Diegetic sound means sound that is from the source of recording. For example, if a track was playing in the background, perhaps from a radio or cd player at the time. There is no way of removing the music without the audio sounding off or clunky. Removing the hole sound from the video would remove the baby's laughter and the mother talking to the baby. In a legal case, it would be considered that the video would not take attention away from the original track in question, And would not be prosecuted for several reasons.ResonanceSD said:Oh, and music companies already remove the audio tracks from YouTube videos which infringe on copyrights. Just an fyi.
1. The hole track was not in the video.
2. The track was of low quality and was quite distant.
3. The sound was obviously from an external source, and was not intentionally included.
4. The track was not the main focus of the video, and at no point attention was drawn.
The video in question was removed completely, using the DMCA act.
Also. Clarify in one post what you do and do not agree with about SOPA. My stance is piracy is a gray issue, and giving such power to anyone on sticky topics like this is always going to end in disaster.