bad Company, Army of Two, Insurgency or any of the hundreds of others if you were a Iraq or Afghanistan veteran? How would you feel if your child was shot dead by a sniper in Fallujah and found out there were videogames about that?
Christ, one of the most popular games in history features a level dedicated entirely to you, in full first person, committed a horrific act of terrorism as you casually walk from room to room murdering unarmed civilians and the security guards and police trying to save them! And that is from a major developer with huge exposure, not a bunch of random guys on the internet whom most people have never heard of until jackieboy started squarking about it. Why is this mod a murder simulator and that isnt? Because the models are slightly different and the box has OMG SKOOL SHOOTING LOOK AT ME CONTROVERSY stamped on it?
In any case, he's quite clearly batshit insane. Reading his book will reveal that. He cannot go one paragraph without throwing in a vaguely connected Bible verse. He litterally thinks God told him to fight videogame violence. Not "hmmm, reading these scriptures would suggest that we should do this" but full on "LO JACK THOMPSON! GO FORTH AND SMITE THE VIDEOGAME HEATHENS MY SON!".