Large Hadron Collider Creates Incredibly Dense Primordial Matter


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Dulcinea said:
Para199x said:
Dulcinea said:
Para199x said:
Alright, rather than continually add to that, let's use a simple example; there is no visible 40ft long shark in my soda can.

The problem there is that's a problem of detection, because you can't detect it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, there could be a 40ft long shark in your soda can, unfortunately you've limited yourself to the one detection method.
But I made certain to note that it is a visible 40ft shark. That means it can be seen and it is too large to fit.

I proved it doesn't exist (because it cannot). Bam.
You're entirely missing the point and i have to go. what if you personally are blind to it and the shark doesn't obey Pauli's exclusion principle because he's a badass.


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
It'd be a fantastic gravity generator- tiny portions of it could be used to create earth-like gravities on space stations.



Jan 4, 2010
United States
Tom Goldman said:
The machine's activities are obviously way above my pay grade, but I think we can all appreciate the work being done at the LHC as long as it doesn't suck us into Dimension X [].
Shredder would not appreciate that at all.



New member
Feb 11, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
Someone had better make a sugarcubed sized blob of this stuff and just drop it on the floor.

The results would be hilarious.
Quick we should give it to daily drop...Now that would be hilarious x10


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Abandon4093 said:
Someone had better make a sugarcubed sized blob of this stuff and just drop it on the floor.

The results would be hilarious.
Not for the chinese, I bet!


New member
Jul 21, 2008
So let's get this straight...

"It's believed that the universe existed as quark-gluon plasma until it cooled into what we're made of today."


"Quark-gluon plasma has been made before, though the version created at the LHC is of higher energy and scientists are recording slight differences in measurements as it cools."

So does that mean, when the Quark-gluon plasma in the LHC cools down, a new universe will pop inside ours?

Yeah. Clever.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Abandon4093 said:
redmarine said:
Abandon4093 said:
Someone had better make a sugarcubed sized blob of this stuff and just drop it on the floor.

The results would be hilarious.
Yeah, like pull the moon slowly towards and smashing into the surface of the earth by its immense gravitational pull.
I was thinking more along the lines of, burns through to the centre of the earth and begins to slowly draw all of the earths matter into it's incredibly dense blob until nothing is left.
Yep. Comedy gold.

I have to say though science is now able to create the very building blocks of life...yet still no Superheroes. Come on guys, get your priorities straight!


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Abandon4093 said:
Someone had better make a sugarcubed sized blob of this stuff and just drop it on the floor.

The results would be hilarious.
If we had the time to even open our mouths to let out the 'h' before everything around us turns to mush.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
SomeBritishDude said:
Abandon4093 said:
redmarine said:
Abandon4093 said:
Someone had better make a sugarcubed sized blob of this stuff and just drop it on the floor.

The results would be hilarious.
Yeah, like pull the moon slowly towards and smashing into the surface of the earth by its immense gravitational pull.
I was thinking more along the lines of, burns through to the centre of the earth and begins to slowly draw all of the earths matter into it's incredibly dense blob until nothing is left.
Yep. Comedy gold.

I have to say though science is now able to create the very building blocks of life...yet still no Superheroes. Come on guys, get your priorities straight!
AHEM. Portals.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
A cubic centimeter that weighs forty billion tons sounds like a lot, but it is not much compared to the entire planet. I don't think that the extra mass would be enough to pull the moon into us or anything that dramatic. Though, if it was suspended above your head it may be enough for you to notice it.

There is a real problem in trying to contain something with so much mas and so little volume. It would fall right through any surface that was under it and tear a hole through the earth. Eventually it would come to a stop somewhere in the interior. I don't think that it would make it to the center though. As it got deeper, the downward force would lessen as more of the earths mass is all around it, instead of under it. That, in combination with friction would stop it from shooting back and fourth from one side of the planet to the other.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
This is very cool. :D

Not much else to say really... I just hope they don't end up creating so much that they screw with the planet.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
Dulcinea said:
Dana22 said:
Dulcinea said:
Dana22 said:
Dulcinea said:
Dana22 said:
I'm not one making the claim, burden of proof doesn't lie on me.
You're making the claim there is no god(s) and Theists are making the claim there is. Agnostics are the ones making no claims and also therefore the only ones not needing to supply any evidence to support their position.
Except im not making a claim that there is no god. Im making a claim, that claim that gods exists, is (most likely, of course) false. Thats not the same.
So, tell me, do any deities exist?
There is no evidence that they do, thus we can assume that they dont.
So rather than search for the evidence, you find it better to assume they don't and won't offer any evidence in support of your side either?

'They don't have any evidence, therefore I will assume none exists.'

You're welcome to your opinion, but I'll stick to looking for answers.

It's a standing method to use occam's razor when there is a lack of proof for both sides.

For example.... Here's a claim:
"The moon is secretly a alien battlestation, hidden beneath lots and lots of space dust."
You can not prove nor Disprove this, though it's much more likely and easier for it to be false.

Dieties get away with it from the Age factor. People will say 'People long ago believed it, it can't be wrong.' People also believed that magnets were the devil too.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Seriously, fuck this thing.

Every time it gets mentioned it is able to terrify me more and more.

To loosely quote Jurassic Park: "During the process of what COULD you do, did you think once that you SHOULD?"

With matters such as these, dealing with materials such as these, we ALL are mere monkeys clamoring about with big, red buttons.

To sum my post up:



New member
Mar 23, 2010
Hey, as long as the experiments don't include no crystals being pushed into the damn thing, experiment away!


New member
Apr 3, 2010
icyneesan said:
So if I jump into this thing, will I gain super powers?
More like you'll be crushed by the stuff's gravity.

Tonimata said:
So let's get this straight...

"It's believed that the universe existed as quark-gluon plasma until it cooled into what we're made of today."


"Quark-gluon plasma has been made before, though the version created at the LHC is of higher energy and scientists are recording slight differences in measurements as it cools."

So does that mean, when the Quark-gluon plasma in the LHC cools down, a new universe will pop inside ours?

Yeah. Clever.
No, it means that if we put a billion-gazillion-quintizillion tonnes of the stuff into a new, limitless and empty universe, it would cool down and create a new universe. There isn't nearly enough of the stuff or space or even time for it to happen in the LHC.


New member
May 9, 2008
I'm always sad when I see people ignorant of science over-react to over dramatic "Reports" like this. Quark-Gluon Plasma isn't even a new substance or unpredicted by the Standard Model.

This is the reaction that all people have when they hear science concepts they can't wrap their head around and begin to fear: