Kinect is Actually Fun


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Even if the motion controls are perfect, from a gameplay standpoint, the games on show are boringly basic and dated. The dashboard control is also pointless while I have a working controller.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Uh oh, someone has fun with Kinect. I can feel the gamer rage coming en masse. How dare you have fun with motion control!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
"No way, I've never used Kinect and my mind is made up! There's no changing it now!"

I read this kind of thing too much. Horses for courses! When one wants to play precision shooting, then pick up a controller. When one wants to play something active (heavens forbid gaming be allowed to experiment with such things! On the couch or die! Though literally, it will probably be the other way around in the end), use Kinect. I realised this easy dichotomy.

And anyone fear mongering about Kinect taking resources away from 'serious' games, really needs to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. In no other media form which cater for wide ranges of consumers, does this fearful thing trully occur. In fact, what happens is that the developers get richer and they spread that wealth to all the other products they make. That's why a movie director can make a kids movie and then make a horror film right after. Was the horror film compromised? No, not at all.

I really don't get the fear and panic espoused by so many gamers. I wager that for more than a few, the distaste for motion controlls comes at least a little from a misguided sense of betrayal or displacement. Now the pasttime that used to differentiate them from the crowd has BECOME the crowd. Deal with it. It's juvenile to think that way. Just like metal heads and Britney fans can coexist, so can all gamers.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
GeneticallyModifiedDucks said:
I hate Kinect because Mircosoft forced Rare, they forced RARE to make Kinect Sports. I repeat they forced RARE to make Kinect Sports. HATRED! Rare of all people, how about making, oh I don't know, a new Killer Instinct, instead of a fucking sports game?!
As if anyone is surprised about that. Rare hasn't made a single quality product since they were "acquired" by Microsoft.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
redmarine said:
When will we be able to control zombie arms to rip people apart?
Now that is a whole new way to play stubbs the zombie.

OT: I really cant say that i wont like it but i dont have the money to.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Furburt said:
Like I've said quite a few times before. Kinect is fun. Of course it's fun, how could it not be fun? But what it isn't is deep. You can't make deep, complex games using Kinect. It just won't work with today's technology.
I don't think you can rule out any game having a deep or complex story based on the controller it uses, Silent Hill Shattered Memories is a great addition to the series and motion controls don't cheapen it at all.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Dragonforce525 said:
Kinect sounds like a lot of fun if you're 8, I refuse to pay $150 to talk to my xbox, stomp around like Godzilla and fight imaginary men, I'm struggling to think of something more embarrassing then what Kinect is asking you to do.
Maybe someday it'll have... 'adult' games, if you know what I mean.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Sorry but i'm not really sold on your description.

"Holding your hands up as if you're holding a steering wheel" - That makes my arms hurt after like 10 seconds, there's no way i could play through a game pretending to hold something. I'd end up holding a plate or something as a controller, which i'd just rather not do.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
worthless, expensive f-ing gimmick that actually takes us in the wrong direction for gaming. We need to make movements smaller and more precise, not more exagerated.


Our Sweet Prince
Apr 4, 2009
Wasn't this the guy who had Wii Sports Resort on his top 5 games list of 2009?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
it's really not that hard to beat the Wii at its own game baha
but hey, I'm not gonna argue or judge the Kinect
motion sensing overall maybe
but really I just don't have the money saved for it
(I still haven't bought the entire Rock Band 2 set, last summer my friends and I just borrowed it from a friend)


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Wow, you give people an honest opinion based upon actual hands on experience and they are still more willing to hate than to open their minds to the possibility that their blind disdain for a technology still in its infancy might be misplaced. Well, I think the article made good points, and Kinect sounds like a lot of fun.

Again this is a thread that has quickly become full of misinformation and suppositions ("You can't make deep, complex games using Kinect"? Really? So you've explored every design opportunity available? Of course if Bioware want to use it then it can't possibly be capable of games with depth :p).


That Guy
Jan 19, 2010
No way in hell I'm paying $150 to fail my arms around like I'm possessed and look like a complete idiot.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
A lot of this feeling was exactly the same when the Wii first came out. People were novel with the idea of motion controls, now people don't have to fumble around for buttons and we can move our bodies for a more natural way of immersion in games!

But eventually everyone stopped caring, and started labeling it a gimmick. There were no "hardcore" games and playing "Wii Sports" for weeks on end gets boring. Most if not all the games that implemented motion control did so very poorly. Now, I won't comment on the current situation, but suffice to say that most people I know with Wiis and many other people testify this on forums like this barely play with their Wiis anymore.

I bought both a Wii and DS and I hardly play them. I haven't touched my Wii for months and my DS only gets play on long plane rides. I got suckered in to the Wii because I thought "Whoa! Motion control! That's so friggin awesome!" and bought it as an impulse buy. Soon, nothing came out that interested me and most of the motion controls that were used were used poorly.

This is why I'm skeptical of Kinect. It's the same "Whoa, no controllers! This will allow for more immersion in games!" thing that happened with the Wii, and that sticked with "casual" gamers. Again, I won't comment on the current situation, I'm observing the original release of it.

So, I have a challenge for you, Greg Tito, or anyone else who is planning on buying Kinect. If you do purchase Kinect, play the games for it nonstop for maybe a week or two (let's make it 2), nothing else. Just play Kinect non-stop, nothing else, no regular 360 games, no PS3, no PC, just Kinect. If you are still having fun jumping in the rafts or playing with your Kinectimal, then that's awesome for you. If, however, you're already tired of playing with it after 2 weeks then Kinect is essentially just a reformated Wii at the time of release.

Does Kinect have potential? Of course, and I would love to see it's potential used. But part of me can't help but feel extremely skeptical after the horrendous E3 showing that Microsoft put out for Kinect and the $150 price tag. And don't think I'm not thinking the same with the Move, while I admit I'm more partial to the Move simply because I have a PS3(Interest by association I guess, it's apparantly focusing on a more "hardcore" audience, supporting games like Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, LBP, and SOCOM 4) that doesn't mean I'm not skeptical of it as well.

As Furburt said before, Kinect games may be "fun" but what they are not is "deep". "Fun" games are fun for a little while, but you'll get bored of them. "Deep" games are both fun and continue to entertain well past its due point.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
It's hard to believe, "It's nothing like the Wii," when every introduction to a game was "Then I saw Kinect game X, which is like Wii game Y." I dunno, just seemed odd. And the damn thing still isn't worth $150. Not when it comes with one casual game and has no hardcore release titles.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
As stupid as this sounds I'm seriously considering getting this just so i can get some use out of my avatar.