Let's play the superpower lottery!


Grand Admiral
May 17, 2010
Rerolled for kicks, got Angel Soul . Pretty nifty, I guess, though it seems like the page likes to saddle me with Heavenly shenanigans.

Daystar Clarion said:
Cos I'm not OP :D

Heroes are never OP.
Oh god that made me lol so hard.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I got Empathic Affinity

The power to be strengthened by a certain emotion. A sub-power of Affinity.

So is this kinda like The Hulk? He gets stronger as he gets angrier right?

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I got enhanced driving, that's a lot better than last time I did this and got something with feathers.

It is the power to instantly or intuitively know how to use some or all forms of transport.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009

Valley Manipulation? Does that mean I can rip vast areas of land out of the ground and drop it on things? If so, sweet.
May 5, 2010
Astrological Physiology: The ability to tap the energies of the astrological planets. I'm not really sure what that means, but it says this is the same as "Zodiac Empowerment", so I'm gonna see what that is.

Holy shit, this is awesome. I basically get to pick and choose from a massive array of powers associated with each sign of the Zodiac. Each sign has like, five or six awesome powers, and I can take as many as I want. They're usually some sort of elemental-manipulation, an increased skill or personality trait, and some sort of "animal mimicry", whatever that means. Fucking jackpot.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
I got Neuronal Vampirism.

"The user can gain strength and energy by feeding off of others' nerve impulses. Once fed, the user can use the energy for a variety of powers, such as strength, speed, and healing and sustaining oneself. After users have fed on their victims, the victims are left paralyzed for a short amount of time."

Thats a pretty good all-rounder. Shame I need a victim. Maybe I could team up with someone with an excess of nerve activity who wouldn't mind me leeching off them. Could come to an arrangement, maybe something involving chores or getting the beers in. With super speed I could get it done pretty quick... then go fight crime... or take over the world... maybe both.

WANTED: Friendly vampire seeks leeching partner for superpower aquisition. Those with nerve damage need not apply. *Disclaimer: May include puncture wounds, bitemarks, temporary or permanent paralysis. Batteries not included.*


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Hydrokinetic Constructs. Oh the possibilities. I am your God fear me!! Nah I'm just kidding wouldn't want to piss off the people who can write me out of existence. But seriously! I can make just about anything out of water!! How Fuckin awesome is that!! With enough practice I can do almost anything! If I don't have any water I can even use my own body! Hell, I can even make fakes of myself. Water elementals, water tentacle- oh I LIKE, water platforms, wings, weapons, anything I can think of is mine to create!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Animal Mimicry

The user can use/imitate animal powers. Can run like an ostrich, swing like a monkey, run like a cheetah, move like a cat, take the strength of an ant, track like a dog, hide like a turtle, constriction of a snake, etc. Users cannot transform into animals, this power enables the user to mimic animals while still in their original form. Some users can mimic multiple animals at once

Could've been worse, I suppose. Would just need to find a good animal to imitate.

Rerolled for kicks, got Rain Creation. Sigh. I keep being mediocre.

Second reroll, got Ritual Empowerment. So I guess I'm Hidan, then.

Eh, I guess that's it for now. Cool thread tho, OP.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
Digital Form:

User can manipulate the power of nanotechnology
User can convert any raw material into what ever the user can think of
Having no physical body, User is immune to physical harm and attacks.
User can Digitize: converting matter into data and information
User can interact or possess computers, machines or objects running on electricity.
User's are non-corporal thus allowing them to achieve several feats such as flight , intangibility , invisibility and self-sustenance.
User can gain corporal form by either projecting or solidyfiying their data form into anything they desire.
If User gains corporal form with nano-technology User gains the powers of Shapeshifting, Reactive Adaptation, Teleportation, Enhanced Strength,Mental Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Mind Control, Metal Mimicry, Weapon Manipulation, Self-Sustenance, Possession as well as many other abilities.
Data Form can be Immortal and could be re-inserted into a new body
Data form typically enables Electrical Transportation.
User with nano-technological body can potentially replicate any superpower by absorbing information.



New member
May 20, 2011
Physics Manipulation.
The Laws of Physics is under the user's command, with it they can control matter and motion, for example, change the direction a ball moves and how fast it travels.
So... I have all the power of all god in the universe... what can beat me? Just asking.

-you shoot me, I change bullet vector of force and send them back.
-infinite power punch (changing force, weight, hardness and gravity attraction of hand, eat that flash!)
-ability to create pure energy ray from ANYTHING.Black hole too, when I'm bored by laser beam.
-gravity, heat/cold, energy, light refraction ability(invisibility).
-material trasmutation. gold from iron no one?
-light speed, time traveling...

... just to state the first that come to my mind.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Carbonyl said:
Energy Blast! Oh man, I'm gonna blow up ALL THE THINGS.
All the evil things.

We're the good guys, remember :D
Well first I'm going to go somewhere very unpopulated, like a tiny island of rock in the middle of nowhere and just explode shit until I get it out of my system. I'll bring along old TVs and broken toasters and pinatas and balloons. After that I will fight crime and entertain at children's birthday parties.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Whoah... Caustic Phasing. I can move through solid surfaces, but I also break down their mollecular structure while doing so. Yikes, I could do some damage with this!


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Health Optimization. The power to sense injuries and be able to effectively heal them.
very useful! I am going to charge for miracles like a true sell out.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
bigfatcarp93 said:
Whoah... Caustic Phasing. I can move through solid surfaces, but I also break down their mollecular structure while doing so. Yikes, I could do some damage with this!
Yeah, anyway, you guys have fun being good and stuff, but I'm going to break into Fort Knox.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
I got Spacial Slicing! Had no idea what that was but I looked into it and its pretty good. According to the wiki it would let you tear the third dimension allowing you to:
-Launch tears through the air (like Palkia from Pokemon or Fierce Deity Link's Slashes)
-Create blades which tear through dimensions, making them capable of destroying anything
-Create tears in the dimension which could act as portals.

So long as I don't fight anyone with foresight or omnipotence I think I'm set! Woohoo!

Unfortunately I feel like in real life the only practical application would be to travel quickly, maybe I can make my own line of transportation and get rich off of it. I also might be able to fend off other super heroes, but seeing what some of you guys are getting maybe that wouldn't be such a great idea! O: