Mass Effect 2's Nudity Level Decided by Dictatorship


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I was a bit taken back when I saw how tame the sex scenes were, but it didn't really bother me. I mean, there are other places to look if you want to see naked ladies (or men)


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Meh. Sex is usually done terribly in games anyway, to a point where I'd rather it not be included at all. BioWare has better things to do with their time, like create little details that many don't notice. For example, today's Cerberus News mentions Super Bowl CCXIX, between the NY Giants and the Beijing Dragons. I love you, BioWare. (Also, the thought of a Krogan QB is scary. "Krogan charging!... Touchdown!")


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Royas said:
Woo always did strike me as being more than a bit of an ass on the forums. His attitude has always rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, technically he's right, Bioware puts what they want in the game, we decide to buy it or not. But if Bioware gets too uppity and doesn't listen to the audience at all, they will find themselves selling a lot fewer games. From that point of view, the game creation is a collaborative process... if they are smart.

Regardless, it was a pretty arrogant way to say "We really felt this was the best way to do this for the game". That's really all he needed to say to justify the whole thing. But I've sort of always perceived him as being kind of an arrogant sort. That whole "End of line!" crap he posts on every thread he locks just pisses me off for some reason.
Exactly, frankly I don't care if there's sex scenes or not. They are usually awkward and unrealistic, only game I've seen do it decently is Heavy Rain, which isn't out yet. edit: sorry I should say nudity.

However this developers attitude comes off as total fuckwad. Blizzard have been working collaboratively with their fans/playerbase for 6 years now(Longer for SC) and their games just get more popular and sell more and more.

Lazarus Long

New member
Nov 20, 2008
You can't please everyone. Unfortunately, that's what a lot of people seem to expect - being pleased 100% of the time. A developer trying to appease all corners of the market makes bland, mediocre drivel like (insert game you hate here). That's what Mr. Woo was talking about. Not "tremble at our dictatorial might, ye lowly unwashed peons," but "We're going to make the games we want to play. If you want to play too, that's brilliant. If you don't, that's brilliant too. Just don't ***** to us about how we didn't make the game to your particular specifications."

That said, the scene between Fem!Shep and Garrus was among the sweetest and most intimate portrayals of physical love I have ever seen. Hell, I even fell in love with the guy. Shepard's got me automatically: I've been in love with Jennifer Hale since Torment.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
If you need videogame sex to see some bewbs or caulk then turn off the computer and go outside and play for a while. Who knows you might just make a friend. A friendly friend. A really friendly friend. Ya get where this is going? That's right . . . exercise, loose 20 pounds and become sexay!

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Mass Effect is an RPG. A video game and a damn good one at that. I agree with Stanly Woo!



Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I really couldn't give a shit less about sex in games, but compared to some other games with sex I've played, Mass Effect is actually quite a bit more graphic. In GTA4, you see the outside of her apartment and IIRC they just say suggestive things to each other (I only did it once with the chick near the beginning and I can't even remember the last time I played that game). Even God of War, which puts it in there to be all "YEAH! TITS! SEX! WOO!" is arguably more tame. I mean, yes, you actually SEE the entirety of the boob, and you hear the girls moaning in orgasm, but you just see Kratos sort of approaching them and then it cuts to a vase rocking or something.

Now in Mass Effect on the other hand there's no hardcore nudity, but Miranda still disrobed to some degree, and you see them rolling around getting into position and shit. It's still nowhere near the caliber of porn, but it leaves very little to the imagination. And really, other than Bunky the Wonder Clown (apparently), how many people bought Mass Effect with the intention of jerking off?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
I like romance and relationships in games, but I can take or leave the sex/nudity. I am neither offended by it or greatly desirous of it.
Agreed. And to be fair, Mass Effect 1 and 2 had relationships with one brief sex scene each. Primarily before the last mission, which in both games is a dangerous mission, hence making sense they'd 'do it' for lack of a non-base phrase, heh.

Not to be a fanboy, but I did like especially like...
The Tali one, because her romance was tied to the fact she wants to be able to reach out and touch without the suit in the way. Would have probably preferred to see her face myself, but I can understand why BioWare didn't let us see, even if my curiousity is somewhat unbearable.

The other romances where good too, I think - Miranda had the whole trust issue and low self-esteem to deal with, Ashley is abit of a xenophibe, Liara is a bit of a cute nerdy girl who has trouble dealing with people because of the last few decades alone - and the males have interesting persona's too, from what I've seen on YouTube.

And I have to agree with the BioWare rep, though I think he was being alittle harash to deal with the forum arseholes; I'm pretty sure they do read the boards and do take idea's on board.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
*SPOILERS* Below I list the romance options and my opinions on their scenes. Don't proceed
if you don't want to know them *SPOILERS*

Honestly I think they didn't include nudity because they didn't feel that the character models were good enough to depict an intimate sex scene. In ME1 it was titillating but not romantic or personal, it felt less like a moment shared between two characters and more like the designers going "look, we made a nude model!". I was hoping they would adjust that in ME2, but I don't think they necessarily changed things for the better.

You have to ask what sex means to the characters, and then include or exclude nudity based on that.

For instance including nudity in the casual sex scenes with Jack would make sense. To those characters, the act is all about titillation and in-the-moment passion. The same can be said for Kelly Chambers, as she's little more than your slutty secretary and sex with her seemed like little more than a quick roll in the hay to let off steam.

But the scenes with characters where the actual relationship is meaningful, I can see toning it down. For instance I don't think they should cheapen Tali with any kind of titillating nudity (although you could've shown us her face for Christ's sake).

Similarly I found the scene where Jacob takes off his shirt and shows off his 'awesome bod' kind of off-putting. It didn't seem in character for him, especially when he showed up and basically sounded like a rapist.

Miranda's scene I was happy with. Mainly because they obviously put so much focus on her chest in the costume design and advertising, they were clearly using it as a marketing tool. It didn't get into the obscene but it made sense for the character.

Thane's scene barely even implies sex. Another addition where they wake up together would've made this make more sense, as it is it's just a kiss and fade to black. The two characters never seemed very physically intimate.

IMO Garrus should have never been an option. That was just awkward.

Basically you utilize nudity as a tool to show what a character is going through in the relationship. Lingering on nudity makes the act seem cheap and tawdry, while showing a passionate moment with no nudity and then fading to black makes it seem more emotional and lasting.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Tom Goldman said:
"Game development is not a collaborative effort between developers and gamers; it is a dictatorship, where we alone determine what content goes into our game. You the player make the choice whether that content is acceptable to you (and/or your family) or not."
There's something like a modding community that console developers and by extension the media seem hellbent on hating or ignoring. Without them there wouldn't be no half life or team fortress among other things.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The first ME sex scenes were very shallow and gratuitous.

The ones in the sequel actually have a little personality. Kudos to Bioware for putting some thought into the romances.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I don't play games for nudity, and frankly I'd be disgusted by someone who does. No, I'm not a virgin, and yes, I like love sex, but there is a time and a place for it. The only game I have played with nudity and/or sex was God of War, and that got old very quickly.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Personally I was much more upset over not seeing Tali's face than not seeing Miranda's breasts.


New member
May 7, 2009
Sex is an element of life. As games are trying to simulate life and to entertain, I find it strange of any developer to make a statement like that. Sure they can dictate us what we find in the games, but I find that really false and unnatural and its like pretending to not be human, because you are so "good and clean".


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Yurimistress said:
Oye not this again. The whole sex scene thing has been blown way outta proportion and frankly I was incredibly disappointed that Bioware didn't put similar scenes in ME2. The scene in ME1 weren't even that arousing BUT it was extremely tasteful as sex scenes go, especially for a video game. Seriously, if most designers were given a script and description about what would transpire it would have most likely turned into a pointless porn/nude scene. Instead Bioware gave us something completely and utterly harmless.

Personally I see the intimate scenes in ME2 as Bioware cowering at the possibility of media backlash. Yes they are a private company and are entitled to do business as they see fit blah blah rights blah blah freedoms etc but as a company they are also supposed to appease the customers. Also, considering the so called sex scenes in Mass Effect 1 and Dragon's Age: Origins one might think they'd keep the tasteful sex scenes instead of this dry humping we have in ME2.

It's only sex and it's not even real people. Humanity needs to grow the hell up. K I'm done rantin'.
Going with this thank you for speaking my mind.
Feb 13, 2008
EmeraldGreen said:
When I think about what makes a sex scene effective, I always think of the book Sword at Sunset, by Rosemary Sutcliff. When the characters Artos and Guenhumara have sex, they're not "doing what adults do when they fall in love" - they're not in love, at least at first. It's a political marriage, and their relationship is pretty dysfunctional. But the sex scenes between them aren't mere titillation either. Remove those scenes, and you'd lose important parts of Artos' and Guenhumara's characterisation.
Not read it, but I'll try to now.

I think the real problem with mature sex scenes is that the writers aren't being mature about it. Stanley Woo seems to be coming off as a prude who thinks that sex is there as a titillation feature, when it isn't.

With the Boob Cards in Witcher, it's the cards that are the titillation point. And you go back to them after the scene is over, for whatever takes your imagination.

Like toilet scenes though (See Hard Rain again) there's something that triggers in us that this is the first time we've ever seen this sort of thing and we obviously assume it's gross.

My immediate thought would be to turns things into a PoV, as can you imagine going to the loo from someone else's eyes - but again, that would be picked up by the fetish crews.

That's really the problem. If it's not scripted, it looks tacky and is banned. If it is scripted, it titillates the fetishes, and is banned.

I think it's because no-one, and certainly not the media, can actually take sex seriously.

How many people here equate sex with nekkid boobies because of that?


New member
Mar 30, 2008
Remember all those illicit sex scenes between Link and Princess Zelda or Mario and the Princess? Oh wait....


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Lazarus Long said:
That said, the scene between Fem!Shep and Garrus was among the sweetest and most intimate portrayals of physical love I have ever seen. Hell, I even fell in love with the guy. Shepard's got me automatically: I've been in love with Jennifer Hale since Torment.
High five!

Anyways, all those people bringing up the ME1 debacle... Wasn't the whole point of it that the lady on Fox News making the claims was actually completely wrong? I seem to remember a lot of the out cry against Fox (and her) was due to the fact she hadn't researched Mass Effect 1 nor even played the game, and it ended pretty quickly after that fact came out. It wasn't necessarily due to the sex scene, it was due to an apparently respected person coming out with complete BS that was proven to be false.


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
Amnestic said:
Rigs83 said:
No they cartoons. Anatomically correct cartoons but ultimately they are cartoon titties.
So are the airbrushed models in Playboy.

Do people still buy Playboy by the way? I mean, with all the internet porn out there I assumed they'd have gone out of business by now.
The models maybe airbrushed but they are in the end very real, living people who fart and don't have sex with you.
I am a subscriber and I read the articles...Honest!


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Never romanced Tali. I know what she looks like. When she pops out of her suit it's going to be just like that scene from Men in Black with that little dude in the giant's head.

Seriously though, I understand why they didn't really want to push the sex scenes. Some of the characters you could romance in this game were so carefully designed character models, I doubt they really wanted to try to design them in the buff as well just for 6 seconds of screen time. In ME1 all they had to do was make a blue human and a white human. At least this time you could romance someone that didn't just look like a chick who liked Star Trek conventions and latex paint too much (not saying there is anything wrong with that...)

My main problem with the game wasn't the lack of a sex scene, but the lack of a romance option who wasn't a little bit of a slut. I mean, four conversations and you'll hop in the sack with me? I know Shep's a badass and all, but come on. Thane basically says, "Dude, I've only ever met one other woman like you, and I married her. Baby, that's how I feel about you now... we're just that close." I think Bioware tried too hard for variety, and diluted the substance of the "romance" aspect of the game. They improved so many other things, but I really think this part suffered a bit. Play a little harder to get fellas. When you're that easy, I have to think about all the intergalactic shit I might catch from you.