Man Let Son Suffocate Because He Was Playing WoW


New member
Feb 5, 2009
It was his fault, not the games. As a father he needs to be more responsible. This is the classical defense of shifting the blame from you and unto someone else though. I can't see it working but it might reduce his sentence.


New member
May 19, 2009
Man was an ass. The game ha nothing to do with this.
Blame the game, not the player.
And fox is so going to whore over this, even tho it was almost 2 years ago.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Daemascus said:
How is this WoWs fault? This man is just a bad parent. He could just as easly been watching football or something and this could have turned out the same. Blaming WoW is just an excuse.
Done in one two.


New member
May 19, 2009
Chefodeath said:
Look, don't you find it a bit hard to believe that a man will just think "Well my son's dieing, but shit I gotta finish this raid."

I think there's a good case to be made against WoW, assuming this isn't just a case of one man's gross negligence. Perhaps its time we analyze Wow for its potentially dangerous addictive qualities.
So you are saying blame the game, not the player?
Football as a game isn't violent, the players are.

So you are saying that; Blizzard as a company should be held responsible over this morons behavior that led to the death of hes child. That Blizzard should babysit the babysitters. You assume they have some mythic power to be observing everything that is going on around the player.

So let say this.
You are a proud owner of a distillery, you make beer for your living and it is selling really well.
A person drinks always your beer - exclusively. One day this person drinks too much of your beer and passes out, while hes child suffocates to a toy.
Your beer was so good that this person drank it too much and might also been ADDICTED to it, it lead to a death of a child. Should you be held responsible over the death of the child, because the person was unable to take care of the child because he got intoxicated by your beer.

Can you be held accountable? Because one thing we know that exist for sure and that is chemical addiction. One thing we still haven't found any evidence is gaming addiction, it must be either social addiction or behavioral pattern, not an addiction.
So can you be held accountable?

(recaptcha "the führer" - I think someone is trying to tell me something!!! :p )

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
Merkavar said:
so basically he saw a pillow on his sons head and left it there cause he was playing a game?

Hang him if found guilty after deleting his wow toons in front of him.
NOOOO! Not death penalty! Let him rot in jail till he is 99 years old. And tell his inmates, I bet they will be able to fit in a daily special treatment for fathers that let their own children die in such a stupid way (some breath control "exercises" with pillows come to mind).

OP: He obviously has serious mental issues or is just a plain dumbass. Let a game be more important than his own son?!

Sovvolf said:
The fact that these people are allowed to breed really, really, really pissed me off.

Hiphophippo said:
Deshara said:
o_O You know what? If nobody came right out and told me, I wouldn't move the pillow off my child's head. I sleep buried every night under thick blankets and pillows, so I wouldn't be miffed to see a child like that as well. I really don't see this guy as being all that bad-- children being able to suffocate from a pillow isn't something I consider common knowledge
Do you have children? I'm not going to blame you for these statements if you don't. Having a child is a life-changing event. It completely changes your entire outlook on the way the world works.
Yeah stuff like that should be pretty common knowledge for any parent, if not for most people with much common sense. Pillow over your head is covering your nose and mouth so it means you have trouble breathing, adults can sleep with a pillow on there heads (not recommended) because of the strong lungs (though if your not too careful you can smother your self that way)... A baby, with a smaller head and weaker lungs...
The problem isn't inability to breath, the problem is the pillow acts like a filter and retains CO2 that yoou keep breathing in and will cause to to become acidotic until you end up dying intoxicated. That make take a couple of hours so makes it even worse as I bet the baby cried over a long time as feeling increasingly disconforted and later like suffocating.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
what an asshole. first he lies about y the baby died, now he trying to pin blame on something else? Hope they convict he ass, lock him up and throw away the key.

total and complete scumbag!


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Vitor Goncalves said:
Merkavar said:
so basically he saw a pillow on his sons head and left it there cause he was playing a game?

Hang him if found guilty after deleting his wow toons in front of him.
NOOOO! Not death penalty! Let him rot in jail till he is 99 years old.
LogicNProportion said:
Merkavar said:
so basically he saw a pillow on his sons head and left it there cause he was playing a game?

Hang him if found guilty after deleting his wow toons in front of him.
Oh no...he should live with it. >D

As much as it pains me to say this, this isn't WoW's fault. Man is just a bad human being.
your both assuming i meant hang him to death :) i just meant by his ball or any other appendage


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
I can understand being fixated on a particularly engrossing game, but fuck, seriously?

This guy should never be allowed to have a child again. Or take care of anything but his own needs.

I feel sorry for the mum, really. Incredibly sorry, to get home and see that that has happened.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I can see the running wow-gag for today: when people get kicked for AFK'ing, they all claim their baby died and just had to go...

I think i'll go do that right now!


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Man, I've had enough of this. I wouldn't be suprised if I get actioned for this post but hey, enough is enough.

Headline should read "Man losses son in tragic accident caused by lapse in judgement and attention, will never forgive himself and will end up depressed/taking his own life in the long run, but hey, lets all not only blame a video game but also make his life even worse.. if that were possible, by locking him up and judging him for a momentary lapse that could happen to anyone. After all, parents are all perfect and NEVER make mistakes do they now.. those that do make mistakes that result in tragedy are not feeling bad enough, no, we must demonise and treat them like shit because they made a mistake!"


New member
Mar 18, 2010
If these are the man's priorities, then he doesn't deserve to have a child. However, that child should be removed from him and placed in someone else's care, rather than removed in this way. If I was ever too busy with a video game to do something a tenth as important as this, my girlfriend would slap me in the face and tell me I'm an idiot. Sounds like this guy needs someone to do that. Hopefully the justice system has a large enough hand.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
This kind of person makes me sick. Man the hell up coward. He left his child to die and instead he is trying to find every defense and excuse to try and remove as much guilt as possible. This is just the kind of thing that the anti-games group need. I swear as soon as there is a conviction they should smother him with a pillow.

frago roc

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Now we hear stories about ppl not hearing or seeing their children in danger... but the sick thing about this is the guy heard and knew it was going on... Enjoy prison asshole.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Daemascus said:
How is this WoWs fault? This man is just a bad parent. He could just as easly been watching football or something and this could have turned out the same. Blaming WoW is just an excuse.
^^ hes right.

He's an adult...he shd be able to make rational decisions duh!


New member
May 26, 2010
How is this anyones fault but the fathers....

seriously fuck the news and all their deamonizing