If I remember a previous report about how Activision basically gets 60% of all its profits from PC sales, in no doubt thanks to a certain very popular product made by Blizzard...can they honestly name another such studio with that level of autonomy in their company that they *didn't* just bowl over?
Don't get me wrong, apart from Bioware I can't think of any such studio on the side of EA either...but to say that Activision is *vastly* different from it really is just stupid. They just happened to get a head start with Blizzard by something like 3 or 4 years so it's no wonder their profits outgrew EA as back in those days, as I understand it, they were still deadset in their less efficient ways.
And ultimately...yeah, coming from the source that it does...really if someone else in Activision said this, then maybe it'd at least pass some consideration. But now it truly does look like ole Bobby needs a rabies shot by this point heheh.