Joss Whedon Officially Directing The Avengers

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
So Joss is directing this. Looks like we should be looking forward to snarky dialogue and poorly choreographed fight sequences.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I just have one thing to say, and I hope you bear with me.....



The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Glad to see such an awesome director got the deal. Im sure Whedon will make a great job of it!


New member
May 21, 2009
Ugh. This man not only made Alien Ressurection, the first movie I ever saw as a kid that I truly considered atrociously bad, he also made Serenity, which was immensely stupid, based on Firefly, which was fucking boring.

I sort of liked Angel, so maybe he can do superheroes/supernatural okay, as long as he keeps the fuck away from actual Sci-fi, maybe this won't blow ass.
Jun 16, 2010
Loving/loving/hating/loving/hating Joss Whedon just seems to be a fad.
(Buffy/Angel/Later seasons of Angel/Firefly/Dollhouse)

Anyway, his writing of Alien: Resurrection is balanced out with the fact that he co-wrote the original Toy Story.
And at least he didn't write Alien 3


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Irridium said:
Could be worse, could have given the movie to Micheal Bay.
Shia The Beef and a whole bunch or army guys star in EXPLOSIONS: THE MOVIE!!!! [sub]featuring the Avengers[/sub]

I think Whedon will do admirably, Marvel wouldn't just hand the keys to what is literally, the culmination of their entire movie production company's career to just anyone.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
This is pretty good news. Firefly was awesome and I kinda liked Dollhouse. At least it wasn't utter crap like Sarah Connor Chronicles...

ninjaman 420

New member
Feb 18, 2009
HG131 said:
XinfiniteX said:
HG131 said:
XinfiniteX said:
Well I guess I can cross this of my list of things to see..
It's official, I'm in a world where instead of loved, Joss is hated. Did I die? Is this my personal hell? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
Haha, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who are going to love this announcement. It just that I personally haven't like anything thing he touched since Buffy. Some of the movies he been involved with were not bad, but after seeing bits of Firefly and Dollhouse I've been turned off his work. I guess we will see what the verdict is on The Avengers and maybe he can redeem himself.
Try watching ALL of Firefly. Seeing bits and pieces will cause it to not make sense. Have you seen Angel?
you cant just tell someone to watch a whole tv series. you sound like this, "here sit down and watch 50+ hours to take it all in." people wont do things like that

edit: well i hope they wont mindlessly do things like that anyway


New member
Apr 25, 2009
gregitaly said:
Not to be a buzzkill. But I hope that J.J Abrahms stay the hell away from this movie. Before he mutates it into another slick and stylish piece of crap like Star Trek. Or take all the credit for it, like he did with Lost.
If J.J Abrahms has anything to do with it I will kill someone, everything he touches turns into a friken time travel/alternate universe thing, and I hate that.

Also whats up with all the Whedon hate, did he like kill everyones dog or something, or has noone here seen firefly?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Quiet Stranger said:
I think they should just give it to the guy who directed Iron Man 1 and 2!
Jon Favreau? he's a good director but by no means the best, but i suppose he does have the experience of superhero movies, personally i'd give it to someone like james cameron, he knows how to spend money and if they gave him enough, the movie would be a epic one indeed

The Thief

New member
Apr 24, 2008
Bitterness is such an attractive quality, and what a handsome thread this is.

I have enjoyed many things associated with Joss' name, and I have been disinterested by some of them as well; He has hits and misses, just like every other creative mind out there. Even though I have found his hits to be quite spectacular and his misses to be completely bearable, I'm not about to praise him as incapable of goat-fucking this up beyond all hope of redemption. Instead, much like a rational person, I am willing to reserve judgement until I have seen something more than a name on the director's chair.

That is, unless that name happened to start with Uwe, or end with Bay.