Jimquisition: Why the Wii U May Have Already "Won" Next-gen


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Loved the Bayonetta 2 reaction
Akalabeth said:
Killing_Time said:
- Microsoft has next to no big first party games anymore and has proved it by announcing a whole new Halo trilogy and another GOW
Do you know how Ironic that statement is?
Is it bad for Microsoft to announce Halo 4 or Gears 4 but not bad for Nintendo to announce Mario Kart 15 and Super Mario 27? Get real man.

While I do agree Xbox has less exclusive games (which it makes up with exclusive content for multi-platform games), the Halo and Gears franchises are still two big powerhouses that will both sell millions of copies.
If by Ironic you mean not at all yes.
Compare Nintendo's 100's of Ip's to just Halo and Gears.
Comparing them and saying it's Ironic is the true Irony here.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
This whole console argument that breaks out every generation is really tiring, guys. I have no problem with people saying what they prefer or an analysis like Jim did, an in-depth discussion is always nice to read, but fucking hell, stop being pretentious know-it-all bitching whiny fanboys of one or the other. Some posts in this thread are just unbearable.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
ex275w said:
PC games and I hate online multiplayer mostly due to living in Mexico and always having horrendous amounts of lag.
If you live in Mexico and have lag problems then it's you, not the location. You either need to get a decent computer, a decent connection or learn how the crap to actually configure your connection; I play most games with servers on US with 200ms at most, 75ms at least and usually 100-150ms lag, not horrible by almost any standard.

As for the PC elitist hating Nintendo. I would say most of us emulated some nintendo console for the nostalgia at some point, and the current nintendo? It's not hate, just utter indifference, they can succeed, die or whatever, don't give a rat's ass.


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2008
I can't say I care for Smart TVs I can understand why people might want them but like 3D it seems like another way to try and sell TVs because once you've got 1080p on a reasonably sized screen and why would you need to upgrade.

Most of my entertainment is PC based, it is only games and the odd DVD that I play on consoles now. I get the impression it will be the interfaces that decides who wins the next generation as Microsoft's constant revisions seem to put people off, whilst Sony (which I don't any current gen products of) has remained consistent and easy to use. The recent lawsuits between Apple, HTC and Samsung over things as simple as an "over flow bounce" in a gallery shows that increasingly these sorts of things are becoming worth millions.

Still I'll wait this one out, I had a Nintendo Wii at launch and then there was a dry spell of any decent games for a long time. I won't be doing that again.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
webkilla said:
I have an uncle who's tv already does web-browsing and youtube streaming quite well.
Whose. Type it with me: W-H-O-S-E. Whose. You have an uncle whose TV already does &c.

Who's, on the other hand, means "who is," as in "Who's to blame for webkilla's education?"


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
ex275w said:
Nintendo Land is certainly not as appealing as Wii Sports.
I played it at a WiiU Experience in Washington D.C., and it was indeed a shiner there! It used the all of the controllers intelligently, the mini games were amazing, the game looked beautiful, and it was just so much fun no matter what controller you used or what game you played! What does Wii Sports have? Tennis, Boxing, and Bowling... Snore...
Which are easily recognizable mini games that everyone can look at and think "hey, i like tennis, this looks fun!". nintendo land becomes a bit more abstract and not as self explanatory, which i think is a problem when it comes to the most casual of Wii owners. I dont believe that the same people will rush out and buy a Wiiu just to play hide and seek or to throw shurikens.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
TWEWER said:
I can't support the direction Nintendo is going with the Wii U and 3DS. Only big name developers will have a chance to make games for the systems do to the technology and support needed to make games that use the bells and whistles of each system. This means there will be less clever new games and more franchise rehashes. You may be excited for new Rayman and Bayonetta games, but how many new IPs are coming out for the Wii U? Bonus points if you can name one without Googling it.
That´s almost too easy... Zombiu :p, but aside from that?


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
MrBaskerville said:
That´s almost too easy... Zombiu :p, but aside from that?
Lego City Under Cover; Tank! Tank! Tank!; Nintendo Land; The Wonderful 101; Little Inferno.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
PC has already won, because it can do all of it and more, and still be gamining oriented if you chose it to be so. And it can connect as many monitors or tvs as you want, so you cna have 8 peopel do different things and still run smoothly.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Strazdas said:
PC has already won, because it can do all of it and more, and still be gamining oriented if you chose it to be so. And it can connect as many monitors or tvs as you want, so you cna have 8 peopel do different things and still run smoothly.
*pats on head*....yes johnny...we know that johnny...thats very nice!..why don't you go and play with mr PC in the corner..then its almost time for your nap...

ok ok I'm kidding, while you are right thats [i/]completly irrelevent[/i] to this video or the points jim is making

he's talking purely about consoles..


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Mr Sterling, you make a shockingly good point - I actually sat bolt upright and swore out loud. Insightful!

Thank God for you.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
You make some good points, and I generally hadn't thought of most of that, but I'm still cynical about the Wii-u or, in fact, anything nintendo does.

My fear is that once they have the hardcore gamer's money for the console, they'll pull the same shit as they did for the wii and go back to catering to the casuals with family party games and cooking sims. That's not to say that accessible games aren't hardcore, or that hardcore games can't be family friendly, but that nintendo will stop making an effort to provide the sort of variety and depth in games that keep hardcore gamers interested.

It all feels like a bit of a ruse, all these hardcore games being promised both on 3DS and Wii-U, some of them being stuff nintendo fans have been requesting for a really long time, but remembering the Wii launch, this has happened before and it didn't end well for hardcore gamers.

Of course, if the Wii U keeps that variety of games from casual to hardcore (Sorry, I hate using those words so damn much) for a good couple of years or so, I will gladly take back my words and give a warm "welcome back" handshake to nintendo. Until then, I'm cautious to any claims that Wii-U will deliver.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I posted this in the facebook comments (always forget that they dont apply to forum section)

- To touch on Jim's comments about Xbox and Sony's "push to integrate facebook/twitter/netflix", this is pesronally one thing that I don't enjoy/care about these consoles (and by proxy the Wii U's TVii). While I know I am not the "target market" for these products, I do wish that there was some sort of customization available to the user which would alter my Xbox dashboard based on what I do the most. e.g. - if I watch a lot of netflix, then I Would expect to see a lot of video/netflix related stuff on my dashboard. If I use my machine for gaming (which I do) I would like to see news about the game currently in the tray, or top trending game news, or news about the developers who made the game I have in my disc tray at the moment.. something to connect me more to my experience vs giving me a mess of disjointed marketing gobblty-goup for netflix or some movie coming out. -

I think the saddest part about Jim's episode is the fact that we all know what Sony and Microsoft are going to try and do, which at the moment, looks like they are pushing away from gaming innovation and moving towards the netflix/hulu/facebook spam that our culture (north america's) seems to be wallowing in.

Stick Antolini

New member
Jun 3, 2010
Akalabeth said:
My only problem with the Wii U is how painful that control looks to hold simply because it's so big and square. Beyond that, I don't care. I probably wont buy it, but should I get the inkling and I wouldn't have a problem with changing my mind.
See that's what I thought, but every "hands on" that I have read/seen have said that the controller is actually quite good, so take what you will from that.
Mr.Mattress said:
MrBaskerville said:
That´s almost too easy... Zombiu :p, but aside from that?
Lego City Under Cover; Tank! Tank! Tank!; Nintendo Land; The Wonderful 101; Little Inferno.
actually TANKS! TANKS! TANKS! is a remake of an arcade game so doesn't count.

I'm actually looking forward to to the WiiU because of Bayonetta 2, Rayman Legends, Monster Hunter and the new Super Smash Bros. game.
What would make it even better is if they release Mario Party 1, 2 & 3 in some kind of all in one remake which combines all 3 (maybe some of 4 if there is space) I wouldn't hesitate to get one if they made that.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Yeah, not convinced at all, the WiiU looks like another shitbox kiddie gaming console. I'll be right where I belong...playing PC games, where you can still find all the "hardcore" you want to find!


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I still think the WiiU will lose, namely do to it's weak graphics, I'm not a graphics snug but looking at the Wii I believe that what hurt it the most the fact that it didn't even have the option to support multiplatform titles which directly led to it's tiny library that so crippled it in the long run. The WiiU may be able to offer a unique experience but if Nintendo doesn't have a plan to up it's capability when Sony and Microsoft come around, every developer is gonna jump the Wii ship again and move to a console that has the power to make what they want instead of a console with a novel gimmick. Not to mention releasing new console without Sony or Microsoft not even releasing rumors of is also gonna hurt it for two reasons that I can see, one it gives Sony and Microsoft a great chance to improve the WiiU idea and have it in the console right off the bat, which the Move and Kinetic proves both companies are willing to and capable of doing. The second reason is I think most people would rather campare consoles to make sure they have the best value I can imagine a lot of people not buying a WiiU simply becuase they want to see it stack up against the PS4 or Xbox720 first.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Mr.Mattress said:
ex275w said:
Nintendo Land is certainly not as appealing as Wii Sports.
Ma'am (Or Sir), I resent that. I've played Wii Sports and I've played Nintendo Land. And let me assure you, that if I chose to save one and chose to toss another one in a burning Garbage can, I would take Nintendo Land ever time.

I played it at a WiiU Experience in Washington D.C., and it was indeed a shiner there! It used the all of the controllers intelligently, the mini games were amazing, the game looked beautiful, and it was just so much fun no matter what controller you used or what game you played! What does Wii Sports have? Tennis, Boxing, and Bowling... Snore...

OT: Interesting points Mr. Jim. I'm already excited about the WiiU though.
I'm a sir, and what I meant by appeal doesn't reflect the quality of the game, it looks better than Wii Sports, but it doesn't look as appealing (Charismatic) as Wii Sports. Just like the Transformers movies are more appealing to a general public than the Tree of Life, doesn't mean the Tree of Life isn't any good.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Sounds like PC is going to be looked to for dedicated games again. A lot of people saw consoles becoming media hubs with games attached in the early 2000s. The big corps want to make money, not games.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
lord.jeff said:
I still think the WiiU will lose, namely do to it's weak graphics, I'm not a graphics snug but looking at the Wii I believe that what hurt it the most the fact that it didn't even have the option to support multiplatform titles which directly led to it's tiny library that so crippled it in the long run. The WiiU may be able to offer a unique experience but if Nintendo doesn't have a plan to up it's capability when Sony and Microsoft come around, every developer is gonna jump the Wii ship again and move to a console that has the power to make what they want instead of a console with a novel gimmick. Not to mention releasing new console without Sony or Microsoft not even releasing rumors of is also gonna hurt it for two reasons that I can see, one it gives Sony and Microsoft a great chance to improve the WiiU idea and have it in the console right off the bat, which the Move and Kinetic proves both companies are willing to and capable of doing. The second reason is I think most people would rather campare consoles to make sure they have the best value I can imagine a lot of people not buying a WiiU simply becuase they want to see it stack up against the PS4 or Xbox720 first.
1220 games, tiny, + all game cube games.
It's getting very expensive to make a high end game now, I'm not sure everyone wants to risk their entire company to make a single game.