Jimquisition: Defending Call of Duty


New member
Apr 7, 2011
He's complaining about elitism and snobbery? He has watched his own show right?


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Really good episode, I agree with the points made.
Sure CoD games arent the best or most innovative games on the market, but they are not bad games by any means.
I really enjoyed the imitation of the "im better than the mainstream" guy, I knew someone like that once - he refused to listen to any music that made the top 20 chart, and would change his opinion on something if it became popular.
I always thought attitudes like that were hypocritical - "I don't like that everyone likes this and follows it like sheep without having justified reasons - so I'll automatically dislike it without having any justifiable reasons".


New member
May 28, 2008
Yeah I've never really cared for Call of Duty myself but I'm not bothered by its popularity. Does kinda bug me how many studios insist on copying its style and design though but the lack of originality across the industry is hardly the fault of any single series of popular titles.


New member
May 1, 2010
BlacklightVirus said:
Ampersand said:
BlacklightVirus said:
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a game which defined what a modern multiplayer shooter could be".

Wrong, that would be Team Fortress 2.

Jim is doing a great job of embarrassing himself. He didn't acknowledge any od the main reasons people tend to dislike COD.

Boring environments.
No innovative mechanics.
No teamwork

There's no reason that the game that you apparently prefer couldn't also define what a modern multiplayer shooter could be (since it isn't just one thing that defines what a modern multiplayer shooter is), although that doesn't make jim wrong.

However stating your own opinion as fact is actually quite wrong.
According to my own taste the only thing team fortress did right was it's colour palette.
Don't quote something from the first page.
I'll quote from were ever I like thanks ;).


New member
Dec 10, 2010
I do have to say that the videos are at least getting better (far less pathetically drawn penis infused pictures, thank christ). But the thing is, you only talked about 1 game in the Call of Duty series, so you're not so much defending CoD as you are just defending Modern Warfare. And (from what I've heard, so don't quote me on this) many people believe that the first modern warfare is better then the 3 installments that came after it (minus zombie mode, loove the zombie mode), hell even Yahtzee said the first MW was pretty good (and that no2 and Black Ops was a non-stop foreigner kill fest). So yeah, essentially a good video, but next time incorporate the REST of the CoD series, and maybe draw more comparisons to other games and not just a quick scene from Metal Gear (because we all know that shit is bannanas).


New member
Mar 9, 2009
My reason for hating CoD? Let's go:

- Essentially the same game released on a yearly basis.
- £10 map packs. (As you mentioned)
- Terrible post-launch support, sure they get lots of map packs out but at least in the case of Black Ops I still can't actually play the game due to crippling framerate issues. (My computer fits the required specs)

I don't have much of an issue with the community for the game personally though.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
My problem with COD is that it is not a such good multiplayer. Master one, you master all of them, mechanics are almost the same since COD II. Also I'm getting older, I kind remember when a studio split Medal of Honor to do the COD series, bad jornalism Jim, simply bad.
COD single player is a blast of fun. Then multiplayer is torture. See one guy ccan make a team lose. Worse, one guy plays COD to get prestige too fast and then enters in any map, destroys noobs and curse at them! In psycology it's called obssessive behavior. There people playing this game just to do that. To show off skills in an imaginary game. It's like a cult to this generation. Reckless tortuga (just see on youtube) is doing a hole series about this kind of people (pretty funny). Not that BF3 or TF2 don't have their addicts, but at least they are balanced enough not to allow the single super hero who out machtes an entire team.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Lol! Well Paced Narrative? COD:4's plot was great. Still replay the Campaign. Modern Warfare 2 was more of a Big Moments kind of plot, but it's still a good continuation. But Black Ops? Mercer's Story is all over the place, not paced well at all, and for the most part is trite cliche anyway...

Doesn't mean I didn't like it. I loved the fact that my main character wasn't all there. It was a wonderful change from super-manly overly gruff characters. Just saying the story had next to NO pacing in it.

-Raptor, out.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I actually liked this video, because I really like CoD, although I never defend it or get in to debates about it (because of the folk you mentioned in your video)

I kinda just hide away and play it >.>


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Does it even need to be said that the vaguely effeminate straw-man character in the silly hat is an obnoxious, intellectuality dishonest, infuriatingly stupid way of making an argument?

Here's something that Idiot Straw-Man Guy didn't bring up: In terms of theme, the Call of Duty series is xenophobic, tonally inconsistent, and (with the exception of the post-nuke sequence in the first Modern Warfare) morally bankrupt. To point this out is not to say "I hate fun feh feh feh," or whatever. It's just to say that games, like all media, mean things--and that what the Modern Warfare games mean is a little queasy.

The games can still be fun, well-made, innovative, and so on. But let's call a spade a freakin' spade here.

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
While I can see where he's coming from with a lot of his points, I've never really been a fan of Call of Duty. I bought Modern Warfare, finished the single player campaign, tried the multiplayer, didn't like it and never played it again. However his points didn't make as much impact on me as his presentation did. I.E. Being loud and obnoxious to the point you'd want to punch him in the face.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
16 pages but I'll reiterate this since I didn't see it on the first: the CoD story lines aren't all that bad. This is a game all about modern war, and they articulate it with the shades of grey it deserves. No it's not a perfect commentary or even a particularly good one, but at least it's not Duke Nukem blowing away terrorists like an all-American badass.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
This man is a hero for risking the wrath of CoD haters.

I can't say I approve of the way the franchise is handled - personally I'd be happier to see one company dealing with it rather than flicking between Treyarc and Infinity Ward - and there are some concerns I've had over the balance of matchmaking.

Personally it's gotten to a point where it's hard for me (and I suspct others) to tell whose following a crowd by claiming to hate it and who actually has legitimate reasons for disliking the series. So rampant is the hate that everyone gets classified as a troll until providing their 'not a troll' ID card it seems.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
@ Jim Sterling
Why do you feel the need to bring the "art" subject in everything you talk about?
Consider this: what does CoD being shit have to do with art-games at all? It's not like they're the reason people are getting sick of running in circles in the same fishtank maps and shooting dudes for countless hours, is it?

I'd take that as unintentional humor (like that guy in The Big Lebowski who can't stop taking about Vietnam) if your opinion about art-games weren't so stupid in the first place; people want innovation/new directions for the interactive medium, so what? Is it bad because some art-games are pretentious? Will CoD-like games stop being made?
Why can't the interactive medium be more than just "fun", and what gives you the authority to say such things?

Seriously, shut up about your "art issues"...


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Calcium said:
Personally it's gotten to a point where it's hard for me (and I suspct others) to tell whose following a crowd by claiming to hate it and who actually has legitimate reasons for disliking the series.
Agree and disagree. It's gotten to the point where it's hard to tell at first glance which is which, but I still find that if you start a conversation with any of them they distinguish themselves fairly readily. P

People complaining about balance issues and lack of team play? Probably fall into the latter category. Plenty of them on this thread. But I've also run into someone on this site complaining about how all of Soap's "mates" are Americans.

Nope, never played it. Obviously.