Kinect Becomes the Fastest Selling Gizmo Ever

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
robinkom said:
Anton P. Nym said:
robinkom said:
The headline should have read "Fastest selling gimmicky piece of shit ever."
It amuses me that you would express that sentiment while you have a Sega [] userpic. (Kids these days... no sense of history at all...)
I'm well versed in Sega's history from as far back as the Rosen Enterprises days so don't link Wikipedia articles at me, good sir.
And yet you're so blind as to how close that reaction resembles your own reaction to the Kinect. And how close it is to similar early responses to the advent of the mouse, force-feedback, dual analog controls, the touchscreen-and-stylus interface... yes, the same reaction was also in place for the GamerGlove and VirtualBoy too, but my point is that this reaction is same for any innovation, whether it's good or bad.

I'm not saying that Kinect will be a smash hit and will forever change the face of gaming, but I'm willing to give it a chance to prove itself instead of condemning it before it can show whatever potential it has... fully aware of those in the '90s who thought that cartridges were fine and games didn't need to use a big and fragile disc.

-- Steve

PS: worthless frickin' Captcha didn't show until my post was rejected. someone take this stupid thing out behind the barn and put it out of its misery, please?


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
with a must-have lineup that includes Avatar Kinect, Body and Brain Connection, Michael Jackson: The Experience, Child of Eden, The Gunstringer, Kung Fu Panda 2, Carnival Games: Monkey See, Monkey Do and Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster.
Must-have Lineup.


The device is cool an all, bus as much as the Wii has been bashed for being too "casual" over the years, it doesn't even begin to be as pathetic as this lineup is right now.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Well good for you Microsoft. Looks like your litte project worked after all, and if you can make the "hardcore" gamer happy, then hooray for you. I'm still not gonna get it, and I don't care if I makes me coffee and breakfast in the morning.

I'm not hating on the thing, I have to admit it's some pretty cool tech, I just don't see why I should buy.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
that 'must have' line up sounds like a bunch of crap. played some other Kinect games and it is fun.

ObsessiveSketch said:
I'd bet my Steam account that the 3DS shatters this new record.
but i'd go with that

Adam Galli

New member
Nov 26, 2010
I played the kinect at a friends house a few days ago. I had a lot of fun and I might even buy one.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The.Bard said:
FungiGamer said:
Just..... why? What makes it so different from everything else released in the past 10 years?

10 million people would rather buy junk then donate money to good causes I guess. Sorry starving orphans, I want an updated EyeToy!
It's great to see an unbiased, completely non-judgmental opinion out here on the interwebz...

That's a very broad question you ask. Offhand, I don't know of any other technology in gaming that incorporates full body motion into gaming and combines it with voice integration, as well. Unlike the Wii, it's actually fun at parties, and it's a reasonable price point to me considering what you get with it.

But hey, you have a good point. 10 million people are wrong in the face of your "facts." All this time I've been housing junk in my living room! I'll be sure to put it out in the trashcan tonight for the garbage guy to collect.

...of course, by your logic, YOU should apologize to orphans, as well, because you're too busy watching There Will Be Brawl to help out in soup kitchens.
1) Welcome to the internet, where people are free to have opinions!

2) "You are the controller", what a unique tagline that was never used before with a full motion body sensor! oh wait In my opinion this is just low on Microsoft's part.

Also Mario Kart Wii. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Wario Ware. Super Mario Bros. Wii. I could go on, take your pick of fun games.

3) I'll admit that last part was stretching it, but why anyone would get a Kinect is STILL beyond my understanding. I'll admit that my opinions are biased at this point, but I am still entitled to that opinion not to mention the fact that there seem to be a countless number of people who feel the same exact way.

I hope this is enough clarification, and good day to you sir!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
After a Facebook poll of my 550 someodd friends, I have learned that two people I know actually own a Kinect. They have described it as "badass," possibly the last word I would ever associate with such a device. I'm seriously considering not being friends with these people anymore. LOL

One of them I have known since 5th grade. He conceded that "it has no games" but "the future possibilities are amazing." Yeah... I don't buy devices based on potential future possibilities... I have no idea where this guy gets all this money to toss out. It actually didn't surprise me that he, of everyone I knew had it, since this was the same guy that bought an Xbox 360, PS3, and Plasma TV all at around the same time when he didn't have a job.

I don't care what people do with their own money, but it just blows my mind that so many people will run out and buy an expensive device based solely on marketing and the fact that it "looks cool," even though it can't do much yet and they barely use it.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Child of Eden and The Gunstringer might make me get a Kinect...if I had the room.

At least CoE had controller support.


The Lone Wanderer
Jun 4, 2009
Just while I was looking at this thread I saw an advert on TV for Yoostar 2 [], and it just depresses me that all this work that went into Kinect is being used to push complete trash like this. All that potential and this is what we get...

Disclaimer: I realise that Yoostar isn't kinect exclusive, only the topic is about Kinect. My comments apply to pretty much all such games on all such systems.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
thisbymaster said:
Maybe I am just jaded but I don't know of anyone that has bought one of these. The candle that burns brightest and all that.
Neither do I, not a single person I know has bought this thing


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
I have to admit, it is hilarious reading the comments on the old thread mentioned about Microsoft's goal.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Anton P. Nym said:
And yet you're so blind as to how close that reaction resembles your own reaction to the Kinect. And how close it is to similar early responses to the advent of the mouse, force-feedback, dual analog controls, the touchscreen-and-stylus interface... yes, the same reaction was also in place for the GamerGlove and VirtualBoy too, but my point is that this reaction is same for any innovation, whether it's good or bad.
I hope by GamerGlove you meant the NES Power Glove which itself was a disaster. You're comparing the Sega CD and the CD storage medium to input devices. The Sega CD didn't change the way we interacted with the games, we still used the same basic controllers to play essentially what were the same 16-bit games as before with Redbook CD audio and horribly low-res cinematic videos. It changed what output we took in, the visual and mental feedback experienced from our still basic control input. CD's were also making strides in the PC market at the same time gradually replacing floppy disks as the dominant medium.

The Kinect falls into the Input category with, as you mentioned, the mouse, Dual-Analog, touchscreen-and-stylus and so forth. But, more specifically, it's the "motion input" sub-category, all of which are the spiritual successors of the NES Power Glove. The tech only now kinda works with MotionPlus-equipped Wii Remotes STILL coming down to who can waggle the son of a ***** faster. Sony made a more sophisticated and complicated version of the same controls but the Move is ultimately destined to fall into the same boat as the Wii controls. I'm diametrically opposed to ALL motions controls because with no physical feedback the whole class of these input devices represent a dead end; Why would I want to sword fight in a game that is physically demanding of someone with video game character-like stamina and reflex? Even the most physically active person couldn't keep it up for long and it's a hollow experience regardless when you can't physically feel being hit back. Not that you could go out and actually sword-fight anyone without legal repercussions or losing a limb mind you. A better example is bowling. Why the hell would I want to flick my wrist to roll a fictitious ball I can't even hold when I could just GO BOWLING FOR REAL!?

The tech itself quite possibly would be of better use in non-gaming applications such as aiding the handicapped.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Microsoft claimed that more "transformative" experiences are on the way this year, with a must-have lineup that includes Avatar Kinect, Body and Brain Connection, Michael Jackson: The Experience, Child of Eden, The Gunstringer, Kung Fu Panda 2, Carnival Games: Monkey See, Monkey Do and Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster.
They forgot to add Ubisoft's addition to the Kinect, "We double dare", PGEI rating 3+, release date december 2012 ;D


New member
Mar 27, 2009
It's basically just an upgraded Eyetoy. I will never buy it. However, I support the 360 in the consule wars, so good for Microsoft. Suck it PS3! You and your blue ray players and slightly better graphics and free online and awesome commercials.

*Still wondering why he chose a 360 over PS3. Guess Fable 2 was the deciding factor. Couldn't care less for PS3 exclusives*


New member
Mar 6, 2010
The only people i know (in real life) that have Kinect are, fanboys but hey congratz to MS for selling a crap tone of cameras.