Kinect Becomes the Fastest Selling Gizmo Ever


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Im actually surprised I thourght anyone interested in this kind of thing would already have a wii

well Im wrong


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
Ladies and gentlemen, this all but confirms my suspicions that the next generation of video game consoles will be 100% motion control. If you're allergic to motion controls, please consider investing in a gaming PC.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
The headline should have read "Fastest selling gimmicky piece of shit ever."

I guess 10 million people CAN be wrong.

Hitman Dread

New member
Mar 9, 2011
WayOutThere said:
This is very, very suprising. Many reasonable arguments were made about why the Kinect would have trouble catching on. However, I'm glad it did as we will all benefit from this (whether we realize it now or not).
The REAL question is wheather or not this is bringing Microsoft NEW customers. If this is just succedding with its install base, then the sales won't last. Wheather or not Microsoft can bring this to new customers, having them buy both an Xbox and a Kinect, is another thing we'll have to wait and see entirely.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
robinkom said:
The headline should have read "Fastest selling gimmicky piece of shit ever."

I guess 10 million people CAN be wrong.
It amuses me that you would express that sentiment while you have a Sega [] userpic. (Kids these days... no sense of history at all...)

It doesn't surprise me that Kinect is selling well; the promotional campaign is huge, the price isn't out of reach in consumer electronics terms (especially if you compare with devices like the iPad), and the tech is (at least at the moment) unique and novel the way the Wii was when it launched.

I dont' see a lot of games for it that I'd buy just yet, but then again we're still in Kinect's "Night Trap Phase" of seeing what sorts of games work (and what doesn't) with the new hardware.

-- Steve


The Lone Wanderer
Jun 4, 2009
It is an impressive piece of technology, the sheer number of alternative uses people have found for it attests to that. It's a shame that the games aren't there to back it up yet as a great piece of gaming technology. In my mind it's still only a nice gimmick, but I suppose Microsoft are already counting it as a success.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Raistlinhawke said:
I need a source article for this.
The source is a press release from Microsoft.

"Following one of the biggest launches in consumer electronics history, Kinect for Xbox 360 continued its momentum in 2011 reaching 10 million Kinect sensors sold worldwide to date."

Yadda yadda.

Given the previous PR headaches with Move, I'm inclined to think that Microsoft would be careful to differentiate "sold" and "shipped." But at this point it's very clearly stating ten million units sold and there's no basis, aside from an irrational insistence that MICROSOFT LIES, to question that.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Why the hell is this thing successful? The technology is pretty cool and people who hack it and make their own stuff with it frequently produce some pretty cool stuff but it so, fucking, bad at it's official purpose. It's the worst gaming "controller" ever made, EVER, including that old ass thing with the number pad. Why are people buying this piece of shit? It's horrible.


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
Did anyone else read:

"Michael Jackson: The Experience, Child of Eden"

and then think: "wait, run that by me again?"


New member
Sep 24, 2008
FungiGamer said:
10 million people would rather buy junk then donate money to good causes I guess. Sorry starving orphans, I want an updated EyeToy!
I don't like Kinect either but this argument is really ridiculous. How many games - or anything you like, really - have YOU bought recently, and how much of THAT money could have gone to starving orphans?

People work, and they like to spend the money they've earned on things they enjoy. Demonizing consumption via your internet connection simply because it's for something you personally don't like is hypocritical.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
Looks like all the motion control nay-sayers are wrong. Again.
This is just another case of Wii Syndrome. People believe it's going to flop, and out comes the figures. Innovation is key in this industry, which is why the Move just didn't do so well. It didn't innovate, it replicated.

While i must congratulate Microsoft for their success, i worry about how this will continue to shape the industry further ahead. I'm not saying we'll be losing our 'hardcore' titles like Call of Duty or Demon's Souls, but the focus may be more on implementing this kind of product in future generations of home consoles.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
FungiGamer said:
Just..... why? What makes it so different from everything else released in the past 10 years?

10 million people would rather buy junk then donate money to good causes I guess. Sorry starving orphans, I want an updated EyeToy!
It's great to see an unbiased, completely non-judgmental opinion out here on the interwebz...

That's a very broad question you ask. Offhand, I don't know of any other technology in gaming that incorporates full body motion into gaming and combines it with voice integration, as well. Unlike the Wii, it's actually fun at parties, and it's a reasonable price point to me considering what you get with it.

But hey, you have a good point. 10 million people are wrong in the face of your "facts." All this time I've been housing junk in my living room! I'll be sure to put it out in the trashcan tonight for the garbage guy to collect.

...of course, by your logic, YOU should apologize to orphans, as well, because you're too busy watching There Will Be Brawl to help out in soup kitchens.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
It's a peripheral. Compare it to, say, a mouse or a keyboard. Not other full systems, because that's one thing this certainly isn't.

And the pet rock sold a lot fairly fast...didn't mean it was worth it, ever.

What's gonna be real fun is when somebody hacks a Kinect to be used on a PS3. That will make heads explode, for certain.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
robinkom said:
The headline should have read "Fastest selling gimmicky piece of shit ever."

I guess 10 million people CAN be wrong.
Unless I am wrong, and I am NEVER wrong, you, sir, are headed for a trip to the Fire Swamp!

Seriously, though, Kinect is fun. I love it, you don't. You're entitled to your ridiculous opinions, but I would ask that you step down from your pompous soap box and take your Oscar the Grouch sourpuss down the street and chill with the other crankypants.

It blows my mind why people come to this conclusion that if THEY don't like something, it MUST be stupid, regardless of how many others disagree.

I hate the 3ds. I think it's the stupidest most overpriced POS ever. But if you like it, I don't feel a need to artificially attempt to inflate my ego by sticking your crankypants face in the mud.

... but if you ever want your face stuck in the mud, call me. I'm in, Crankypants! =)


New member
Aug 19, 2009
This really boggles my mind. Not because I don't believe it could sell well, but because nobody I know has a Kinect or has ever mentioned one. I hang out will all sorts of people, most of which are not hardcore gamers whatsoever, but many of whom own a Wii or at least know/like Wii games.

I have no idea who is buying the Kinect. Plus, doesn't it only have like 4 really crappy games? Has word of mouth really helped it spread like with the Wii? Are people going over to eachother's places and saying "OMG I HAVE TO GET ONE OF THESE. KINECTIMALS IS DA BOMB DIZZLE!"

I think it has to be parents buying it for little kids. That would explain why I have never encountered people with one.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Anton P. Nym said:
robinkom said:
The headline should have read "Fastest selling gimmicky piece of shit ever."

I guess 10 million people CAN be wrong.
It amuses me that you would express that sentiment while you have a Sega [] userpic. (Kids these days... no sense of history at all...)

It doesn't surprise me that Kinect is selling well; the promotional campaign is huge, the price isn't out of reach in consumer electronics terms (especially if you compare with devices like the iPad), and the tech is (at least at the moment) unique and novel the way the Wii was when it launched.

I dont' see a lot of games for it that I'd buy just yet, but then again we're still in Kinect's "Night Trap Phase" of seeing what sorts of games work (and what doesn't) with the new hardware.

-- Steve
I'm well versed in Sega's history from as far back as the Rosen Enterprises days so don't link Wikipedia articles at me, good sir. I'm perfectly aware of the Sega Mega CD's poor reception. Graham Stark here at the Escapist jokingly called Kinect the Sega CD. The difference is the Sega CD was part of early efforts by several companies of the day to push the CD storage medium as a standard. Kinect is part of what I will always see as a gimmick motion control fad that is not pushing anything beneficial for the long term. Kinect is easily the worst of the Motion Control gimmicks, at least with the other two you still have a controller to hold with actual buttons that can be assigned multiple functions. Regardless, flailing your arms around in a manner of what is vaguely imitating the actual act is no substitute for a normal controller.

The question I present to everyone whenever I have to engage in this debate is "Why the hell would I fling my wrist around with a controller to simulate bowling when I can just GO FUCKING BOWLING!?"