Sanunes said:
Nihlus2 said:
Again as mentioned earlier, it sadly comes back to what Karpyshyn wanted vs what Walters wanted for the franchise in terms of lore. Different ideals pulls in different directions, and one persons' work is no more sacred than their successor's desire to also have a legacy really.
It feels like ME1 was Karpyshyn's vision, 2 was kind of a mix, 3 was a lot of back-pedalling and mood changing things to re-allign stuff. And the conclusion to a trilogy imo is not the time to tell everyone we are turning things around.
And evident many... many times. When the created universe itself is fighting against you (plot holes, inconsistency and Deus Ex Machina etc.); you are trying really hard to enforce a vision, rather than to let the story naturally play out as was intended - like trying to forcefully make a boat go against the stream in the river with all of your might.
It is also funny to note that you kinda have to denounce the Quarian vs Geth Arc and Genophage Arc, when judging Walters' work, since he wasn't in charge of either - and those are usually the first things people use as pointers of what went right/was good in ME3. Which makes a bit sense with the contradictions in those particular arcs.
If what they have talked about with Dragon Age: Inquisition is true and the same for Mass Effect, neither Karpyshyn nor Walters have that much control on what happens in the game. Besides if the original story Dark Matter ending is what Karpyshyn has talked about is true, I think it would have gone over about the same, for you still have the "trust the Reapers and sacrifice humanity to stop the Dark Energy problem" or "don't trust the Reapers and hope you do". The other thing is we don't know how he would have handled the new systems like "War Assets" either for all we know he could have handled that issue exactly the same for I doubt it would have been in his area of oversight. Karpyshyn proved he isn't without faults with being the "Senior Writer" for The Old Republic.
Oh yeah absolutely, I don't doubt about the whole part of who has control and the flaws of Karpyshyn. Was just talking about them as lead writers - they do move the universe's plot and fate of it in one direction or another, not just ending, but mood and thematics too. Karpyshyn did create this universe originally, and to create an entire universe - you need the feel, mood, themes, lore, setting, focus, end and a lot more.
And as the titles progressed, more man power was needed, but the lead writer is still the anchor at the end of the day, so everyone does not run off in a multitude of directions - a singular vision to work around. But that anchor shifted.
Karpyshyn and Walters did, apparently, have very different takes on what the Mass Effect universe was supposed to be. That's more or less my point. Drawing it in different versions - we started with Karpyshyn's ME take, we ended with Walter's ME take, and ME4 is more of Walter's vision, not Karpyshyns. So if you miss ME1, chances are you won't be satisfied if evidence is to be believed - if you adored the take on ME3, you will probably like ME4.
Different visions, different creators in charge of shaping it overall.