LoadingReadyRun: Every OS Sucks


New member
Dec 19, 2008
Love that Matt was wearing the "Evolution Kills" shirt from Questionable Content. Catchy song, might be worth a purchase.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Glutnix said:
Sincere outlaw said:
Linux users still have this
Yeah, but how long did it take for him to LEARN to do that l33t manoeuvre at the drop of a hat...? ;)
Eh. Probably about as long it takes to learn to use Linux.

That said, I've been a pretty staunch Windows fan all my life, even though it has it's fair share of problems. A month ago, my laptop with Vista got infiltrated by a virus, which I couldn't kill. So I reformatted to just kill the damn thing.
Vista didn't re-install.
So now I have a $1000 piece of plastic and fancy LCD screen sitting on my couch doing nothing, and I'm stuck using my Mum's crappy old Windows XP desktop. x.x


New member
Feb 19, 2010
In fact for shits 'n' giggles try running a Mac executable on a Windows machine or vice versa. In fact Linux is one of the only systems that can really do that consistently, I've got a few programs on my netbook that I basically forget are running through an environment.
Uhhhh... what? I'm not aware of that ever happening as you seem to envision it.

Mac applications, while technically UNIX-based, are VERY different from Linux applications and I have yet to see one run on a Linux machine in any way, using any software bar virtualization software that all three OSes can use. It's also worth noting that Mac applications

Windows applications can run using WINE or CrossOver, but though that's fairly decent, it's not the holy grail and doesn't do everything right - and it's certainly a far cry from being in any way native in terms of support.

Obviously, Linux apps don't run on either system unless they're ported or virutalized.

Please tell me what you use to run Windows and Mac applications with that degree of seamlessness (unless by an "environment" you mean Virtualbox or some other virtual machine, which is in fact cross-platform).

On topic, though, the video was very cute and well-done, though I did see the sync a bit off. I honestly kinda preferred the original one on deadtrolls.com though.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Linux - pretentious elitists.

Sounds about right. Though, if that was true, at least 70% of the escapist members should be running Linux.

(p.s. the Linux girl was very cute though)


New member
Feb 13, 2009
SomeLameStuff said:
I remember this during Desert Bus! Was hilarious.

I think I prefer the Desert Bus version though =/
Im not so sure. I like the visuals here...

:D i like it. Go Wes!


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Folio said:
Those references are great! Comparing operation systems with dates. A bit like the Mac & PC commercials.

What if you did the same with gaming consoles?

The flamewar would bring the sky burning down upon our heads, trolls mounting the roflcopter gun turrets as humanity is enslaved. Weakened by our centuries of in fighting that could be traced back to a single video many years ago. The Order of The PS3 the Xbox Alliance and even the underground Cult of Wii would try and unite together as brothers (Girl gamers make yourself heard over my sexist words here) to face the new threat but we would be defeated eventually, no heroes amongst these gamers.

Humanity would mine away at the internet dragging up more and more food for the trolls never finishing work until the trolls were satiated and the porn veins run dry, and still the voice of Wes Borg would ring out hollow and tinny from iron speakers high above the ground reminding us of our fatal folly as the trolls left our broken society to nurse itself softly into oblivion. Is this the fate you want for Earth? Do you want a console version of this THAT badly?!?

I... Uh forgot where I was going with that


New member
Feb 19, 2010
(CrossOver is much faster than WINE at a lot of things, especially Steam)

My mistake on the quote. The thing about virtualization is that Window and Mac can also do it, so it's not really a Linux-specific power - and even if Linux can run it, if it can't do it as well as the Mac or PC can, probably better to use Mac or PC. Linux has plenty of advantages, but I don't know if I'd count cross-compatibility among them.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
I think I must be the only person who didn't see this during desert bus. Stupid work. Their OS sucks too!

Man the stinger is great, Kathleen can be so mean if she wants to be!


New member
Jun 25, 2009
I do like this version of the song... but when it was on DB first time... it was fantastic... this year it was for nostaliga and it was great... now...Its still good, but i didnt like it how you all added the middle bit, but I'll get over it I guess.....

But Borg had long hair! The cap was...awful.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
On OSes; my brother told me once about some work he's doing as a sound engineer. He works with 3 computers in the system; one is a Mac, one is a PC and one is a PC running Linux; they are all new or new-ish machines. He asked me to guess which was the easiest to work with. As a PC lover, I of course said that the Mac was expensive bullshit and worthless, the Linux system was overcomplicated and the PC of course was flawless. I was surprisingly far off:
The PC's software was buggy and overcomplicated.
The (audiotronics) hardware that the Linux was compatible with was of very poor quality.
The Mac was a bit out of it's depth doing technical stuff; it was crashy and unreliable.

Speaking impartially, I believe this situation well describes the fallbacks of each system, and it agrees with the song too. Wes said it best- when you get right down to it, every OS sucks.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
I approve of the choice of linux-girl.
Her cuteness shall prove once and for all the superiority of Linux!

On a more serious note, I firmly believe you can circumvent most os problems by using each product in a way that plays to their strength.
Apple OS for media consumption (through iPad instead of Mac, but still), Windows for gaming and office stuff and Linux for most of my cs projects.
Its not like anyone is short on disk space these days anyway and can´t use 2 or 3 os on the same system.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
Actually kind of disappointed. I really like LRR, I really like Wes Borg songs, but meshing together... let's just say I liked the old Dead Trolls video better, it seemed to fit the song more.

But hey, if you wanna do remakes and music videos, please oh please remake Suspend Your Disbelief.