Kitase Discusses Hypothetical Final Fantasy VII Remake


New member
Feb 21, 2011
As far as the established canon goes, the original FFVII is obsolete. Yuffie and Vincent's optionality potentially creates gaping plot holes, as does their absence during the final battle against Sephiroth. (Because like it or not, that piece of crap Dirge of Cerberus exists and is canon...) And then there are parts that would simply be... questionable at best. I'm looking at you, crossdressing scene. That's not something I'm looking forward to in HD. And then the fat gangster guy wanting to do God knows what to Yuffie... yeah.

So all in all, I can certainly see WHY they would want to change it around. A straight HD upgrade would be boring at best; the least they could do is put it up to par with say, Crisis Core.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
... and Final Fantasy VI is still left in the dust. All the pre-3D era titles except that one were remade for the handhelds with bonus content as well as the 3D ones being sold on PSN. Six is stuck with a mediocre GBA port that removed the gold that was the dialogue.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Why must everyone cream their pants when talk of a VII remake surfaces? VII wasn't even that good. Hell, if it weren't for Red XIII that game would be my least favorite Final Fantasy game and my least favorite RPG game that I've played.

You want to remake a good game Square Enix? Remake VI. That is where the Final Fantasy series was at its best. Amazing characters, fantastic story, and the best damn villain the series has ever seen and probably ever will see. Quit throwing your best game under the bus and let everyone experience what is truly the best Final Fantasy game ever created.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
blizzaradragon said:
Why must everyone cream their pants when talk of a VII remake surfaces? VII wasn't even that good. Hell, if it weren't for Red XIII that game would be my least favorite Final Fantasy game and my least favorite RPG game that I've played.

You want to remake a good game Square Enix? Remake VI. That is where the Final Fantasy series was at its best. Amazing characters, fantastic story, and the best damn villain the series has ever seen and probably ever will see. Quit throwing your best game under the bus and let everyone experience what is truly the best Final Fantasy game ever created.
See that's the thing, though. More people enjoy VII more than VI. I like how VII's villian had a stylish design and actual motives. I liked VII's world more than VI's. I liked the characters more than VI's. Overall, the atmosphere in VII was more captivating.

Although, Kefka's theme is probably better than Sephiroth's but hey.
Jun 11, 2008
Mordwyl said:
... and Final Fantasy VI is still left in the dust. All the pre-3D era titles except that one were remade for the handhelds with bonus content as well as the 3D ones being sold on PSN. Six is stuck with a mediocre GBA port that removed the gold that was the dialogue.
6 already had a PS1 port and it was more than just mediocre.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Shia-Neko-Chan said:
blizzaradragon said:
Why must everyone cream their pants when talk of a VII remake surfaces? VII wasn't even that good. Hell, if it weren't for Red XIII that game would be my least favorite Final Fantasy game and my least favorite RPG game that I've played.

You want to remake a good game Square Enix? Remake VI. That is where the Final Fantasy series was at its best. Amazing characters, fantastic story, and the best damn villain the series has ever seen and probably ever will see. Quit throwing your best game under the bus and let everyone experience what is truly the best Final Fantasy game ever created.
See that's the thing, though. More people enjoy VII more than VI. I like how VII's villian had a stylish design and actual motives. I liked VII's world more than VI's. I liked the characters more than VI's. Overall, the atmosphere in VII was more captivating.

Although, Kefka's theme is probably better than Sephiroth's but hey.
I suppose so, but from my experience at least most of the people who enjoy VII more than VI have never played a Final Fantasy game that came before VII. Plus at the same time you can't deny there is a huuuuuuuge following for VI among the Final Fantasy crowd, yet VI never gets mentioned at all when it comes to remaking Final Fantasy games. It seems like they were content to remake I-IV, talk about V, then skip over VI, VIII, and IX to go to VII and X. If they want to remake VII, go for it cause I know people will love it. Hey, it might even give me a chance to change my mind on VII. But to remake it while ignoring what many argue is their best work to date would be absolutely foolish.


Jan 5, 2010
As a FF7 long term fan I can see where he's coming from: theres a lot in FF7 that makes no sense or could stand to be cut.. and more that could be improved on.

I'm all for it, so long as they pull in the original writers to tweak the plot, fix the plotholes, change around a few things, cut out the stuff that makes no sense caused by changing the main character from Zack to Cloud halfway through development.. oh and cut out the silly stuff from while you're stil in midgar slums, such as the cross dressing.

Then add in new locations like other parts of Midgar, some more towns and villages. Don't put in silly things like floating stores in the middle of nowhere.. and retain world exploring (no more long corridors for the love of all that is holy) and expansions on the quest, such as more Turk stuff.

Maybe put in something big like the chance to save Aeris.. though that might cause gaping plotholes... but two different game paths could lead to great replayability.

Even if they mess it up, its not like FF7 the original is going anywhere However a poorly done FF13 clone with all the same mistakes would severely disappoint many people.

Could also stand to have the ability to save Biggs and Jessie. I always thought those two would make awesome party members.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Glademaster said:
Mordwyl said:
... and Final Fantasy VI is still left in the dust. All the pre-3D era titles except that one were remade for the handhelds with bonus content as well as the 3D ones being sold on PSN. Six is stuck with a mediocre GBA port that removed the gold that was the dialogue.
6 already had a PS1 port and it was more than just mediocre.
For the sake of argument, I'm referring to the most recent development on a title. Other than the few FMVs, FFVI in Anthology was a direct port.

I, II and V got revamped for the GBA. III and IV even got the whole shebang with 3D and voice acting. All of these also had extra content with those games lacking story-wise having their scripts greatly enhanced compared to the limited size of the original games. What of VI? Dragons.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Aiden Raine said:
Shia-Neko-Chan said:
Aiden Raine said:
they should change it to make emo boy and mama's boy into worthwhile characters.
Every freaking time. Every. Freaking. Time.
well, if they would've made something decent the FIRST time around.....
So much to say, so little time. For the record, I'm still facedesking.

*deep breath*

Just how much do you even know about Cloud? How much of FF7 did you even play? =_=

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Oh, that sounds like fun. Keep the storyline in tact and the characters the same--okay, a few tweaks here and there if you must--but if they truly 'remade' Final Fantasy VII this way, I'd buy it.
I would like them to add a huge side quest where you do all these things to revive Aeris, then at the very end, she shows up and says, "Look, I'm dead. There's nothing you can do about it. Sorry." I just think that would be amusing.


New member
May 17, 2010
A thought about the whole "retconning" thing in relation to stuff like "Advent Children": I've wondered about a few characters - certainly Cloud, who seemed to have some sense of humor and passion in 7, but lost most of it in AC. Also, Reno of the Turks - how could they incorporate him being a jackass like in AC into the early scene where he drops the Midgar plate on the slums and MURDERS hundreds of people? I know he's a mercenary, but him being the comic-relief type just wouldn't hold up after something like that.

Still, a realistic rendering of Cloud in drag would be interesting to see.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
OutrageousEmu said:
...why is he talking about it with an Xbox magazine?
Because Square Enix no longer makes exclusives for sony. It could be likely that if a remake were to happen, it could end up on the next xbox, nintendo system, and the next playstation.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Squeenix might as well remake a game we know is good.

It's not like they've made anything worth playing lately.
Haha, this made me laugh, but it's so true.

I would be totally psyched for a FF7 remake. That demo that they made for the PS3's release only renewed my faith in Square, but it's so hard to have faith in them these days.

An FF7 remake would be overall a good move imo.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Grey Carter said:
Personally, I'm choosing to interpret that last quote as a warning. Essentially: 'Stop asking! Stop it! Stop it, or I'll put Goofy in it, so help me God.'
Funny you should say that, because adding Goofy to a video game proved quite well for them. Kingdom Hearts ended up being better than a lot of their recent Final Fantasy games. In fact the traditions and norms of Final Fantasy seems to be something holding them back.

They've always had a formula for different games, and this meant that a lot of real innovation was saved for other games, while they worked with a very certain formula for Final Fantasy, the traditional NES and SNES formula. Because it was beloved and they're fearful to change it. Again, it's a part of a very specific tradition.

Which is why, say, Final Fantasy VI, is much more Final Fantasy traditional, than Chrono Trigger. Which is more groundbreaking and has a different focus.

There would be a time that Final Fantasy could have kept going with tradition, but they've broken away with many of the better pieces for years, and it's just time that they threw tradition to the wind and created a new kata or formula. They could have kept going with tradition, had they done so properly, but they've squandered it and the formula must be reinvented now. It can't be helped. Because that formula has lost prestige and trying to force it to work has met with losing face for the very formula itself.

To take into mention some of those piece of formula that could have kept going if Final Fantasy had kept prestige as "knowing what it is supposed to do, and doing so with grace". Meant shying away from so much as adding a jumping mechanic to most games. Kingdom Hearts benefits from having very fluid action oriented controls, and while may not have great strategy like Final Fantasy, is incredibly engaging and fast paced. And games like Chrono Trigger completely did away with not only random battles, but also screen changes for battle. And both of these games came out fluid and innovative. And lets not forget a slew of other things that haven't been adopted by Final Fantasy because of prestigious tradition. No New Game Plus, and so forth.

These were nice things that could have improved Kingdom Hearts much sooner, as well as many lessons from their other games. But the Final Fantasy formula in the SNES and even PlayStation days had the most prestige, so they wouldn't dare tamper with a very specific formula. Because of course, they believed and understood that Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy were different and had different focuses and needs. But that formula is no longer prestigious and moving into modern hardware it has fumbled around embarrassingly and hasn't brought any status to the Final Fantasy name.

The only choice now, is again, to cast is aside, and actually for once not care about taking risks as long as you're aiming to make good ones that are certain to benefit gameplay. Instead of bad experiments like the Draw system.

I think that Kitase is right, there are a lot of things that need to be changes, especially for new hardware. Many things about old games were left to imagination. It's best to just change things up. Adding more content and fleshing out things that weren't able to be there before. Changing is bad if it means more content. The problem with change is that things like Final Fantasy XIV have less content than Final Fantasy XI.


My recommendation, is to make intelligent tweaks to the materia system. Minor, but intelligent. Something that could add an extra layer of depth to the materia system while not taking anything away from the original. One that would leave the game more tactical than before.

And next, though it would take a lot of time and money, leave more areas to be explored. Towns less figurative, and more to scale. jRPGs have always relied on assuming that, in canon, towns are bigger than you actually see. Many places being blocked off, and so forth. You can see how this assumption works when you compare Dirge of Cerberus to the original game, areas are much more fleshed out(at least the size of towns and areas). I know this is one of the things Square loathes most about such a project, but if you put the effort in, it would pay off. Bethesda was able to do that, Elder Scrolls games are explorable in almost every way, pretty well every building can be gone into, and are just as big as the Final Fantasy games, without even having an overworld map. And you can also interact with almost every object. It's a heavy undertaking that Square did not want to take part in, but it can be done. And given how badly XIII was reviewed for it's linearity and how highly Skyrim was reviewed and sold, it would certainly make the effort worth their while. It's pretty clear that players want more Skyrim in their Final Fantasy, and less linearity. More open world and more to interact with. That means that places like Wutai need to be able to be explored completely.

And furthermore, there's a wealth of NPCs, character interaction/dialogue, and a great many other things that can, and should be added.

And also, with the current technology, there is no reason they need to leave random battles or even screen switches in a Final Fantasy VII remake. They weren't even necessary in the SNES era, they can certainly be avoided on state of the art hardware. There's so many suggestions I could make as to changes, it could fill a book.

The remake could include the prequel and a re-vamped version of the sequel, and New Game+.

PHP or not, there's no actual reason that the game couldn't include realtime character switches in battle for a great many battles. There's just a wealth of changes they could add to a remake other than just giving it a graphical makeover.

I, for one, encourage Square to intelligently modify the game if they remake it.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Aiden Raine said:
Shia-Neko-Chan said:
Aiden Raine said:
they should change it to make emo boy and mama's boy into worthwhile characters.
Every freaking time. Every. Freaking. Time.
well, if they would've made something decent the FIRST time around.....
If you played it the first time around, you'd know that Cloud isn't the emo guy that Square Enix has turned him into.
Dec 14, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OutrageousEmu said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OutrageousEmu said:
Cyberdelic said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OutrageousEmu said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OutrageousEmu said:
...why is he talking about it with an Xbox magazine?
Because Final Fantasy is no longer an exclusive to Playstation series.
But the remakes are. The FFX remake proves that.
And if they were talking about FFX, that would make sense.
I believe that the FFX deal is that it is not a remake but a re-release in HD. However I could be wrong.
No, its a full-on remake.
No. It's a HD re-release.

I'd be very surprised if it was a complete remake and not just a resolution and texture overhaul.

See, this is why you shouldn't talk about these things when you don't actually know anything about them.
Which part of that article was 100% fact and not just rumours and hearsay?

I'll concede when I see cold hold facts that it is indeed a proper remake, but until then...
Well, the only hearsay is you insisting that though Square Enix have said its a remake several hundred times, its only just an HD rerelease.
It's never usually refered to as an HD rerelease.

Rerelease carries with it negative connotations, while 'remake' suggests 'something different'.

If it's a full on overhauled remake then jolly good, but until I know that's what it is, I'll consider it another HD release of the same game.