lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics


New member
Sep 15, 2012
I need feminism because...(insert personal insecurity/problem and blame other people for it)

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Father Time said:
I did read your post and most of it is just "No you're wrong, reread it again". That's not an argument and you're just wasting everyone's times.
This is my 13th post on this thread. Which one did you read?

Father Time said:
It's not our job to research your position for you, it's your job to back up your points with something.
Which points have I failed to back up?

The original post was garbage, so I rebuked it as garbage. I think I've pretty comprehensively explained why I did that by now. If you have any relevant questions, ask them and I'll elaborate further.

But I'm indulging your ego at this point. You're not my editor, this isn't a journal, and amazingly I'm not nearly as concerned with your opinion as you seem to imagine I am.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Father Time said:
Palmerama said:
I read the images as sarcastic. Was I supposed to? Gotten quite confused since reading this thread.

Not going to say anything else.
The OP read them as being completely serious (and so did I except for maybe the college one). The inability to tell if these are serious or satire is called Poe's Law.

capcha: skynet knows.

And apparently it's not going to tell us. Bastard.
I'm more hoping that they are sarcastic as they're too ludicrous to be taken seriously. Such as the "I need feminism because my University is names after a man." That is just too stupid to comment.

"I need feminism because I'm tired of feeling 'unmanly' for enjoying my girlfriends strap-on." WFT? Surely feeling "unmanly" is his own personal problem. Feminism isn't going to help him. Sharing his feelings with his girlfriend would be best.

"I need feminism because my gender studies degree is just as valid as anyone else's degree" You don't need feminism for that either. Just be glad you have a degree. I've had to defend my Drama & Film studies degree loads of times as has my housemate with his Event Management degree.

Lord these people are stupid. Not one of them actually needs feminism that's why I thought/hoped they were being sarcastic.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Feminism, the radical belief that women are people too.

I find it funny the majority of people laughing about it are men.

Those poor middle class, white males. Must be so hard. I mean, after all, you probably held a door for a woman. Poor boys, so oppressed.

Let's see you babies go through just a period. Probably break most of you. I wish males could go through child-birth. Oh, the tears.



New member
Aug 17, 2009
boots said:
awesomeClaw said:
Of course they´re average joes who think the attitude is normal. No person ever willingly and knowingly does something they consider evil/immoral. That´s pretty obvious.

1. We all got our own problems. Ain´t your business if someone you don´t know gets raped and you avoid it. We have a neat expression here in Sweden - "Den enes död, den andres bröd." It (roughly) means "One mans death is another mans fortune." That´s what I´d say this is.
I'm ... going to have to disagree. It's always someone else's problem until it happens to you. I don't think the attitude towards people being raped should be to shrug and say "not my business". Especially since statistically I have about a 1 in 10 chance of it becoming very much my business, no matter how careful I am.

2. It counts. If a person say it doesn´t count, they are according to us, wrong. But what else are we going to do about it? Force them to change their opinion? That´s questionable. All we can really do is take the discussion, and if they don´t listen, then we simply have to accept that.
Accept it until when? Until they wind up sitting on a jury deciding whether or not a woman was raped by her husband? Until they rape their own partner in the belief that it "doesn't count"? Sorry, I'd prefer to make an attempt at educating people.

3. This is one point where you are in the wrong. When did I say that I propogated a specific dress style to avoid rape? I even said such an assumption is incorrect in my post!
Yes, but when you talk about teaching people to avoid rape, this is the "advice" that is most commonly given.

About "A no is a yes that just needs a little convicing." To qoute Joel from The Last Of Us trailer - "You are treading on some mighty thin ice here." So pressuring someone into sex is rape now? That´s questionable. Dickish, yes, but rape?
I should add that this was the response given to the question "does no mean no?" And the fact that someone wouldn't agree with that statement is incredibly frightening, not least because "a little convincing" has so many different interpretations. If you can't take a person's decision at face value and respect it - especially when it comes to something like sex - then you are straying into the area where ignoring a refusal of consent is OK.

We will never get rid of rapists. Best solution is to minimise the chances of a sucessful rape.
Can't you see how terrible this attitude is? This is how rape gets normalised. Once you accept that rape is a natural part of life and start arguing that it's each person's responsibility to fight off their attacker in the most effective way, you implicitly blame each victim of a "successful rape" for not doing a good enough job of avoiding it, and meanwhile you let rapists off the hook because apparently they're only doing what comes naturally.
1. We´re going to have to agree to disagree here. One should be happy shit happend to someone else and not oneself. It had to happen to somebody, after all.

2. Of course you should! Debate until your voice gets hoarse! Try to tell people why they are wrong! But don´t be angry when they refuse your worldview and substitute their own. Until they commit a crime, they can think and believe what they want. And they can try to impose that worldview in court, if they so wish. There isn´t more you can do.

3. Well okay.

4. Sometimes, a bit of pressuring and subterfuge can take you further than a respectful and kind attitude ever can(just speaking generally here, not specifically related to sex.). Let me substitute my own answer: no means no - until you convince them to say yes. Of course it´s a dick thing to do, but honestly, if you consent to fucking someone you don´t want to fuck because they pressured you, in this specific instance, it is your own fault.(Of course harassing and such is not okay, but pressuring and harassing are two diffrent things. Pressuring is nagging and generally being an immature asshole.)

5. Rapists are never going away. They are always going to exist, no matter what. You will never remove them all. Isn´t it better we try to prevent rape as efficiently as possible by both educating people not to rape AND giving helpful advice to women how to best avoid rape?


New member
Nov 19, 2010
boots said:
meanwhile you let rapists off the hook because apparently they're only doing what comes naturally.
That is a naturalistic fallacy. Natural doesn't mean okay, or something you ignore or accept.

It's a common misconception that people have. If you turn up to court and say you were drunk driving but you couldn't help it because you have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, you're much more likely to get a permanent ban than a temporary one.

Lions will naturally eat people, we keep lions in cages. We do not say oh, well its only natural for them to eat people, let em go. No we say, they are a consistent and ongoing danger thus we must never let them loose (in centres of human population).

If indeed it were the case that for some people that such actions were natural, then when you come to measure their capacity for rehabilitation it would be considered either low, or non existent. This wouldn't mean you would release them, but rather that you would increase their sentence or even never release them since they will always pose a threat to society.

Edit: clarity, lions away from human population centres don't typically need to be locked up.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Holy shit.

I saw this thread back when it was a under twenty reply thread. Thought to myself, "Gee, I wonder if this is going to turn into a huge shitstorm of people bitching at each other passive aggressively about feminism itself and not posting about the actual content of the OP."

Oh look, I was right.

Have fun guys. You won't change any minds or accomplish anything meaningful in this thread. Everything you have already posted or anything you will post at any time in the future is a complete waste of time.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Father Time said:
What's ironic about laughing at feminism and rejecting their theories?
versoth said:
Wait, what?

People who think a certain way think a certain way? And this is ironic?
The irony comes from the assertion that feminism is laughable because it's unnecessary, overreacting, hypersensitive or somehow criticising things that clearly do not happen. Then feminism getting a slew of misogyny/sexism that pretty much confirms the critique made in the first place.

Step 1: "Those things don't happen!"
Step 2: [those things actually happen]
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit Irony.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
boots said:
awesomeClaw said:
1. We´re going to have to agree to disagree here. One should be happy shit happend to someone else and not oneself. It had to happen to somebody, after all.

5. Rapists are never going away. They are always going to exist, no matter what. You will never remove them all. Isn´t it better we try to prevent rape as efficiently as possible by both educating people not to rape AND giving helpful advice to women how to best avoid rape?
I think these two pretty much sum up our difference of opinion. I don't think that rape has to happen to anyone, and when it does I'm not going to take any pleasure from the fact that it happened to someone else instead of me. Even if you look at it from an entirely selfish standpoint, every person that gets raped reminds me that it could happen to me as well.

I also don't think that "rapists will never go away entirely" is a useful attitude to have when you set out to prevent rape. It's like saying, "everyone dies in the end, so what's the point in cancer research?"

I also think it's very easy to have a laissez-faire attitude towards rape when you've never been raped yourself.
I don´t think we´re going to change eachothers opinions. From here on out, it becomes more a question of personal values, and you can´t really debate against that. Agree to disagree?

Nevertheless, I thank my lady of the evening for the debate and I wish the best of luck to you and yours.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
awesomeClaw said:
1. We´re going to have to agree to disagree here. One should be happy shit happend to someone else and not oneself. It had to happen to somebody, after all.

You mean somebody like me?

Glad you have that attitude. Makes me feel great. Thanks for that wonderful remark of 'It had to happen to somebody, after all.'

As if implying I was obligated to be violated and raped.

There are other survivors on this site. Be a little more courteous to those who've suffered. After all, "it has to happen to somebody" and that "somebody" might be you. Bet your opinion changes then.

Can I remove my account of this pathetic excuse of forum? Just wondering. I've had enough of this BS.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
bleys2487 said:
boots said:
awesomeClaw said:
1. We´re going to have to agree to disagree here. One should be happy shit happend to someone else and not oneself. It had to happen to somebody, after all.

You mean somebody like me?

Glad you have that attitude. Makes me feel great. Thanks for that wonderful remark of 'It had to happen to somebody, after all.'

As if implying I was obligated to be violated and raped.

There are other survivors on this site. Be a little more courteous to those who've suffered. After all, "it has to happen to somebody" and that "somebody" might be you. Bet your opinion changes then.

Can I remove my account of this pathetic excuse of forum? Just wondering. I've had enough of this BS.
Everyone´s going to have to put up with a set amount of suffering in their lives. I offer my condolences that your qouta was heavier than the average person´s.

EDIT: Just PM a mod and they´ll have it nixed right away.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Oh hey guys is this another long rambling thread wherein a bunch of white dudes talk about the social struggle of people of a race/gender they don't share as if they have any idea what they're talking about? I just wanna be sure, there's like ten of these per week and I don't want to miss a single one, thanks.

Sorry for the interruption. I'm sure a lot of really good points were being made by people who clearly know what the fuck they're talking about.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
itsthesheppy said:
Oh hey guys is this another long rambling thread wherein a bunch of white dudes talk about the social struggle of people of a race/gender they don't share as if they have any idea what they're talking about? I just wanna be sure, there's like ten of these per week and I don't want to miss a single one, thanks.

Sorry for the interruption. I'm sure a lot of really good points were being made by people who clearly know what the fuck they're talking about.
One can always seek to understand, no matter what their race, sexuality, or gender. :)

I do not think this thread is one of seeking understanding. :|

the clockmaker

New member
Jun 11, 2010
itsthesheppy said:
Oh hey guys is this another long rambling thread wherein a bunch of white dudes talk about the social struggle of people of a race/gender they don't share as if they have any idea what they're talking about? I just wanna be sure, there's like ten of these per week and I don't want to miss a single one, thanks.

Sorry for the interruption. I'm sure a lot of really good points were being made by people who clearly know what the fuck they're talking about.
Because understanding is governed by the colour of the skin and the nature of your genitalia.

Seriously, I am not in any way claiming that white people are oppressed or that discrimination against them goes beyond the superficial, but seriously now,
a-"We need to be understanding of everyone's view point"
b-"I have an opinion"
a-"Shut the fuck up, you are a white male and therefore have nothing of value to say"

You don't see the hypocrisy of that, or the closely linked hypocrisy of assuming that because someone comes from a social grouping that they immediately understand all issues related to that social grouping.

I'm not going to get involved into what actually is happening in this thread, but that belligerent and exclusionist attitude immediately denies you the right to claim that you are 'pro-equality'.

Furthermore, a hypocrisy that you personally are not guilty of but I have seen several times in this thread, complaining about the objectification of women and then linking a man's value to his number of sexual partners, ie
"you think that women who don't shave their armpits are unattractive,you are a permavirgin"

Why is it offensive to link a women's worth to her sexuality, but not a man to his?


New member
May 21, 2011
awesomeClaw said:
5. Rapists are never going away. They are always going to exist, no matter what. You will never remove them all. Isn´t it better we try to prevent rape as efficiently as possible by both educating people not to rape AND giving helpful advice to women how to best avoid rape?
Anti-rape education already happens; most people usually just complain about the results. There are some pretty straightforward guidelines that have been burned into my brain on how not to get raped:

1. Never go anywhere alone. Especially at night or in secluded areas.
2. Never go to a party alone. If you ignore this rule, never accept a drink from someone you do not know.
3. Never get drunk at a party in which you have ignored rule #2.
4. If you brought friends to the party, make sure one of them is trustworthy, willing to stay sober, and will keep tabs on you at all times.
5. Never do drugs at a party (this one wasn't burned in just for rape, though).
6. Never go anywhere alone with any man you do not know.
7. Never go anywhere alone with any man you do not know very well.
8. Never trust any man who you think has any chance of wanting to rape you.
9. Know that you will never know any man well enough to be fully sure of #8 (I think this rule is overboard, but I keep getting the gist of it from overly protective people).
10. Above all else, know that an unreasonably high number of women get raped by men (I want to say 1 in 4, but I honestly can't remember). The chance that you will join the statistic is not negligible. Know that rape does not have to come from unknown sources and can come from people who you thought you knew (e.g. date rape). Always be vigilant.
11+. There are probably some rules in there for online encounters (don't tell people where you live, etc.) but I'd argue they're the same for both genders.

So, yeah, women are taught to avoid rape. And if you're OK with this level of vigilance, it works (I see a lot of arguments around here and elsewhere that women are way too paranoid, but if that's not you, that's cool). The avoidance sort of kills the trust between men and women, and I'm pretty sure people around here think this is overly paranoid, but if I want a damn good chance of not being raped, this is what I've gotta do. It really kills dating, too. I mean, yeah you can always double date, but if she has no friends to double date with, why should she trust you? Some women don't really like having to follow all of these rules, either, but that's a different issue.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
General Twinkletoes said:
EDIT: I'm just getting rid of this (escapist needs a delete button...) because I honestly don't care, and don't want to be dragged into the inevitable flamewar.
See now that you've said that I have to respond to your post. Because I am essentially a douchebag.

So yeah, is this another one of those threads where everyone says "This will end badly" and just continue to say that until the thread kinda just dies? Because it looks that way.