Joss Whedon Officially Directing The Avengers


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
Firefly was decent, and Serenity was amazing. I haven't seen anything else from him, but he hasn't made anything bad that I've seen yet, so I might as well give it a shot.

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
MattAn24 said:
unholyavenger13 said:
Joss whedon made a name for himself to me when he made firefly/serenity
bacicly a series about a team
and he did it WELL really WELL and sucessfully made one of my favorite movies

and avengers is nothing but a team movie and i believe Whedon is one of the better directors they can pick
also this will enebitably make money and it might give whedon an excuse to get the team together and give firefly a third try
though they will lose points for the omition of
alan tudyk
WHY DIDN'T I ADD HIM TO MY PREVIOUS LIST!? God, he alone is a testament to Joss' ability to pick the right cast members. He portrayed Alpha SO WELL in Dollhouse!
what list?
and yes Joss can pick good cast members
im convinced its his doing that Nathan Fillion is being considered for Ant-man the only classic avenger not yet cast officially


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
unholyavenger13 said:
MattAn24 said:
unholyavenger13 said:
Joss whedon made a name for himself to me when he made firefly/serenity
bacicly a series about a team
and he did it WELL really WELL and sucessfully made one of my favorite movies

and avengers is nothing but a team movie and i believe Whedon is one of the better directors they can pick
also this will enebitably make money and it might give whedon an excuse to get the team together and give firefly a third try
though they will lose points for the omition of
alan tudyk
WHY DIDN'T I ADD HIM TO MY PREVIOUS LIST!? God, he alone is a testament to Joss' ability to pick the right cast members. He portrayed Alpha SO WELL in Dollhouse!
what list?
and yes Joss can pick good cast members
im convinced its his doing that Nathan Fillion is being considered for Ant-man the only classic avenger not yet cast officially
I'd written up a quick list of actors/actresses who basically had their careers boosted by Joss. A few pages back now..


<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
Nov 13, 2009
For the people who keep saying Alien: Resurrection.

He's NOT writing the Avengers, he's directing it.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Everyone who is dissing this news needs to have a more open mind. And that one comment about how they could have given it to Michael Bay.. that was simply uncalled for.

OT: I now believe in God!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Joss Whedon? Sounds decent. Guys, quit whining. Every Director (except a few) make bad movies. You gotta start hoping!

Nick Nelson

New member
Jul 4, 2010
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
So they're going to hand the coolest thing in the world to the dude who made the epic fail Doll House?
Are you serious? Dollhouse was pure genius. Highly underrated like everything Whedon's ever done aside from Buffy. -cough-Firefly-cough-

EDIT: Also @ the guy who said he wasn't writing The Avengers, he is actually co-writing the screenplay.


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
Joss is good at balancing quirky characters and making sure they each get enough screen-time. And as was mentioned elsewhere, he's just directing, he's not writing. So everybody who keeps bringing up bad things he's written need to calm down.

They didn't hand it to a Bay or a Boll or a Shymalan. I'm okay with Joss directing.

Nick Nelson said:
EDIT: Also @ the guy who said he wasn't writing The Avengers, he is actually co-writing the screenplay.
EDIT: I stand corrected.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
The Joss Army is forming! We are a mighty force to be reckoned with! Woo, party time is now! \o/

-Forgets everything else and boogies on down- xD


New member
Sep 24, 2008
HG131 said:
UberNoodle said:
Mechalemmiwinks said:
He wrote Alien: Resurrection (IMDB). He then blamed all the actors and the director for how bad it was. And it was written bad. BAAAAD. So, yeah, when this guy fails, he blames everyone around him and distances himself from the project.
As said above, Whedon wrote at least one draft for the film, but it was then taken and rewritten and adapted by other writers and various editing and creative processes. I think it is naive to measure his worth as a writer on Alien 4, a film in a series now known for studio meddling and disgruntled creative staff (Alien 3 and Alien 4). Fox is the thorn in Whedon's side. It's a studio notorious for meddling and manipulating projects. Alien 4 was bad because it was, like the theatrical realease of Alien 3, trully a camel - a horse designed by a committee.
Exactly. It's like taking a gem and taking a shit on it... with diarrhea.
Now you know what its like to be a Blizzard fan on these forums. Basically anything good that is announced about Blizzard is met with almost nothing but bile from people with nothing but irrational hatred for them. Then basically every actual fans' voice is drowned out in all the bile.


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
It's got promise if it's done right. He's directing, he's not writing, so if the cinimatography is crappy, it's his fault. This though is like a sprinkle to a already really good icecream. Sprinkles might make it better, sprinkles might be horriable. Just gotta wait and see.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
Hiphophippo said:
I was all prepared to be the only person in this thread to not like him at all. Turns out I'm amongst brothers.

I dislike every single thing he has ever done. Every. Single. Thing.
As was I.
Personally I don't like Mr. Whedon, or what he creates.
I'm very sad to hear this news, I was hoping they'd give this to a responsible director.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
TheGoldenMan said:
Dr. wonderful said:
What is wrong with you guys?

This is the most epic thing I heard all goddamn day (and I really don't like using that word for anything).

The worst thing that can happen is they cancel it.
Wait...cancel a movie? Is that possible?

OT: Give him a chance it might work out. I'm sure people were skeptical about Nolans batman but that work out. Maybe this will to.
Hmm, You know, I actually think they can.

That and it's a joke about how his show seems to get cancel.


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
matrix3509 said:
HG131 said:
UberNoodle said:
Mechalemmiwinks said:
He wrote Alien: Resurrection (IMDB). He then blamed all the actors and the director for how bad it was. And it was written bad. BAAAAD. So, yeah, when this guy fails, he blames everyone around him and distances himself from the project.
As said above, Whedon wrote at least one draft for the film, but it was then taken and rewritten and adapted by other writers and various editing and creative processes. I think it is naive to measure his worth as a writer on Alien 4, a film in a series now known for studio meddling and disgruntled creative staff (Alien 3 and Alien 4). Fox is the thorn in Whedon's side. It's a studio notorious for meddling and manipulating projects. Alien 4 was bad because it was, like the theatrical realease of Alien 3, trully a camel - a horse designed by a committee.
Exactly. It's like taking a gem and taking a shit on it... with diarrhea.
Now you know what its like to be a Blizzard fan on these forums. Basically anything good that is announced about Blizzard is met with almost nothing but bile from people with nothing but irrational hatred for them. Then basically every actual fans' voice is drowned out in all the bile.
It's with anything. There's always atleast one person who gets negative about anything. Tis how flame wars start. :/
Personaly, I think this is pretty cool. isn't some random director who knows absouluty nothing about the Avengers, and tries to put his own "take" on something just to make endsmeat or whatever. But hey, proof's in the pudding.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
My experience with Joss is Firefly, Serenity and Dr. Horrible, so I say GO, GO, GO! I loved all three and I think this movie has a great shot at success. What's with all the hate? First that latest Starcraft 2 thread and now this... and I thought the Escapist forums were cool...

Ulquiorra4sama said:
I know he couldn't help it and that lots of people liked it, but a show is still a fias(c/k?)o if it can't have a longer run, no matter who's fault it is.
The word is "fiasco," with a c.