Murais said:
Escapist Community, I have lost a lot of faith in you today.
Seriously. Those pictures are not meant to be laughed at, nor are they ridiculous demands (Except maybe number 2).
You're not clever, and your shit ain't funny. Learn a little respect and analyze the power struggle you play in every day, and where you lie in it. You might understand why it sucks to be on the short end of the social standard stick.
I disagree with your first statement entirely, there's a very reasoned and interesting debate going on in these pages. I normally don't post on here much any more but I was genuinely moved to get involved with this discussion and I'm proud to be a member of this community, one that is debating a very polarizing subject.
The rest of your post, well, based on his first post I would be whole heartedly behind you until #215, Giftfromme came back strong and I'm genuinely not sure how I feel. OP comes of incredibly puerile in the face of his latest input, surely he could have done a lot better with his reasoning but from the standpoint he presents at #215 I can understand why he is frustrated by these pictures (I don't agree with him but I can now wrap my head around his position).
First off, gender inequality is real, it's an issue we should not allow to continue and is quite frankly disgusting in the light of all the historic work in civil rights during the 20th Century.
However, what we seem to have reached is a little thing I like to call "The Greer Threshold". It's the nexus of feminism as a theory and feminism as a practice. Feminism and Feminist theory are inherently correct, the parity they aim to achieve between genders (and in more modern times sexual identity and roles) is one you can't argue. Sorry, no dice, you will never convince me that women and men aren't equal, that sex between two consenting adults in any configuration is wrong or that there is no issue to be debated. Nothing upsets me more than "I have no experience of this issue, therefore it cannot be relevant today", it deeply saddens me to think I share this planet we these sorts of people.
However, I don't think Giftfromme is one of these people, I think he and I share a common problem, that Feminism has been
wildly misrepresented by many people, specifically those claiming to support the cause. Hence "The Greer Threshold", she herself moved from one of the most notable and successful exponents of Feminist theory, but at some point lost her way, becoming this horrible, backwards presence that seeks only to highlight small, individual instances of sexism. You can probably tell I am not her biggest fan.
Giftfromme said:
I dare you to refute my points.
Oh son, you had best come correct when you post up something like this, especially if, theoretically at least, we should be on the same side.
1: You're actually right, but you're missing such a crucial point that he's making. Why did he think it was "unmanly"? Because social expectations are that he will use his penis on her vagina. If that sounds stupid, let me put it another way, how many times in your life have you seen or heard fundamentalist idiots talking about homosexual acts as "unnatural"? More than a few I'm guessing. We(that is, heterosexual males) are born into a world where despite huge steps towards equality, men are still "on top" both societally and in their bedrooms.
2: You've skipped the university picture in both OP and #215. You put it up as an example of stupid so I assume you don't get it. If you do I apologise. He's making a point that very few large institutions have been named after important women, unless a group is set up by a woman (Oprah Angel Network) or directly related to them (Marie Curie Cancer Research) the chances are they'll pick a man to name things after. Specifically schools, hospitals and other public buildings.
3: Again it's a societal comment, if a friend of yours gets a compliment from a girl in front of you, you probably don't think "I'm ugly", you probably don't care. Watch adverts on TV, women are presented as turning heads, getting whistles. How is the average person supposed to live up to ludicrous social expectations?
4: I dislike the term "rape culture" because it tars everyone with the same brush. Basically, rape culture is things like laughing at rape jokes, but I understand why people get defensive about this, I enjoy dark humour, no matter how tasteless and obviously I'm not going to rape anyone, that's a given. But there are those who see rape as acceptable and not inherently wrong, like the recent story of the college sportsmen in the US raping a teenager, then joking about it on video. I see these two things as separate, it's a difficult position to hold and not a popular one to say openly but I don't believe that sick jokes and "rape is ok" are anywhere near the same thought process. That said, his sign should be "because there is more I could do to help prevent rape" and I think that's something all men can agree on.
5: Giftfromme old chum, for once you and I are on the same page. Here's why: Armpit hair is one of the great "false battles" of feminism, while it is the rejection of a gender expectation, there is very little benefit as statement. Shaving of the legs is an entirely different matter and one that is understandable given the fact that they are more often on display in female fashion. Yet under the arms is rarely seen and to my mind this is an attempt to generate an issue that has little or no bearing in practice.
6: Ok, we both agree that society doesn't agree with her. I disagree with you that it's ok for society to think that way (I see your health issues point and raise you evolutionary necessity will cause a percentage of our population to be heavy, regardless of how we live our lives). But this gives me an opportunity to bring the hammer down on something I really despise in current feminist practice. "Patriarchal beauty standards" is as stupid a phrase as I've ever read, why do I think this? Because I'm a white heterosexual male who is also a feminist and I believe that women need to collectively understand that while men invented these standards,they are now perpetuated almost exclusively by women. The female editors of Vogue and Cosmopolitan (and many other fashion publications) are telling women what female beauty is. For this to change, women need to acknowledge this issue and deal with it, blaming the Patriarchy is true in most instances but here it's becoming a rather insidious scapegoat.
7: I think this is more to do with the typical thought process that follows "Gender studies?" to "Oh, she's a feminist" to every major stereotype about outwardly feminist women. That's not fair. But take it from someone who did Drama, we're all on a long road to course acceptance with her Gender Studies and your Writing , I don't know whether Medics and Engineers will agree but I think they're all valid.
8: Yeah, you see this right here is a tricky one. I get what she means but in the same breathe I can't honestly disagree with you. I'm not well versed in feminist readings of art history so I'm not best placed to comment. However, my two cents is that art is not there to set societal benchmarks, it's purpose is to express not to dictate, so I struggle to see the oppression nudes are placing on the female form. I would refer anyone to the work of Egon Scheile and his nudes to support my position.
In closing, Giftfromme you made some interesting points which I enjoyed reading, but you should have made the points from #215 in your OP. Given that you're obviously an intelligent guy, those one sentence jibes don't fit what you were capable of saying.
If I was going to do this, mine would read "I need feminism because men and women are equal but not everyone sees it yet"