Jimquisition: Defending Call of Duty


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
I think that is a reasonable way to look at it. I don't like COD, but if other people do why should I really give a crap if I still get the games I like.

Also, Jim, that makeup makes you look like a whore.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
The first MW game and even Blops is pretty damn fun to play, I don't think anyone can deny that fact. But, when the only people you hear on chat are annoying teenagers... well... yeah.

Who exactly got you upset btw? You were just ranting about someone who called you out...

Also, the COD games are most definitely not artsy, but neither is duke nukem.I think the vocal portion of the fanbase (i.e. The fanboys/fratboys/12 year olds) who claim COD is the "Best game EVAR" are the ones ruining it. You don't hear those things from the Dukes fanbase do you?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Dude, you have stones.

You just defended Call of Duty on a site full of individualist hipster Valve fanboys who hate almost everything that's popular. On a website that condemns damn near every game unless it's artsy or nostalgic. And you did it in a reasonable manner.
I like this show.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I didn't realise just how inaccurate Blops is, gun wise (I'm a bit of a stickler for historical accuracy myslef!). I also agree on the Historical events accuracy, I was mainly refering to the style of story (although any game that can crowbar in the Bay of Pigs gets my vote)


New member
Aug 13, 2008
As usual I agree with the message, but I'd enjoy it so much more if someone just handed me a 2 paragraph written summary of his points. He's far too loud (in a the same way a shirt can be loud), utterly unfunny, and he repeats himself over and over and over again to get his 30 seconds of thought to fill out 5 minutes of video.


New member
May 18, 2010
Modern Warfare seems to me much like Counter Strike before it - a game streamlined for online play. I am an FPS fan, but a strictly single player FPS fan unless it's Goldeneye in my high school buddies' basement, because my cynical attitude will constantly drum up the excuse 'it was latency' if I ever lose a match.
COD has what appear to be slightly sub par graphics, which goes along with the being widely available nature of this type of game. It has the realistic albeit unforgiving 'full life to dead' timespan of half a second.

Generally I play FPS more for an immersive experience, with graphics being a priority, or perhaps I should say 'atmosphere' being a priority, seeing as I enjoyed the settings of both Crysis 1 and Bioshock far more than the polished modern veneer of Crysis 2.

My one fault with CoD, which isn't even a fault it necessarily deserves, is that the numbers it sells make it a 'go-to' game for mass media and people who know very little about gaming. So like Counter Strike and Halo before it people can just start pointing the finger the next time anything out of the ordinary happens and blame it on games.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
Let me counter your arguments.

1:COD is artsy!!!!!11111
Counter: No. No at all. It does not need to be art either. Let's remember what happens when people don't understand how to mindfuck properly. I.E. THE MATRIX's later sequels. COD is a game that is not art.

2:COD's level based gameplay is as balanced as quake.
Counter: No. Call of Duty's level based gameplay takes MANY MORE hours to get decent weapons then say ANY OTHER SHOOTER NOT DOING THE COD. There is a reason why weapons are randomly dropped. It is easier for a new player to get the hang of.

Special note for BLOps: How do you counter the argument that the small clausterphobic levels and completely imbalanced weaponry focus makes this a bad multiplayer game. Especially since the first AR is completely shit, and the SMG might as well not exist.

3: Call of duty helped online games.
Counter: no. It didn't hurt them though.

Call of duty usually isn't liked because it hasn't changed EVER since it picked up perks and unlocks. Not because they are necessarily bad games, but it's the same reason I don't like madden. I've already played the game three times and had to purchase it all three times.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
I agree with what jim said about feeling different in cod ive played a few COD games in my time and made a shotgun/knife spiecalist appache that loved to sneak in the darkness


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Does he not get the irony?

Nah, sorry, I agree with certain aspects of your argument, but your presentation, and your over the top, straight up abusive attacks on areas of the gaming community (while defending people from the same behaviour nonetheless) have just been too much for me.

Moviebob made this mistake on his gameoverthinker episode, but at least he was dishing out constructive criticism. Even so, it pissed off a few people for overstepping that boundary. Do your research son. I may check back here in a couple of months to see if this show learns from its mistakes

EDIT: Also, anyone who actually uses the term pseudo-intellectual, should be shot


New member
May 1, 2010
BlacklightVirus said:
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a game which defined what a modern multiplayer shooter could be".

Wrong, that would be Team Fortress 2.

Jim is doing a great job of embarrassing himself. He didn't acknowledge any od the main reasons people tend to dislike COD.

Boring environments.
No innovative mechanics.
No teamwork

There's no reason that the game that you apparently prefer couldn't also define what a modern multiplayer shooter could be (since it isn't just one thing that defines what a modern multiplayer shooter is), although that doesn't make jim wrong.

However stating your own opinion as fact is actually quite wrong.
According to my own taste the only thing team fortress did right was it's colour palette.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
starfox444 said:
hawkeye52 said:
(despite their CoD clone called BFBC:2 which was stunningly shit)
I read that entire thing and this stuck out at me. My brain just...they play so differently! Clone!? DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
There was a dramatic shift from usual gameplay and emphasis in the BF series from 2142 to and any of the others to BFBC2. Its still not as rambo as the CoD series but its still as spammy and more rambo indulgent and less teamplay then any of its previous kin. One thing that got me was that they failed to fix a simple syntax error that would have fixed all problems with the VOIP


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Gralian said:
remnant_phoenix said:
This is my exact feeling toward modern military shooters in general.

When I play a game, I have the opportunity to go into a virtual world and experience something that isn't possible in the real world.

Of all the creative and fantastical video game worlds out there, why would I want to go into a world that is almost identical to my own, except terrorism is even more dangerous and I'm a special ops soldier action hero wielding normal modern weapons (Modern Warfare 2) when I could explored a stylized steampunk dystopia where I wield an electro-shotgun in one hand and shoot fire out of the other hand (Bioshock)?

Don't get me wrong. If you like the more "modern realism" approach, I'm not judging you. If that's you're thing, cool. It's just not my thing. I understand that everyone has different tastes.

What I DON'T understand is why the "modern military shooter" genre seems to be so incredibly appealing that CoD breaks sales records yearly... and Black Ops is the ONLY video game I EVER hear my secondary students talk about... and said students think I'm some kind of freak because I love video games but I have no interest in Black Ops.
Three words: Male Power Fantasy.

When you shoot someone dead, you are exerting power over them. Having a high k/d ratio makes you feel powerful. Dominant. Being the biggest badass on a scoreboard is all about power. Killing someone before they kill you is about effectively making them "your *****". Even in the military culture portrayed, glorified and somewhat satirised in the game itself demonstrates male power fantasy. The machismo surrounding the characters is unquestionable and that mentality is carried over into multiplayer. Before you say not everyone who plays COD are men, i will counter that by saying male power fantasy does not apply exclusively to men. It also affects women. Evidence for this comes from filmography. When a woman picks up a gun or other weapon, it is a symbol of male power. Women are able to experience and desire the male power fantasy just as much as men. The term simply comes from male culture being often surrounded in competition and struggle for domination among peers. Power is a means to attain esteem. Hence male power fantasy.

While your point about modern military shooters being mundane is very valid, i will say this. I love all kinds of video games, from COD to Bioshock to MMOs and to point and click adventure. But there is one thing that can bug me about 'fantastical' shooters. It can break immersion when the world is so dreadfully inconsistent. Example being Bioshock. When i shoot someone in the face with a 12-gauge, i expect them to drop down like a sack of potatoes. Instead in bioshock i see a health bar pop up and they keep running at me. When i make an explosion or empty 50 machine gun rounds into a person, i expect them to be dead. Not the case in Bioshock. This also carries over to the super powers you get like incineration and electrocution. That kind of thing can feel incredibly disconcerting, frustrating and outright inconsistent. The world is weird and wonderful, but the mechanics are not for everyone. In COD, one good shot, or one very broad shot from a shotgun will kill someone. When an explosion goes off, someone near it is going to die. The world behaves and reacts in realistic ways which in turn do not ruin the immersion and experience. This helps to maintain the world as believable. I know you are meant to suspend disbelief for the fantastic in a world like Bioshock's, but suspension of disbelief can only go so far.

Finally i'd like to say that your secondary students are young adults and teenagers and glorification of male power fantasy will likely be a very big part of their culture until they enter their tweens.
Excellent points. I understand the power fantasy angle, as I'm not exempt from that. I just get more power fantasy jolly from shooting lighting out of my hands than wielding an AK-47 with an attached grenade launcher.

I will counter your point about believability and suspension of disbelief. Not for the sake of being argumentative, but to simply continue the discussion.

What bugs me the most about MW2 is that the gameplay was realistic, but the story and cutscenes were not. My suspension of disbelief was hurt when I thought, "No snowmobile, or snowmobile rider for that matter, could make a jump like that unscathed."

I didn't have this problem with World at War's campaign, which I enjoyed thoroughly. And as a history nerd, going through the campaign thinking to myself, "These are things that people ACTUALLY experienced..." was a mind-trip.

I suppose that I place a lot of value in consistency of setting, whether realistic or unrealistic. You called Bioshock "inconsistent," and while I would agree that it is inconsistent with reality, I'd argue that it is very consistent in terms of its own fiction. It takes multiple shotgun blasts to the face to kill a mutant splicer, yes, but it also takes multiple shotgun blasts to the face to kill you, because, well, you are also a mutant splicer. Mutant splicers can survive attacks that would kill a normal human. Consistency.

In World at War, the gameplay is gritty and realistic and the story it tells is also gritty and realistic. Consistency.

In Modern Warfare 2, the gameplay is gritty realism and the story is popcorn-munching, physics-defying, action flick. The gameplay and story are going in two different directions. I guess this is also why I can't really get into most action movies. The hero break physical laws and can survive just about anything (especially falling damage) as long as he isn't shot in a clear vital area, or hit with a highly damaging weapon. Just like shotgun-blast-to-splicer's-face-in-Bioshock hurts suspension of disbelief for you, this stuff hurts suspension of disbelief for me.

Although, all this stuff wouldn't bother me as much if the MW/MW2/BO/MW3 train wasn't so hyped.

Art Axiv

Cultural Code-Switcher
Dec 25, 2008
Alexnader said:
Art Axiv said:
Alexnader said:
Art Axiv said:
Jim reads the Escapist I see. He takes upon some discussed topics to troll everyone with at the beginning - quite funny in my opinion. Also Jim, no, COD didn't invent unlockables in FPS - Battlefield franchise did. Much earlier. Just saying.. not like there is an internet argument to be won.
Irrespective of who invented it first his point was that Call of Duty "popularised" the mechanic. My problem with that is that CoD didn't popularise unlocks because it handled them in a new or particularly good way. It "popularised" them because CoD itself was already crazy popular and it happened to have unlocks in multiplayer. Battlefield handles unlocks in almost the exact same way but we don't see Jim crediting it.
It's exactly like saying Avatar popularized CG. I said the exact same thing as you did in a post before that, and yes, I agree with you Alexnader.
And I agree with you. Wanna fight about it?

Seriously though not all of that post was addressed to you, sorry if it sounded like it was. I should've made a new paragraph. Also I liked your article "Strapped for Cash".
I didn't feel offended at all, if anything, it's my fault I wrote "invented" instead of "popularized" - though he did speak in a manner like COD actually invented the damn thing.. and thanks, hopefully I'll have another article soon for everyone to read (hopefully not valve time soon).


New member
May 6, 2011
hawkeye52 said:
starfox444 said:
hawkeye52 said:
(despite their CoD clone called BFBC:2 which was stunningly shit)
I read that entire thing and this stuck out at me. My brain just...they play so differently! Clone!? DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
There was a dramatic shift from usual gameplay and emphasis in the BF series from 2142 to and any of the others to BFBC2. Its still not as rambo as the CoD series but its still as spammy and more rambo indulgent and less teamplay then any of its previous kin. One thing that got me was that they failed to fix a simple syntax error that would have fixed all problems with the VOIP
Yeah, any multiplayer game with guns and a pseudo-modern setting is totally a CoD clone.


New member
May 6, 2011
Isan said:
As usual I agree with the message, but I'd enjoy it so much more if someone just handed me a 2 paragraph written summary of his points. He's far too loud (in a the same way a shirt can be loud), utterly unfunny, and he repeats himself over and over and over again to get his 30 seconds of thought to fill out 5 minutes of video.
This. Maybe he's a better writer than a vlogger? (Although I think the jokes might also be awkward on paper.)


New member
Jul 17, 2009
buy teh haloz said:
Battlefield and CoD play differently by definition. BFBC2 and 2142 or BF2 or BF1942 also play tonnes differntly just because of the lack of squadplay that is endorsed and rediculous balance issue of weapons


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Kahunaburger said:
hawkeye52 said:
starfox444 said:
hawkeye52 said:
(despite their CoD clone called BFBC:2 which was stunningly shit)
I read that entire thing and this stuck out at me. My brain just...they play so differently! Clone!? DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
There was a dramatic shift from usual gameplay and emphasis in the BF series from 2142 to and any of the others to BFBC2. Its still not as rambo as the CoD series but its still as spammy and more rambo indulgent and less teamplay then any of its previous kin. One thing that got me was that they failed to fix a simple syntax error that would have fixed all problems with the VOIP
Yeah, any multiplayer game with guns and a pseudo-modern setting is totally a CoD clone.
did you just completely disregard this

"emphasis in the BF series from 2142 to and any of the others to BFBC2."

by that i also mean BF2 which plays differently by a huge amount to BFBC:2.