Mass Effect Lead Writer: Next Game Can't Be A Spin Off


New member
Oct 9, 2013
It had better not be a prequel (by which I mean anything set earlier in the ME universe). I can't stand prequels.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Isn't it, by its nature, a ME spin-off?

carpathic said:
Here's hoping for a return to ME1's darker Sci-Fi tone (like a dirty 80's sci fi) and RP heavy mode, or even ME2's compromise between RPG and Shooter elements.

I suspect that is not going to happen, but a man can hope right?
Instead, they will finally go FPS like EA has been transitioning into.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I was expecting a completely different storyline, but I guess some part of me expected the usual cameo or reference to the choices you made. Then again, this depends where in the timeline they decide to set the next game (past? future? present in some far off corner of the universe?). Still, this is pretty much what I think everyone was expecting to happen right? Make this set of Mass Effect games as if you can play them without the first set? Makes sense.

Ignoring everything Shepard related seems a bit weird though, but maybe they didn't want to rely too much on the love for the previous series and do their best to make this game how they want. Won't really know how well this will work out till we get more info.

Going to remain pretty optimistic though!


Führer of the Sausage People
Mar 23, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
Unfortunately, whatever Bioware do this game is going to pay for the sins of number 3. I played 3 to finish the story I'd begun two games previously and to sign off those characters, I had an emotional attachment to getting to the end similar to watching Star Wars or reading The Lord of the Rings. I put up with the shrinking of the game to a linear TPS because of that, the bits I remember are all conversations, there's no striking gameplay moment like running up the side of Citadel Tower or stepping through the shattered CIC of the SR1.

The new game, unless the gameplay moves back massively towards Mass Effect 1's variety and ambition I've no interest from a gameplay perspective. Since the story of 1-3 is now officially 'done' I've no attachment to whatever ass pulled plot comes next, however compelling it may actually be.

Even if it's really, really good Bioware and EA are going to have a hard time selling the next Mass Effect to people who consider their involvement with the series 'finished' like me.

carpathic said:
Man, I am still butthurt about ME3's ending. Shouldn't I have let go of it by now?
It was a pretty shitty ending to 120 hours plus of game, not just plot wise, the gameplay in the last two hours of ME3 is pretty terrible as well. It's really amazing how lazy it was actually, given that they apparently had/have no intention of continuing the story it begs the question why they didn't structure it like the suicide mission, but apparently running in circles for twenty minutes followed by a QTE and blue/green/red was the epic conclusion John Riccitiello demanded.
All these words.. All of them. A soothing balm to my butthurt and the oil in my flames of EAWare hatred.

Glad to see Hack Walters sound as clueless and obnoxious as ever. Learned their lesson? Hardly. Had that been true, he'd be fired or sent to writing school and everyone, who has anything to do with this "Honestly, not a spin-off. We just want to never ever ever mention Shepard again in hopes the sheep will forget what we did there."-thing looming ahead, would clam up and say nothing until the game is reaching gold.

I just watched the latest Jimquisition out of the corner of my eye and what I took away from it that one should not focus hate on individuals. So while Walters and Hudson and even Mike Gamble do their best to set themselves up for it at every turn, remember that someone important thought ME3 in all its glory was a good idea. Or good enough and couldn't see the shitstorm behind the revolving dollar signs in their eyes. Think on that next time you are reaching for that EA branded box.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
We have agreed to tell a story that doesn't relate necessarily to any of the Shepard events at all, whatsoever
So considering the Shepard events involved the entire galaxy it's either a prequel or set in some backwater location where nothing important exists and there is no intelligent life. Maybe it's set in the Bioware writing department?


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Karloff said:
the next game has its own story to tell.

Story telling is much on Walters' mind,
Story telling huh?
So did Mac Walters finally look up what "story telling" means?

there hasn't been a story told in a Mass Effect game since the first one... Hold on.............
Ha! He wasn't even lead writer on the first one! That's funny.

If there's any hope for the next Mass Effect game or Bioware as a company, the first thing they need to do is FIRE MAC WALTERS. He is not good at writing. He has 2 shining examples of the shit he's capable of producing.

We hear all the time about talented writers leaving Bioware and this hack stays on. Seriously Mac, jump on the grenade. It's intended target is you.

Pinky's Brain

New member
Mar 2, 2011
EA cares about money, not about artistic integrity or grim derp ... the only thing I "blame" EA for is multiplayer and since multiplayer is the only thing which made me not regret the money I spent on the game I'm actually thankful.

BTW reading between the lines and how tentative the ideas are after being in pre-production for so long I'm getting the distinct impression that they are getting push back in their quest for a prequel ... only writers like prequels, and the unimpressive sales of the latest GoW games probably has made the suits finally realise this.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I'm looking forward to the next Mass Effect game. I'm glad they're going to keep moving forward instead of miring themselves in side-stories and prequels.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
So it's not a spin off, except it has nothing to do with the previous game's stories.

So it is a spin off then? Did he think we were expecting Mass Effect pinball or something?


New member
Feb 8, 2011
carpathic said:
Here's hoping for a return to ME1's darker Sci-Fi tone (like a dirty 80's sci fi) and RP heavy mode, or even ME2's compromise between RPG and Shooter elements.

I suspect that is not going to happen, but a man can hope right?

Man, I am still butthurt about ME3's ending. Shouldn't I have let go of it by now?
I sincerely doubt it, hoping for it, but doubt it.

The ME universe was conceived/created by someone else; Drew Karpyshyn (Kotor, Baldurs, Neverwinter, ME1 and ME2 etc.). Heck, Walters wasn't even in on the first game at all, he co-wrote the second, with Karpyshyn still leading the go of things... and the transition/shift in style and theme from ME1 to ME3 kinda shows with the middle ground of both writers affecting the 2nd instalment - who wanted it to go in what directions.

1: Very mysterious, lovecraftian, explorative, unity through diversity, a very lonesome galaxy full of wonders (open but barren), heavily focused on dialogue and talking to progress, good and deep (and time consuming) companion talk about (un)important stuff.

2: Kinda mysterious, less explorative, unity through diversity, improved combat, still heavy focus on dialogue but a little bit limited due to the explorative aspect shortened down, improved companion talk with some more severe choice affecting personal missions etc.

3: Mystery mostly gone (Star Child included...), unity through diversity but Shepard is now doing amazing things solo, further improved combat, dialogue semi-auto chosen which gives Shepard a specific character pre-set, less overall interaction with your squad mates (can't talk to them about a specific event more than once)*

*Although with the whole loyalty mission thing, I can to some extend forgive them for no more side missions - I mean... they already trust you deeply. But they still could've done something more with it, as Walters even somewhat admits here. Indoctrination affection perhaps? Faith/Loyalty vs falling to indoctrination affection/despair?
**Also these points are done minus the extended cut ending and all the DLC to expand on the game: just lining up the initial vision of each released product. It does not make sense to include something that was forged due to feedback unless it is a sequel, if holding it up to predecessors and successors.

...So yeah, sadly, I sincerely doubt Walters is gonna let it go in that direction, he seemed to have his own ideas/visions on how the ME universe should be shaped, and it is in his hands mostly at this point since Karpyshyn left.

Its a matter of creator and keeper of legacys really, and everyone wants to set their own personal mark on something. Walters has the reigns right now, so if you like his work on ME2 and ME3, then that's the direction things are most likely to go (if based on previous work). Not ME1, which saddens me personally, since an intellectual threat is far more menacing than a physically powerful threat. But that's personal taste at the end of the day. They each had their own ideas, and this is the one that ended up being the end lore, regardless of how ME1 set out to do things.

Also sorry for the wall of text. The ending aside, ME3 is a pretty interesting to study really, in many aspects to be quite honest, about cause and effect of things.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
I still think the obvious answer is to have the game set in the aftermath of 'Mass Effect 3', rebuilding a galaxy shattered by war.

The game would start on Earth, with a new mass relay being constructed in orbit. Your character could be a diplomat trying to keep all the various peoples stuck in system from at each other's throats, while an antagonistic organization foments dissent and chaos from the shadows.

Basically, I just want to play a game where the objective is to create as opposed to destroy. Obviously Mass Effect is a shooter, so there have to be people who need shooting, but it would be great to get a Mass Effect game from the perspective of someone who's not a hard as nails space marine.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Yeah, you only gave us the most control over the flow of a story that we've seen to date and then yanked it out of our hands to royally butt-fuck the entire setting. Can't imagined why we'd feel entitled to, I dunno, Paragon/Renegade the entire ending sequence so we can make the ending we want to make. It's more fitting to find out that the big Lovecraftian horror looming over our galaxy is a Failarmy of Fail that's been Failing for millions upon millions of years, and then pull three random Failendings out of a Failhat and force us to pick one. Way to make our choices mean something.

But we're not bitter.

Machine Man 1992

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Man, Bioware's in for a rude awakening when nobody buys their shit.

I've got a feeling this next game is going to be utter ass, like ME3.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
They learned the wrong lessen then.

Lesson 1, Scrapping a prior planed ending was a bad idea even if it was spoiled due to leaks.
Lesson 2, Utilizing Dues Ex Machina for an ending has been considered poor writing since the Ancient Greeks started abusing it.

But any college English major would have been able to tell them that. Mass Effects ending should be covered in Modern Literature as an example of how, and why, Dues Ex Machina is bad writing.
Mar 19, 2010
I hope the MP part will be as good one as the ME3 one. He can take the SP story and shove it down to some of his orifices for all i care. The Witcher series and Walking Dead are now where you go for a good story. Bioware's wave been falling since KOTOR.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
I see I've been beaten to it, but I came here to add to the mockery of Hack Walters clearly not understanding what a spin off is. "We don't want to make a spin off here, but we also want a new story in the same universe with new characters."


Also, my opinion on a new Mass Effect game depends largely on the answers to three questions:

1) Has Mac Walters left yet?

2) Has Chris L'Etoile come back?

3) Is the galaxy map going to reappear, largely unchanged and with the same music?

Legion said:
I was on the Bioware forums a fair bit prior to ME3's release and I guarantee you that there is practically nothing in ME3 at all that fans were clamouring for.

Except for one thing. They gave Joker and EDI a romance.
I will add a little to this though. There were a bunch of other features added for 3 that I noticed during my playthroughs were things asked for in the third circle of hell that is BSN. Off the top of my head... Squadmates moving from their fixed positions on the Normandy to wander round and actually talk to people besides Shepard (YMMV on how effectively this was done, of course). Straightforward gay characters, who weren't just 'gay for Shepard' or whatever. I think Traynor and Cortez did a bang up job in this department. Return of weapon mods/more weapon variety. Interestingly, they also returned to ME1's version of the galaxy map music. I'm not sure if this was a deliberate, thematic choice (because you're back with the Alliance), or because people were literally demanding that they not change the map music "just because Clint Mansell is involved". Oh, and I definitely remember people asking for a Prothean squadmate. Yup. Look how well that turned out...

Of course, any good work done by Bioware listening to their fanbase is immediately undone by listening and acquiescing to those fans who wanted EDI to get a robot body. Uuuuugggghhh.

In short, I give them credit for trying.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I think what they mean with the game not being a spinoff is that instead of developing something new, they will just put a bunch of new maps into ME3, put a new texture around Shepard and get a new voice for him/her. I have the feeling that the game won't be any different from a DLC.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
DVS BSTrD said:
First Contact War, Rachni Invasion or Krogan Rebellion?
Hmph with our luck it'll probably be something else entirely. Too bad there won't be any returning characters from the original series: Playing the takeover of Omega a la Saints Row as Aria or the Patriarch would have been fun.
Ugh. Not another GTA style game. Please god. I want each of my games to be unique. Not bland carbon-copies of another. I like pizza but I'd rather not have every meal as pizza, cheers.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
For those complaining that it is a spin-off, isn't the definition of a spin-off taking something from the original such as a character or location and focusing a new product around that idea? So if it doesn't center around one of the old squad members or location such as Omega it isn't a spin-off, but something in the same setting?

As long as the game is more entertaining then The Old Republic I will give it a try, for Drew Karpyshyn proved he is no better then Mac Walters or anyone else on the writing team with how horrible The Old Republic was.

To be perfectly honest, I am more interested in the new IP BioWare is making, for that will tell me if its the idea of making sequels that has driven the issues with their latest games or another issue.