Mass Effect Movie Script.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Raven said:
Innegativeion said:
Well, rumor has it they're not casting Seth green AS FUCKING SETH GREEN...

So my expectations are not grand.
Direct from the article:

The company also said that Seth Green would not play Joker in the film version, but since then, the company seems to have backpedaled a bit, and now say "No casting decisions have been made yet."
Thank you so much for pointing this out to me.

I mean, how the hell can anyone else play a character that is quite literally brittle-bone diseased Seth Green in space?

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
TheTurtleMan said:
Eh, so what if they make a shitty video game movie, it's not like it would be the first time it's happened(Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Prince O' Persia etc.) Crappy movies don't detract from the awesome games they are based on, and with a game series as well written as Mass Effect, there may actually be hope that the movies won't completely suck ass.

However despite good writing, the movie is still very likely to be suck. If they wanted to do it right, they should make it an HBO series. That would actually give the plot enough time to develop without feeling compressed and rushed.
You know, RE1, Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia are generally recognised as the least shitty video game movies. I'd even go so far as to say they were pretty reasonable flicks in their own right. Go watch Bloodrayne or Max Payne if you want to see train wrecks.

OT: This movie stands to be reasonable. As long as they don't aim to pander to the hardcore fans, they can probably just get on and make a decent, coherent film. The fans have their games, nothing, not even a shit movie will ruin that.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Innegativeion said:
Thank you so much for pointing this out to me.

I mean, how the hell can anyone else play a character that is quite literally brittle-bone diseased Seth Green in space?
No worries, T'is true though. They will have a tougher time replacing him than even Shepard himself. I wouldn't be surprised if they cast someone like Chris Evans in the role of Shepard. Keith David would also be epic as Anderson. Michelle Rodriguez handed Ashley Williams's part. The rest of the aliens can be CGI'd with original voices if the budget allows for decent CGI.

I don't normally comment on my captcha but it says "do you love me?" No captcha, no I fucking well don't!
Aug 25, 2009
It'll suck.

That isn't even a guess or an estimation based off previous videogame movies. There is no possible way this game can be made into a movie.

What Shepard is it going to be? Male or Female? A third of people who played the game already think it's non-canon and hate it. Renegade, Neutral or Paragon? Oops, there goes another massive chunk of your audience. Are they going to have an even distribution of all six party members? There go the fans of the characters you left out. Are they going to show every single side quest? There goes anyone who liked the side quest that you left out.

When you make a movie like this, you're making it for the fans. Why would people who didn't play Mass Effect the videogame care about Mass Effect the movie? You might get a few people, but nowhere near enough to justify the budget you'd have to pour into this thing to make it worthwhile. So they'll cut the budget, so it'll look like shit.

You can adapt something like Tomb Raider to the big screen, and it could theoretically be done with enough competence to please the fanboys. You can maybe adapt something like Silent Hill or a jRPG to screen, thanks to the much more linear storyline (although taking out favourite sidequests like Wutai would lose you points) but you can't adapt something as big as Mass Effect and make it good. It simply can't be done.
Aug 25, 2009
Raven said:
Innegativeion said:
Thank you so much for pointing this out to me.

I mean, how the hell can anyone else play a character that is quite literally brittle-bone diseased Seth Green in space?
No worries, T'is true though. They will have a tougher time replacing him than even Shepard himself. I wouldn't be surprised if they cast someone like Chris Evans in the role of Shepard. Keith David would also be epic as Anderson. Michelle Rodriguez handed Ashley Williams's part. The rest of the aliens can be CGI'd with original voices if the budget allows for decent CGI.

I don't normally comment on my captcha but it says "do you love me?" No captcha, no I fucking well don't!
The problem is that Michelle Rodriguez would act as an automatic spoiler for this movie. Everyone going in would know exactly how Virmire ends, unless they cast someone like Sean Bean as Kaiden. And even then both of them would likely die.

Michelle Rodriguez cannot be on screen without dying. Statistically impossible. And I don't want to see Liara end up with M/Shep. That guy's a prick.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
... based on the first game, you say?

... a movie Tali, you say?

Well, unless there's a gratuitous ass shot during a very long elevator ride, it just won't match my playthrough.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Hmmm.... It's a heavy risk...

Couldn't resist :p

Ehh I would have been excited but you know... Star Child and all...

Just make it a comedy like this and even I might go see it

If serious though, I think Christian Bale (have you seen the VO, yeah, wouldn't fit the badass bill of approvement) could do wonders for Shepard, mostly because he looks a hell of a lot like the cannon but everyone loves him from being the Batman.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
The problem is that Michelle Rodriguez would act as an automatic spoiler for this movie. Everyone going in would know exactly how Virmire ends, unless they cast someone like Sean Bean as Kaiden. And even then both of them would likely die.

Michelle Rodriguez cannot be on screen without dying. Statistically impossible. And I don't want to see Liara end up with M/Shep. That guy's a prick.
Lol. A very valid point. They will definitely end up killing off Kaiden though. More emotional impact when that happens. Hell I practically beg to pull the trigger when Ash is left behind in my playthroughs.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
The only way I would consider watching this is if it's renagade asshole shepard that might be fun to watch (plus nice heroes are kinda boring), And it has to be renagede asshole NO anti-hero bullshit everyone does that now'a days.

but in realitly this movie can't do this series justice and will not translate well to film.

What made the mass effect series great was it's choices and exploring this universe, it's lore and many races. That is something they can not do with a film mainly due time constraints and limitations of the medium.

And I can't help but feel some character development from the games will get cut I can't imaging they would include Garrus's DR.Heart sidemission and or others because they side track from the main plot unless they forced it into the main plot by rewritting him to work for saren somehow.

In all honesty I'm suprised bioware would agree to a film being made.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
"It will feature male Shepard-" No, lost interest. I be playing ME with femShep simply because it makes the games feel a lot less cliche having a mid thirties dude save the world. You also get some better lines from Garrus when you romance him up.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Let's put it this way.

If it's a trilogy.

There's no way it end worse than the games :D
I don't know about that, you'd be surprised at what Hollywood could do with any source material.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Aglynugga said:
This will be a Micheal Bay style blockbuster with MULTIEXPLOSIONS and close-ups of Tali ass. Shepard will be a rough-shaven U.S MARINE in space bring 'Merica style action straight to the alien terrorist threat. Super fist fights and laser gun blasto dust 'em ups with at least one giant space ship ramming another right up the propulsion engines. Que a moment for some pg-13 love making, and then the hero will save the universe for AMERICA! and all the blessed helpless species that couldn't do it on their own.
This movie will have to appeal not to just the gamer community, but to the transformer/hunger games audience as well, 'cause money. Prepare your anuses for a rock video ride of a movie, and grab your vomit bags and seatbelts for what will surely be the bestest movie of EVAR!
Is it bad that even with all that I thought "eh, I'd probably watch it"? :p

I think half the movie would have to be devoted to Asari bardancers, and it'd have to have an American flag in every single scene in order for it to qualify for Transformers level awfulness.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
Smeggs said:
Weren't they always planning on a movie? Since like the very first game wasn't it a given through dev word-of-mouth?

I think they could probably fit it into a movie, but maybe not just two hours. They did an okay job with the LoTR books into movies, so I hope it at least hits about the 2 1/2 to 3 hour mark.

How they'll choose love interests or the large decisions makes me wonder, though. Unless they cut out all the meat and only have the bare bones of the games.
Yeah, they've been talking about making a movie of the first game for years - there's pretty much nothing new in this story, other than the fact that there's actually a script written now.

I can see it working, they'd just have to cut out a whole heap of the unnecessary stuff from the first game :p


New member
Apr 24, 2012
FemShep or gtfo. BroShep is boring, the characters are good and the overall plot is so "standard" is would be just another sci-fi if it didn't focus on the characters.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
thanatos388 said:
FemShep or gtfo. BroShep is boring, the characters are good and the overall plot is so "standard" is would be just another sci-fi if it didn't focus on the characters.
Personally, I'd be all for them mixing it up a bit by having Shepard twins rather than just one.

They could be John and Joan (not Jane) Shepard. Would get really confusing if there are a lot of accents involved. Hilarity ensues.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Now, this could be very interesting. But, for the director, they need to snatch up Joss Whedon. He can really nail a good group dynamic with the leading characters, with the latest Avengers, Firefly, and apparently Buffy (Which I have neither seen for god knows how long, nor remember, so don't quote me) as examples.

But, he did a great job with The Avengers, making it so that each character had some quality time on screen, there wasn't an overabundance of action compared to story or character arcs, and really, it was fun to watch.

Firefly, his cult-classic baby, also has a great group dynamic, and people love the series mainly for the characters. What other series is like that? Oh, right, Mass Effect.

Honestly, I think he might be able to nail it, given the right resources, enough time, and plenty of references. Just... Keep Casey Hudson from sticking his fingers in.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Wait, Legendary is producing? Just get Nolan to direct. Instant win.

(Yes, I know what I just said is totally unrealistic.)

Also, I'm calling it: Martin Freeman as Shepard, Christopher Walken as Sovereign.

Danny DeVito as that Volus banker guy.

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
So is half the movie going to be Shepard landing on random planets driving the Mako around?

Really, I don't even think the movie will ever get made. How many times did we hear about a Halo or Warcraft movie?