Ya know, I'm guessing that the whole ending scheme was actually a clever marketing ploy, whilst most fans were up in arms wailing thier hearts out, many actually boycotting the series, I picked up a copy of the origanal Mass Effect to see what all the fuss was about. I was hooked from the first mission, the minute I finished the game I was out the door to the local games shop to find ME2, which I have since completed with all surviving team members. Im still going to get ME3... once the price comes down in Australia >_<. I now see what all the fans were so worked up about, but I still don't think it deserved all the rapp it got for the ending. Yeah the ME3 endings suck, no doubt about it, but was the last 10 Minutes of a game franchise really enough to spoil 3 games worth of a franchise that gave us the experience to venture out into the stars. Fight along side valiant comrades from distant races in a fight for pure survival, a race against time to stop the ancient evil of the reapers enveloping all. No other franchise has let you make the decisions you made along the road, the ability to hold the life of a teammate within your palm, the times where you must decide if genocide is justifiable against an enemy such as the geth or of the past like the krogan. You can right the wrongs of history and battle the greatest fight humanity has ever seen. Tell me that all of this, the experience and the fun times we had, is not overturned by a crumby ending. right... vent over,
it will be good that they clarify the fallout of shepards choices. I mean, any clarification is welcome, at least its a step in the right direction.