I'm willing to give bioware and the ME3 team the benefit of the doubt until I have played this "Extended Cut".
Even if it sucks and does nothing to either improve or make sense of the pile of dung the last 15 minutes the game currently is, I will still love ME3 (except for the formentioned 15 minutes). I will however continue to end the game during the final boss battle (ahh Marauder Shields) and will have truly lost faith in a games company I have followed for the last 14 years.
That is the true shame and shocking revelation that this game has brought about, the amount of Bioware fans that feel that strongly, not only about the ending of a superb game series, but how they have been treated by said company, that they have lost faith in a company that previously they wouldn't have thought twice about buying their new products.
Even if it sucks and does nothing to either improve or make sense of the pile of dung the last 15 minutes the game currently is, I will still love ME3 (except for the formentioned 15 minutes). I will however continue to end the game during the final boss battle (ahh Marauder Shields) and will have truly lost faith in a games company I have followed for the last 14 years.
That is the true shame and shocking revelation that this game has brought about, the amount of Bioware fans that feel that strongly, not only about the ending of a superb game series, but how they have been treated by said company, that they have lost faith in a company that previously they wouldn't have thought twice about buying their new products.