Jimquisition: Watch Dogs - Five Collector's Editions For One Game? What? F*$%ing WHAT?


New member
May 14, 2013
Next step: Game of the Year editions made before the game is released.

You may laugh, but deep down, you know it's coming.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Yeah... these days I just end up buying a game through the service/vendor that I'd already decided on using as the most convenient to me, and if that happens to come with some sort of bonus that actually seems beneficial to me, great, I'll have that too, if not then I'll shrug and manage to live without it.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
randomthefox said:
I'm having trouble finding a way to express my disdain for this episode that wouldn't just devolve into me ranting about how people are basically complaining that they have so much money they'll have to buy two $100 dollar versions of a game to get all the collectables things they want.

But I can't.
Just because something is a less serious problem than something else you can think of, doesn't mean it's not a problem, doesn't mean we should shut up and take it, and doesn't mean it's not a symptom of what could potentially be a larger problem.

You're always going to be able to find someone worse off than you, that much doesn't even need to be said, but honestly, this is a webseries dedicated as a whole to discussing the Videogame industry, which would have to be the very definition of talking about first world problems, what did you expect? And hell, if that bothers you, why watch the Jimquisition?

For that matter, Jim was in no way saying that people are or should buy multiple versions of the same game, he was talking about that being unobtainable for most consumers, thus they miss out on so much content from that game because they cannot afford to drop several hundred dollars on getting all the versions as the developer and distributor seems to be trying to force people to do.


New member
Dec 8, 2013
I just.. sigh..

I was never excited for the game and everything we've been hearing about it recently is making even less excited and interested, especially with the vagueness of a good PC version, oh well, i'll read some reviews when it's out and see if it is worthwhile, will Jimmy Boy be reviewing it? since it's a huge release and all that beeswax?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
stickmangrit said:
Cool Story Bro Time:

i've never quite understood the purpose of collector's editions, at least in terms of what's included in them by publishers/devs. i worked at a GameStop in South Carolina for two years(worked the Black Friday of the Wii/PS3 launch and the one after), and in that entire time i saw one, ONE, collector's edition that when i saw what came with it i thought "oh that's fucking awesome!" and that was Unreal Tournament 3 for PC. for those not familiar, it included six hours worth of video tutorials on how to utilize the included toolsets to make mods and maps, which, asied from being the backbone of that particular franchise, is one of the single coolest things i've ever seen in a collector's edition. it added genuine, tangible value to dropping an extra twenty bucks for the game. it was the only time i've ever seen a CE include something that was absolutely WORTH the extra cost.
The CEs Blizzard does for the World of Warcraft ex-packs are pretty good: soundtrack, making of DVD, art-book and a couple of in-game cosmetic items.

All actually interesting stuff.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
You can say that for a lot of content in these games that is part of the main game. You could cut it out and still not feel something was missing. Does that make it right to do so?
Like I said, I don't have too much experience with pre-order bonus content.

But another thing is that these types of shenanigans tend to run the most rampant in America, with stores like Gamestop selling pre-order bonuses. In Europe we don't have Mediamarkt or Game Mania saying 'Pre-order the game with us and you'll get a free in-game hat, and an hour of extra content, exclusive only at our store.' So when it comes to that it just smells of tacked on nonsense.

It's a shitty state of affairs, but the only thing I can do is vote with my wallet and not buy any of these Editions, which I don't.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
randomthefox said:
I'm having trouble finding a way to express my disdain for this episode that wouldn't just devolve into me ranting about how people are basically complaining that they have so much money they'll have to buy two $100 dollar versions of a game to get all the collectables things they want.

But I can't.
Your entire post is basically a massive case of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_relative_privation

It's called a fallacy for a reason, you're basically trying to dismiss a complaint being made because what? there are starving children in Africa? People are getting killed or raped somewhere in the world at this very moment?

Your entire point fails for two reasons: 1. you are assuming that the people here complaining lack the ability to care about anything other than what they are currently complaining about, and you are assuming that just because someone complains about something petty means there aren't any greater problems in their life. and 2. you are operating under the hypocrisy of being guilty of the very thing you're complaining about, I.E. "how easy does your life have to be if the only thing you've got to complain about is gamers on an internet forum."

So yeah, the Watch Dogs situation sucks, and I'm perfectly willing to complain about it, I've got a lot bigger things in my life to worry about than how many collector's editions Ubisoft is releasing, but worrying about them at this exact moment in time accomplishes nothing because my bigger problems are either currently out of my control, or my rectification of said problems doesn't require any immediate action. So yeah, I'm taking time off from real life problems to complain about something petty, they say beggars can't be choosers, but I've seen enough homeless people complaining about petty issues to know that's not true.

People like to complain about petty stuff, because it's something they actually have control over, I can't do shit about my friend's ovarian cancer, but I can control whether or not I give my money to a company to feed my casual hobby, I recognize the cancer is a much more serious issue, but not buying watch dogs is something I can actually control, which is something humans tend to crave.


New member
May 14, 2013
randomthefox said:
I'm having trouble finding a way to express my disdain for this episode that wouldn't just devolve into me ranting about how people are basically complaining that they have so much money they'll have to buy two $100 dollar versions of a game to get all the collectables things they want.

But I can't.
Every thread

Every one of these threads pointing out the most minute problem with anything results in a post just like this.

"The whole world is suffering while we're having problems with our video games!"

Do you feel this added to the conversation? Did you feel people really didn't know about this before you came and enlightened our lives with your wisdom? Do you feel that pointing this out has somehow helped solve the problem in any way? I'm not asking this to be snarky or to be rude, but there has to be a reason you felt to come and post about what is otherwise a completely unsolvable problem on our ends.

You see, the reason we talk about industry woes is that is a problem we can actually solve, we can solve Ubisoft being greedy cunts or EA being rude dicks by not giving them our money. It is US that is the reason THESE companies are able to continue with the practices they spew onto the industry. When we stop giving them money, they get a clear message (at least that's how it should work in theory).

The only way to solve the world's problems is to tell other people how to live at gunpoint, and I doubt you would feel THAT is ethical. So since the only way to fix it is completely unethical and unworkable, we should focus on the problems we can fix, no?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Between this and the fact that the review embargo is not lifted until the game is released I am seriously considering cancelling my preorder and waiting for the GOTY edition/collection. That way it will actually be an informed purchase rather than me just blindly handing over money and expecting to get good value for it.


New member
May 3, 2012
Well lets hope the game designers can make this still a game worth playing otherwise I am so not keeping this game on my Gamefly.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Can't agree with Jim this week. Why blame Ubisoft for taking advantage of consumer habits? This is a business. It's only stupid if people don't buy it. If they do, it's clever. The real question is, who buys this shit? A plastic fucking statue of a character in the game - really? Anyone over 12 who buys that (and they should all be over 12 considering how much it costs) should be ashamed of themselves. I mean, how many hours does of work it take to make $100? 6 or 7 at best? Do you really want to work almost a whole day to get a piece of junk toy in exchange for your efforts?


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
Well, all I need to know about this is from one of their various "collector" items: Aiden's "iconic cap". First off, the game hasn't even come out yet, and they're acting like it's the next Deus Ex or something, just because they had a cool looking first trailer (which has been blown off by the most recent ones anyway), so they haven't even established their game as a classic or anything, and then we have Aiden, a character that's supposed to BLEND IN as an everyman who lurks in the city, even though his fucking trenchcoat is as much a disguise as one of those stupid red/white assassin cloaks (also published by Ubisoft), but they decide to point out his cap instead, which is probably cheaper, easier to pack, and less of a fashion disaster, but which is nondescript as fuck, as a lasting legacy of his soon to be immortal image of a fucking nobody.

This is what Ubisoft is now.

Also, I'm done listening to their "exclusive content" line, since they just give everything away in the GOTY pack most of the time anyway.

Even Titanfall was just okay after a while...way to kill the excitement, guys.

sidenote: did anybody notice that they put mission objectives in the game as "suggested actions"? i really hope that's just some flavor text or something in the context of the game because that's messed up. :p


New member
Nov 13, 2011
so basically only pirates get the complete game we pay for, fuck em , reap what you sow and no mercy here.


New member
Sep 19, 2013
No everyone can get the entire game simply by buying the standard edition and the season pass.(besides the playstation exclusive content if your platform is pc or xbox) All this complaining about different versions is literally about the physical items. Which is kind of ironic since everyone is bashing collector's editions and the physical items they come with. Jim failed to mention this point inciting unfounded outrage.

Another episode of pandering Jim. Come on man you are better than this. You owe your viewers better reporting. I mean I like you, and your views a lot, but at least present clear facts man. Now you have people in this thread claiming piracy is the only option to aquire all the in game content in your video thread because of your incomplete facts during your rant, which is simply not true. This serves no purpose but to have publishers ignore anything you say as a advocate of piracy and a spreader of FUD.

Please, please, please for the integrity of your show, clearly report the full facts.

To the people in here complaining about the people who do buy collector's editions. Its very nice of you to judge people's motivations for buying them with thier hard earned money. If people want to by CEs, its literally no ones buisness but thiers. When you become lord of the Earth and run a fascist empire you can make those decisions for people, until then keep your judgments to yourself. This is a hobby and everyone will invest and enjoy it differently.


New member
Apr 16, 2014
Ubisoft are putting every fucking egg in existence into the Watch Dogs baskets. God help them if that game ends up flopping.


Dec 24, 2011
randomthefox said:
I'm having trouble finding a way to express my disdain for this episode that wouldn't just devolve into me ranting about how people are basically complaining that they have so much money they'll have to buy two $100 dollar versions of a game to get all the collectables things they want.

But I can't.
You know what pisses me off? People who complain about people who complain about first world problems. Ya, of course the problems of the average American will inevitably seem trivial when you directly compare them to that of someone thousands of miles away in Sierra Leone. So fucking what? I don't live in Sierra Leone and as such I don't view things by the same standards as someone who does. Why should I? Are you saying I'm supposed to get overjoyed every time I turn on a faucet and water comes out? I've lived my entire life in the first world, it's the only kind of life I've ever directly experienced. Does that mean I'm never supposed to get upset about anything ever?

Ya, sure it's good to maintain some perspective when shit really hits the fan and you think you're going to lose it. But if people never took issue with seemingly trivial things, those trivial things would never get solved and we'd still have to deal with them.

And to address the more on topic part of your point: no, people are not complaining about having enough money to buy all the collectables for a game, they're complaining that the content that used to simply be packaged with the default game is now being removed from it and spread thin across many different versions so that no sane person on a budget could ever get to enjoy half of it. You may find that to be a trivial thing to care about, but then what are you doing in this thread?


New member
Mar 30, 2013
For once, based just off the title of the video I was actually geared up to disagree with Jim.

Buuuut.... nope, I still agreed.

Collectors editions for a new IP, I can see how that could be a good thing. If the dev is well respected, and you have seen enough pre-release in-engine footage to make up your mind on the game, I can see how having an option for a collectors edition is a good idea.

However; 5 Collectors editions? That's a little over the top. A better idea would have been just a single one that only came with the Aiden statuette - because people (like myself) can justify the extra cost for a physical memento of the game. Heck, I bought the $160 DkSII collectors, with the figurine, when it was first announced, then had to go through all the delays. It was still worth it. (ignoring the fact that I knew what the IP was - it was the best personal example I had)

The other point was the practice of holding up content basically as a ransom, and the only way to get it is by purchase at a certain store - or even worse when it's platform exclusive. This is a business practice that should go die in a fire (excuse the hyperbole). It paints the publisher in a really bad note, it shows that they care more about profit than their consumer base.

Come on Ubisoft. You're really making it all too easy to agree with Jim.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I pre-ordered it cos I have nothing to play and Watch Dogs is the only interesting looking game coming out at the moment.

I will admit that I bought the 'Vigilante Edition' because the mask and hat look pretty cool (plus I need a new hat). Do I like how there are 5 editions? Hell No; but at least I feel like I bought the right edition for me (I don't want, nor care about a stupid statue)

The game should still look pretty sexy on my PC too!