Garak73 said:
minuialear said:
They've needed to change for a long time. Or at least Final Fantasy has needed to; I can't play a Final Fantasy game without feeling like the writers use manatees to come up with their characters and plotlines.
And don't get me started on the Final Fantasy battle system...
Final Fantasy reinvents itself every game. Final Fantasy falls into the category of "changed too much" IMO.
I'm more referring to the story part of Final Fantasy, which at its core I wouldn't say has changed. You would only have to make a set of maybe 10-15 character archetypes to describe the characters in all the games (angsty character with mysterious past, moody character who broods about a past you don't get to learn much about, emo character who whines about how much he sucks all the time, "cool" guy who has teh greatest comebacks evar and is obviously irresistible to women, the unbearably peppy and/or ditsy/idiotic girl, the love interest, the ethnic comic relief who is generally an offensive racial stereotype, the character who's only role is to be an expert on some obscure thing that's necessary for the plot to proceed and otherwise is bland/useless/pointless, dude/chick out for revenge, dude/chick who's the last survivor of something and is either incredibly angsty or incredibly upbeat about it, etc).
And then there are the cookie-cutter plots, which usually have so many ridiculous and unnecessary plot twists, or disgusting amounts of melodrama, or other elements that seem more appropriate for fanfiction than for something that the writers tote as literature-quality writing. They tend to explore the same themes (people who really have no business working with each other fighting to save the world from some evil dude, who may or may not be the final evil dude you have to fight, with some rebellions and angsty love triangles tied in, etc).
The battle systems have gradually changed (not for the better, IMO, but at least they've changed, I guess); the story elements have remained very stagnant. Which is true of other franchises (I don't mean to imply that Final Fantasy is the only franchise who hasn't upgraded its story template for decades), but considering games like Final Fantasy rely on their story so much more than many other game genres might, it's a much bigger deal for those writers than it is for the writers of Pokemon, for example.