You have my sympathies.Joriss said:Don't really see what so great about Jim.
You have my sympathies.Joriss said:Don't really see what so great about Jim.
Nintendo Land is certainly not as appealing as Wii Sports. People spend tons of money on tablets and stuff lately so having a more familiar looking console could be beneficial, kids as well love touchscreen devices.MrBaskerville said:I dunno, wouldn´t people rather spend their money on a tablet? More specifically an iPad with a huge library of cheap games and other useful apps? Personally i don´t see this as being as popular as the wii, i don´t really think the casuals want more than Wii sports, and this isn´t wii sports. I just don´t think that Nintendo Land is as appealing.ex275w said:I think the Wii U will be very successful with the "casual" market, since tablets are all the rage right now.
The "hardcore" market will be much better than with the Wii, since Nintendo is stealing plenty of Hardcore IPs from Sony.
The third party developers also seem to like the console a lot more than they liked the Wii, and Nintendo seems to be more willing to help 3rd parties and getting engines like Unity and Umbra.
Even /v/ videogames hive of scum and villany is pretty pumped for the Wii U.
The only ones who don't like it are the PC Master Race, Nintendo "haters" on the escapist, and people who hate any controller not resembling a Dualshock or XBox 360 controller.
Sony is in big trouble since Nintendo trounced them twice in the hand-held market and are courting hurt developers and Microsoft's Media hub experiment could prove to cripple their new console.
It might still do well, but i really doubt that they will do AS well as they did before. Also there´s a lot of talk that this console will win, because the other companies have yet to release information about new consoles? I´m just thinking, wouldn´t it just be a matter of announcing mere exclusives on Xbox360 and Ps3 to make them as or more appealing as WiiU? It might be beneficial to us all if they start a new arms race, Sony and MS could race to keep their customers while Nintendo has to release a shitload of games to make people change hardware.
The Wii does not have bullshit firmware updates, has a very good controller, very good games and for you "hardcore" elitists out there COD: BLOPS. I Love my Wii, Zelda games? yes please, No more Heros? Yes Please, can you hack it to install your own stuff. Yes.Rellik San said:What.. the.. I don't even... what?Jeremy Monken said:Smart TVs still aren't very close to providing a real hardcore gaming experience. They will, at most, have minigamey little app type games along the lines of Angry Birds or all the cheeseball Kinect games. That's the kind of gameplay the WiiU is likely to offer with a lot of its titles.
So how can the WiiU "win" when it's competing with the Smart TVs while the next entries from MS and Sony will be the hardcore traditional consoles we've come to know and love?
WiiU is trying to take on tablets, consoles and smart TVs all at once while doing nothing to appeal to someone that wants all three. Not to mention the buyers remorse it has to overcome with millions of dusty Wiis out there.
I'm betting on Microsoft in this round.
Firstly, didn't you miss the point that it's actually Sony and MS pushing into the all round arena, not Nintendo, secondly and I speak for a lot of Wii owners out there... what buyers remorse? Seriously, I dropped a small amount of money for a machine I whip out when friends are around or for playing games like No More Heroes and Red Steel 2. Like... seriously... I don't even... where do these assumptions about Hardcore gamers come from?
Can we have a new definition please? Something like.. I don't know... you're only truly hardcore if you remember your tape deck chewing your Commodore/Spectrum games? Just something that prevents the ravening mob pointing at something and screaming; GREEEWWAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH WHAT ABOUT THE HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!! THAT'S NOT FOR THE HARDCORE!!!!!111!!!!! WHY DO YOU HATE THE HARDCORE!!!!!!111!!!!!
Seriously... are you all like the Borg, some kind of hive mind who all instinctively know what all the "Hardcore" gamers think... cos seriously, as a hard core gamer, I ain't feeling part of the collective.
Perhaps you don't know, so let me inform you. The presence of optional gimicky controllers on other consoles does not excuse the Wii and Wiiu's default gimicky bullshit controller.j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:Oh really?
Hey, you want to know something cool? Guess what the 360's best selling game of all time is.
...Kinect Adventures! Isn't that brilliant? I mean, it's one of the two 'hardcore' consoles, and its best-selling game is a collection of casual games for a gimmicky controller. Oh the irony...
You Nintendo fans are delusional. The Wii had a good controller? Are you fucking kidding me?Evil Smurf said:The Wii does not have bullshit firmware updates, has a very good controller, very good games and for you "hardcore" elitists out there COD: BLOPS. I Love my Wii, Zelda games? yes please, No more Heros? Yes Please, can you hack it to install your own stuff. Yes.
People need to shut up and not have the no true Scotsman argument.
Well... no. The dreamcast had a memory card in the middle of the controller that didn't affect the gameplay at all. It was just a neat little thing that flashed a bit whilst you played and when you weren't playing you could take it out ( inevitably lose it)and play mini-games on it.Proeliator said:The Wii-U just doesn't look fun to play for me. Plus the screen seems more like a dashboard, which I though a HUD was a step up from.
Also didn't the Sega Dreamcast have a screen in the controller? Didn't that fail miserably? And was the last console they produced? Could this be foreboding of things to come? :O
1. Get your numbers right. The price is now high because it's sold out and people want to earn lots of cash. The premium version was ~£250. £150 is a HUGE difference.CardinalPiggles said:Sorry but I don't see any reason to pay £400 for a console that will just keep giving us old games with new gimmicks.
In fact I don't see any reason to buy the next Xbox or Playstation either. Games on PC are giving us the option to use controllers more and more now. And with the ability to download whatever games I want I don't see myself going back to consoles.
More on topic now, I can definitely agree that Nintendo do seem to be doing it right so far compared to what Sony and MS are doing, especially compared to MS. The thing is, down the line, I think that the WiiU will end up like the Wii; used as a doorstop or gathering dust away from sight. And to be honest I'm not willing to shell out £400 to find out if that'll happen again.
Ma'am (Or Sir), I resent that. I've played Wii Sports and I've played Nintendo Land. And let me assure you, that if I chose to save one and chose to toss another one in a burning Garbage can, I would take Nintendo Land ever time.ex275w said:Nintendo Land is certainly not as appealing as Wii Sports.