Beer: I prefer either a fairly neutral lager like Stella or Grolsch, or an easy-to-drink ale like Hobgoblin. If I'm in the mood perhaps John Smith's Bitter or one or two Guinnesses. I would love to claim that I've become a beer connoisseur with age but... there's so much frankly nasty beer out there that I keep scurrying back to the comfort zone. I went to a beer festival recently and so many of the fancy-named microbrews were variations on acidic, cloudy hop-water that I left rather disillusioned. In this recent hot weather I've been loving a few lager shandies - for my money, a bog standard Foster's is the best lager for this (and not much else, sorry Aussies.)
Spirits: I've been enjoying whiskey and coke rather too much this last year and am trying to avoid having it in the house.
Cider: Drank this stuff like water for decades, I find it too sweet and sickly these days.
Wine: Nah. In a restaurant with a nice meal maybe, but never just to drink by itself.
Spirits: I've been enjoying whiskey and coke rather too much this last year and am trying to avoid having it in the house.
Cider: Drank this stuff like water for decades, I find it too sweet and sickly these days.
Wine: Nah. In a restaurant with a nice meal maybe, but never just to drink by itself.