Manufacturing Firm Plans Adults Only 'Sex Box'


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
I could imagine this on the shelves of an 'Adult' store, but I seriously doubt they'll be selling them in your local EB. It's just another sex toy, right? I'm not seeing what all the fuss is about.
(although I do agree that if you want lots of porn for little or no cost, the internet is probably a better bet.)


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Chipperz said:
OK, so many of you don't seem to be getting why this is good, I thought I'd explain it with crayons. Sadly, my scanner's on the fritz so I'll try to explain it in words of one syllable or less;

Yank mum buys grown up game for her child (child is twat, whined). Grown up game makes Yank mum cry as grown up game is on "child" X Box. Yank mum gets mad, blames grown up game. All games set back 'cos Yank mum stupid.


Yank mum tries to buy grown up game for her child (child is spoilt ****. Mum can't read box). Grown up game on grown up Sex Box, not X Box. Yank mum wont buy Sex Box for spoilt child 'cos it's name has bad words in it, like "sex" and "poo". Yank mum no gets mad, no blame grown up game. No games set back 'cos Yank mum stupid.

There, I hop that settled things for everyone. If there are still problems, I'll attempt to explain this again with Microsoft Paint.
Stupid is two syllables. Not sure whether spoilt counts as one or two. It's...more like 1.5


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I've seen enough unauthorized Sims 2 mods out there to know how this will turn out. Badly.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Ashbax said:
if anyone seriously buys this, imagine the hilarity of when, say, their girlfriend comes over and sees that console underneath their TV.

This thing is going to ruin lives and relationships almost as sucessfully as WoW if it actually comes out.

People have actually gotten into relationships over WoW. I dont know if I'll laugh or /facepalm if that happens over this.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
And my faith in humanity dies yet again. That's 5 times in the past month. (I really to stop raising it from the dead and just let it rot).

On topic, I'm positive the company will charge as much as they think they can get away with, but I don't think it will be more than $249.99 tops.
just what do u expect from humans, to be intelligent,articulate,suffisticated.....NO were not,we only care for fun as any1 should.

why care for stupid things humans do.,it would take to much time.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
YESSSS!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! It's definitely WAY past time to release it, but atleast they've finally got someone to produce one.

I'm guessing the reasonable charge is $200-$300.
heh... heh... you said release...


I mean... I would pay 2 cents... as thats what it would cost me in electricity to spend 4 seconds to find hot ebony chicks in bondage... riding a donkey... in alaska... with umbrellas..


Flaming Voodoo Cannonball!
May 13, 2009
I'd pay quite a good sum for it, say 200-300 bucks. The creep-out value alone is worth it. Imagine having this thing standing out on the table, with all kinds of sick attachments buzzing and whirring, next time the parent's come 'round for coffee, unannounced. Bet that's gonna clear up a bit of your schedule.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
I think I'm the first to ask this but what would multiplayer be like? And would they have an online thing like xbox live so people can play together?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
No point in this at all, I'm pretty sure they will make money off this though, just not my money. I have the internet, not to mention there are sex games on the internet, though shitty they are still there.

Mostly Harmless

New member
Aug 11, 2008
So this is the beginning of the end. No one will bother breeding because there too busy playing with their stupid sex-bot. And the human race will die out in matter of generations.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
A lot of people here don't seem to realize the difference between an AO-rated game and pornography. Take Fable. If Fable 1 was released exactly as it was, just with the sex with whores or spouses being animated, it would be so AO Peter Molyneaux's head would kasplode. Now you guys say "Just go online"... Been there, ain't seen no flash game as in-depth as Fable, nor Mass Effect or Conker's Bad Fur Day.

My point, in case you missed it, is that even if this console is focusing on pornographic games, it's the game end of it that appeals the most, the porn is just a jolly bonus.

Now if this thing makes it to market, I hope to high hell they make a GTA-style game based around the original pimp...

Or, for you young whippersnappers who weren't so much as an itch in your dad's nutsack in the late 70's / early 80's...​

Try telling me that wouldn't rock. Play off the mysticism and give him magical powers, and the ability to charm any wench into his bed, or under his robes.
Sir, that is possibly the most concentrated post of awesome I've ever seen. Metal accordion? You have won today's contest. Here is a very large cookie.
There you are. You do not have to eat the man standing atop your cookie. I made sure he washed his feet.

OT: Well, it had to happen sometime. Whatever. It'll probably flop, though I like the "Steam for porn" idea mentioned earlier.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Sex Box? My old bio on Xbox live said "I'll fuck you so hard in Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto 4, that you'll be playing SEX BOX!" Now I am a 1 1/2 years old and I realize that I had a really stupid bio.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
This thing is going to fail, and fail spectacularly. Even if they do manage to make the thing, they still need software to run on it, and all the legitimate developers would rather be employed by real game companies. Unless, of course, you paid them a bunch of money, because something like this wouldn't look too great on a guy's resume so this would have to be his last job ever. Heheheh.


Full diving
Jul 8, 2009
ChaosTheory3133 said:
If nothing else resurrects Jack Thompson to media relevance, then the release of this machine ought to do it.
Jack Thompson was disbarred, he can't do anything even though he'll want to. But can you imagine if he does one of those "Modest Video Game Proposals" again? Which webcomic artist is he going to have donate 10,000 bucks to charity? :D


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I can imagine there being a fairly big market for this since the major consoles universally said "No" to AO games. Go for it pron guys.