Mass Effect 3 will be incomplete

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Zeel said:
RJ 17 said:
Seriously, I wasn't around this site when ME 2 first came out, but I'd have to hope that there was no bitching about Zaeed seeing as how that's likely going to be the exact same case with this DLC. You'll get a bit more story, a bit more lore, but I'm betting that when you go to talk to this extra character, they'll just spout out random lines the way Zaeed and Kasumi did...that alone means "No, they are not integral parts to the game."
It's already not the same. One character is FREE WITH ANY PURCHASE(incentive to buy new ) the other is costing you 10 freaking dollars for content thats in the fucking game and is a blasted Prothean squadmate.(mandating you to pay more for full game)

"integral" what do you mean by that?
In reverse order: "Integral" as in if you removed them from the game, it would be drastically different. That will likely not be the case here. As I mentioned, you'll miss out on a sidequest or two and a bit more lore, beyond that the game will be exactly the same regardless of if this character is on your squad or not.

As for the second issue, Zaeed didn't come with the game, he came with Cerberus Network, which was only free if you bought the game new...and I seem to recall they even stopped giving out the Cerberus Network with game sales a few months after release, could be wrong on that part. So he was not free with any purchase as if you bought the game used you'd have to buy Cerberus Network to get him.

The game is full. The game is complete. You just seem to be another EA hater (not that you're not justified in hating them) that feels like flipping out over every announcement as though EA personally came to your house and murdered your hamster. So yeah, if missing out on one sidequest that will ultimately not have a greater impact on the story as a whole (this being based off of previous Bioware DLC characters) means the game is "incomplete", then don't buy the game. It's that simple.

Quite frankly I think the reason people are getting so upset about this isn't because EA is "dicing up the game and selling it to us in pieces", but rather the simple fact that the bonus character for buying the Collect's Edition is a Prothean. If it was another human merc like Zaeed, I doubt everyone would be up in arms about this. Personally I'm actually rather happy that they're doing this.

It goes back to my previous post and the quote from myself that I pulled from another one of these topics:

RJ 17 said:
So you can look at it as them wanting to milk more money from the game by having people buy the collector's edition or pay to download the character. Or you can look at it as them rewarding the fans that are loyal enough to be interested in all the other stuff that comes with the collector's edition by adding a free character to that pile of extra stuff while also offering other people the chance to download that character if they really want to.
Change your perspective and it's actually a rather gracious move: rather than making this character exclusive for those people who shell out for the Collector's Edition, they're actually offering it to the general public as well. He's one of the many free bonuses that come with the CE, and that's perfectly fine. As I'm NOT getting the CE, I'm glad that I at least have the option to pick up this character if I so desire rather than it being "Nope, screw you for not buying the CE. No Prothean for you!"
Dec 14, 2009
Zeel said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Zeel said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Blunderboy said:
Zeel said:
Blunderboy said:
Zeel said:
Let me get this straight. Content is being removed for 10 extra dollars and the jury is in: It's okay because it's not vital? HUH!!!?

I am sooooooooo tired of you guys mudding up the issue.
It's not being removed. It's being added.
Please stop making issues up.
"Added" Does original development cycle mean a thing to you? But lets just say its being added for argument sakes; why are they charging us 10 dollars or an extra 20 dollars for content that didn't cost them an additional dime? Fair? Or unethical?

You clearly dont understand the issue.
Urgh. This is why I usually avoid these threads.

Unless you worked on the game you don't know how the planned it. If they initially planned it as DLC then that was taken into account during the development cycle.
And how did it not cost them extra? A highly trained team spent hours working on it. Do you think they were working for free?
Frankly, get over yourself.
Don't bother with Zeel, the guy's just come off suspension for pretty much the exact same thing in another ME3 thread.

All you'll get is 'you're warping the issues' over and over again.

It's just easier to ignore him.
Except I presented points and an argument. Might want to learn how to read.
More personal attacks?

You really don't want to be here, do you?

You presented points, yes, but none of them were absolutely correct. You're just as guilty of supposition as the people you claim are wrong.
DUDE. Are you kidding me? YOU are allowed to attack me personally but when I CALL YOU OUT ON IT. you want to get all "WAAAAAAH" on me. YOU SAID and I'll paraphrase "IGNORE HIM HE HAS NO ARGUMENT" when I TOLD YOU that is NOT HOW. IT. FUCKING. IS. LEARN. TO.READ. you come back with "OMG PERSONAL ATTACKS"

Stop PERSONALLY attacking me then? FOR FUCK SAKES!!!!

Oh so now its points but because its not absolutely correct everyone should just ignore it. Here's a suggestion, point out the flaws in my argument instead of this "band together lets ignore him" bullshit I keep seeing.
I was attacking your argument, not you. As such, to avoid getting drawn into the same song and dance many people did in the thread you were suspended on, I advised someone that it was just easier and less stressful to ignore your points completely.

At no time did I attack your cognitive ability to receive information. 'Learn to read' is about as condescending as you can be.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Timely indeed. You see, right above your post in that thread is mine. I suggest you go read it too.
Quite so.

I'm glad we're in agreement.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I'm getting really tired of seeing this kind of thing on a few forums where I come. I really don't get why people think 1 Prothean could make any difference to the story.

Ok, I know the are all extinct and now 1 is alive, so he must know everything the entire Prothean race knew right? And he super duper powerfull. Right? He must also have a way to destroy every Reaper he sees. RIGHT? He must also know where there is some powerfull ship that the Protheans made to defeat the Reapers. Or even a whole fleet. RIGHT? RIGHT?!


Some people don't seem to realise that one Prothean wouldn't make any difference to the story. He was probably a civilian or even a soldier of no note. He probably doesn't know anything of use, except maybe how that remote works they found in some ruine.

And those who say it doesn't fit the story because he wouldn't have been able to get a stasis pod ready and hidden before the Reapers came. Those people really need to remember Ilso. They tried that on a whole research colony and it worked.

So the game will not be incomplete because there is day 1 DLC. You probably won't even notice it. Is it a dick move of EA/Bioware. Yes, of course.

Sorry if someone else already said all these things, but I haven't even troubled myself with reading all the posts.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Zeel said:
Let me get this straight. Content is being removed for 10 extra dollars and the jury is in: It's okay because it's not vital? HUH!!!?

I am sooooooooo tired of you guys mudding up the issue.
Its not a removal of content. The content in question was created AFTER the game went Gold IE AFTER it started getting put on discs. This was done by a complete separate group than who made the game. The game is in and of itself complete. This IS NOT removal of content this is adding content after the game was already completed.

The only one really mudding up the issue is the OP and all the people jumping on the I HATE BIOWARE bandwagon because they refused to do a little bit of research into the DLC to find that out. I mean theres a post above you that actually points this out.

Here I will even quote him in so you don't have to look too hard.
tendaji said:
Michael Gamble said:
- "From Ashes" includes the Prothean squad mate, an adventure on Eden Prime, a new weapon, and an alternate
appearance for every squad mate. Note that these alternate appearances are in addition to the ones already advertised in the CE.

- The Collectors Edition has been advertised from the beginning as containing a bonus character/mission, but we were not at liberty to provide the details. The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering (the version many fans would be likely to purchase). Mass Effect 3 is a complete - and a huge game - right out of the box.

- The content in "From Ashes" was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification.

- The Collectors Edition has been sold out in most places for some time now, and is becoming very hard to find (many players prefer not to purchase the digital version). As such, we wanted to make this content available so that SE buyers could also incorporate the Prothean into their game.

I'll just leave the official statement of Bioware here, despite people probably going to cry out that it is just lies and propaganda.

George Mooney

New member
Apr 3, 2010
From what I understand, the Prothean is going to be an important part of the story (of course he is, it's a freaking Prothean!). All the DLC does is spoil the surprise that there is going to be a Prothean in the game, and also allow you have have the Prothean as a squadmate. If you don't get the DLC, you are still going to interact with the Prothean (because HE IS A PROTHEAN!).

The one thing I'm really unsure about is why they've made the Prothean look like a collector. From all the evidence that we've collected in the first two Mass Effect games, there is absolutely no reason why the Prothean would look like a collector. Yes the collectors are protheans that have been modified by the Reapers. But the thing is, they were heavily modified! Collectors and Protheans are barely similar at all. Mordin talks about it a lot in ME2. Then there is the Prothean VI in ME1 on Ilos. You would think that the Protheans would make their VI look like themselves? It doesn't make sense why the Prothean looks like a collector, it's going to take some serious explaining in ME3. There is even pictures of what are possibly Protheans during the hallucinations that Shepard gets from the conduit, that show that they look absolutely nothing like collectors.


New member
May 21, 2009
I love all the people bitching about people bitching here. Especially when their saying this having bitched about the same things in other threads...
Dec 14, 2009
Smithburg said:
I love all the people bitching about people bitching here. Especially when their saying this having bitched about the same things in other threads...
Bitching is time hounoured tradition, from when man first bitched about his wheel not being round enough, or that the guy who discovered fire sold out by charging people for it's use.

People will *****, I'm guilty of it just as much as anyone, and I will know I'm bitching.

It's when the bitchers don't realise they're bitching, that's the problem.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Its actually closer to two months most of the time.

Anyway, I dont know about Zeel, but heres my issue with this particular ME3 DLC: developers working on content during the time before release when the game has already been submitted and what not is fine, and so is charging for that content later. (Even though true bro developers include it in a free patch, but I digress.)

The thing is its a prothean. Thats a big deal. Its a massive deal. Disregard the probabal destruction or saving of the universe, its the biggest thing that will happen in the Mass Effect games. Holding that back and making it DLC is pretty unacceptable. Im not accusing Bioware or EA of withholding content just because they didnt sit around doing nothing for 6 or 2 months or however long it may be, im accusing them of cutting out on of the central elements of the story. They should have taken out, say, Ashley, finished the prothean character first, included him or her or it in the game and sold Ashley as DLC (just an example).

Thats my take on it anyway.
(Whoops, missed this earlier. Edited-in quotes don't show up in forum inbox.)

Thing is, how do you know he's a central element to the story without having played it? Because "HE'S A FUCKING PROTHEAN" doesn't quite cut it in my book. His significance or lack thereof depends on how the story is structured and what role he plays.

If it turns out that he is in some way a vital pat of the game, then sure, that's some shady price gouging right there. In wouldn't effect me personally, but I can see why it would get people grumpy enough to complain about it on the internet.

Lastly, come to think of it, if he was so very vital to the plot, why would they hand him over to the DLC team? Surely the smart thing to do would be to get the vital stuff done first.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
And in the end, this whole discussion will be pointless once the game actually comes out.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Daystar Clarion said:
Another thread proving how self entitled some gamers are?

Right. I'm off too punch a badger.
Your posts never fail to make me laugh.

OT: While I've lost a lot of faith in BioWare recently, I doubt they would make us pay for a character that's vital to the plot as DLC. That would seriously just be a giant middle finger to their fan-base. They would lose a lot of love from their fans over it and I doubt they would be silly enough to take that risk. Just because the character is Prothean does not mean he is important to the story.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Ah, the COLLECTOR'S edition gets you the Prothean. I see what you all did there.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Zhukov said:
Fucking gamers, man. Most entitled pack of whiners I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

OT: Honestly, I see this new squadmate similar to Legion. Not needed to advance the story (especially if what Vrex says is true) but nice for Lore. If you really want to boycott the DLC, but want the game, get the game but not the DLC. Send a concerned letter, start a group, I dunno.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I like the you lose/you lose option of marketing on things like this. If you talk about how awesome it is to get people to buy it, there's uproar over how it should be in the game, even if it turns out you've exaggerated and it't not that big a deal. If they don't big it up at all, then nobody buys it.

I'll reserve judgement till I see how important it actually is; I'm fairly certain it comes with the fancy edition anyway. I won't be happy if it is super important, but I doubt it will be.