xXxJessicaxXx said:
Ugh pirates choose arguments they know can't be proven or dis-proven. No one can say they would have bought it otherwise although in a lot of cases they would have I think... Think about the people waiting for Skyrim or COD for example.
To me piracy is like walking into a bookstore, photocopying a book and walking out with it, sounds absurd right?
The 'no demo' and ineffectual reviewing defence is better but the fact is that you can still rent games. Got no pennies? Then go to a rental system online and just rent them and see if you like them rather than downloading torrents.
I can understand why companies see this sort of thing as a lost sale, why on earth would you buy a game you have already played through for free?
I'm sorry, but are you purposefully trying to continue to be ignorant on this subject?
Ugh pirates choose arguments they know can't be proven or dis-proven.
This is wrong. There have been multiple links in this very thread showing that. You might want to check them out.
Whats also interesting about this, is that the entertainment industry has NEVER provided one single argument that could ever be proven, because its 100% based on assumption. The worst possible assumption they could possibly make that supports their side of the argument. Again, assumptions that have been proven wrong. Links in this thread.
To me piracy is like walking into a bookstore, photocopying a book and walking out with it, sounds absurd right?
Actually a valid comparison. Is it a bad thing though? There is at least one world famous novelist that thinks its ok, and has proven that it increased his sales/profits. Link in this thread.
The 'no demo' and ineffectual reviewing defence is better but the fact is that you can still rent games. Got no pennies? Then go to a rental system online and just rent them and see if you like them rather than downloading torrents.
Interesting. Did you know that most of the gaming industry is largely against all form of game rental? Some of them even think its significantly worse then piracy.
I can understand why companies see this sort of thing as a lost sale, why on earth would you buy a game you have already played through for free?
Why would people buy something they torrented? Lots of reasons that have been outlined in this thread, and many others on this site that I have seen you post in. I'm confused though how you missed them all. Or you just ignored them and continue to say the same thing. The fact of the matter is that a LOT of gamers torrent things first, then buy them later. Which is part of the reason why piracy increases profits. Again, links in this thread about it.
Its seriously getting old seeing the same people repeat the same ignorant garbage over and over on this site. So much information has been provided by people in and out of the industry that prove that piracy does not negatively effect profits, and in fact increases it. Stop being a blind "right fighter" and read some of the information. You just come off like a kid with fingers in their ears "lalalalala".
Sharing of intellectual property is, always has been, and always will be a part of the system. A good part. Not my opinion. Proven fact.