James Cameron Rips Into Piranha 3D


New member
Apr 9, 2010
3D is a crappy gimmick, they already had a chance to do 3D, and THEY FAILED!!!! This is just a phase that Hollywood is going trough, much like the "muscle bound solider" phase of the 80s. personally I hate 3D (the glasses are too small for me to wear comfortably for the length of a 2 hour movie), Holly wood, just cause 1 movie was good with 3d doesn't automatically mean you have to make everything 3D, kind of ironic that Cameron is bashing the trend he started.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
I fucking hate 3D anyway. The most annoying thing being when they go on too long. In Avatar (just a coincidence no doubt), an unnecessarily long film, I found myself having to remove my glasses because my eyes were getting sore. This coming from a guy who will gladly sit in front of a TV ALL DAY.

An Aside:
Assassin Xaero said:
I haven't seen Piranha 3D, but I have to disagree.

He's right people!


New member
Jun 29, 2009
He's right about Piranha 3D, but that's just because the movie was a mindless horror movie. It really had nothing to do with 3D.

Besides, 3D has yet to be used correctly. Once 3D actually starts enhancing the narrative in films, then we can start talking. Until then, fuck off with the 3D, it's raising my ticket prices.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
As for now 3D is still just a little added thing at an added cost. Not worth it in the long run at least for me.

As for Pirahna 3D...

I can't say a word on it since it is COMPLETELY not my taste in movies. Doesn't matter if it's good at what it does or not but its on my "to see list" right next to Transformers and Twilight. Which is to say, don't want to see it.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I don't have an extreme for 3D. Some 3D movies were just awful and not fun at all (Final Destination, etc.), but movies like Piranha 3D are made to be stupid fun rather than a piece of art that will be appreciated for generations to come. Not all movies can be Cameron epic proportions (at least 2 1/2 hours, 2 hours of which must be useless dialogue). I miss the Cameron that made Terminator 2 and Aliens..

Anyways! 3D will never help make a movie any better than it is made..it's just a way to put a little extra fun in movies that already know that's what they're made for.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Let me see if I get this right...

You (Mr Cameron) made a movie about blue catsmurf hippies...and now are the Movie God...?

And no you cant play 1. OMG IT WAS AWESOME 2. Look @ the numbers!


New member
Apr 8, 2009
The entire concept of 3D is a gimmick until people find ways to view it WITHOUT stupid glasses. Nintendos on the right track with its 3DS but 3D movies are just gimmicks. Not worth the price of admission.

Every goddam movie has to be in 3D now! Thanks James Cameron! Avatar ruined hollywood so its either '3D or bust'. At least not everyone is on the 3D train, Chris Nolan didnt put Inception in 3D and thats why its currently #4 on IMDB top 250.

3D is currently a gimmick and James Cameron's best work was before mid-90's (True Lies, Terminator 1/2 etc.)


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
...Piranha 3D had boobs. Lots of Boobs. Some of them even undressed. Even if, magically, this is some kind of renaissance in Hollywood, and 3D is the next best audience-alienating advantage that certain films have...who gives a shit? Piranha 3D had cheap thrills, plenty of blood and titties, and Ving Rhames tearing into hungry fish with a fucking outboard. That it had more plot than Avatar did is (albeit vaguely) irrelevant. Not every film is meant to be a showcase, and certainly not every film needs to pander to every possible audience like his newest umpteen billion dollar codpiece. It's a bad monster movie taking the piss, and standing tall despite it, triumphantly achieving what it wanted, which was to startle the audience with cheap thrills. And titties.

Coincidentally, is anyone else annoyed that Avatar is back in theaters, for no apparent reason?

Odoylerules360 said:
James Cameron, seriously?

His movies are so derivative you could take an integral of them.
I seriously want to find you and bake you a cake for that.


New member
May 21, 2009
Honestly, this movie wasn't suppose to be the next Academy winner. It was suppose to be fun.

Making fun of it is like making fun of a blind deaf kid. You're just making yourself look bad.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
3-D doesn't add anything to any movie. The only movie I've seen where I didn't mind wearing those bloody glasses was Toy Story 3.

Maybe the good Mr. Cameron should remove his head from his arse and realise Avatar only worked because of all the hype. It really wasn't all that.

Apocalypse Tank

New member
Aug 31, 2008
I dont think 3D deserves its higher pricing in cinemas, but most likely that is the direction which many studios will migrate towards. Reminds me of what Pixar animations did to Disney hand drawns.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
See I would agree with Mr. Cameron if I thought his little pet technology was anything but an utter waste of time and money.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Daemascus said:
3D: Avatar, YES
Piranha 3D, NO. Piranha 3D is a step backwards in 3D evolution.
Its the evolution of a gimmick so it doesn't really matter.

On the OP: I sense that this is a little more personal for him. Seeing as how Piranha 2:The Spawning was his directorial debut.