Medal of Honor Sales Are Not Amazing


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
I find it rather funny, or maybe sad, that Electronic Arts has pushed Mehdal of Honour (See what I did there? - No, not my preferred spelling of Honour) so much against Call of Duty, are they blind, ignorant or simply dim witted. They have a CoD killer. It?s called ?Bad Company?.

Mehdal of Honour was, and still is, completely unnecessary as it?s a patchwork quilt of two games that tries so hard to be liked it falls flat. Nice try EA but let this one slip back into that deep sleep.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
I didn't even know it was out...

Maybe that's their problem.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
*Only* 1.5 million in 5 days? I mean, sure, that's nothing compared to Modern Warfare 2, but it's not anything to sneeze at either. They managed to convince consumers to drop roughly $90 mil on this game in less than a week.

Dorkmaster Flek

New member
Mar 13, 2008
Earth to Game Industry: If you can sell 1.5 million copies of a game in less than a week and this counts as "not good", you are doing something wrong! Seriously, either development costs are too high, or you're all just delusional. Christ...

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
Tharwen said:
I didn't even know it was out...

Maybe that's their problem.
Neither did I.

The posters for it have been up in my local game stores for months now, none of them have a release date on them and none of them say "OUT NOW!"


New member
Dec 4, 2008
There is just too many modern FPS on the market based around Multiplayer

you oversatrated the market. Putting controversy in the game and over-hyping it dose not grantee sales. Doing something new that people find fun dose.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
I actually like this game and I hope that they can develop a series based on the Tier 1 operations around the world. I don't care what you you other guys think, this was a solid game, if a bit short and suffering from some odd technical issues. However, since when is selling 1.5 million copies in 5 days a failure? Since when are review scores averaging in the 70s and 80s considered poor? Am I missing something? I get the feeling that EA wanted Medal of Honor rolled out the same year as BF:BC2 so that they could rake in a little extra cash. Fuckin' shame if you ask me because this game could have been something more than just "good" or "solid" if it had been given more time for development. As it stands, it's a nice foundation for a potential franchise based on this Tier 1 angle if EA chooses to go with it. I can only hope that this sequels follow and that they can be something even better. At least EA made a damn good decision to give PS3 owners an HD upgrade of Frontline with the Limited Edition. Money well spent!

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
I'm almost thinking that it would have done better set in WW11, because there haven't been very many WW11 games this year, and they could have had a niche. Hell, if they used lots of vehicles and had destructible environments, they could have really re-invigorated the series.

Or, in the opposite direction, they could have told a mature, intelligent story, and gotten themselves some GOTY potential.


Apr 28, 2008
Do you know what's REALLY the problem here?
No one fucking cares anymore. These industry giants all try to get into the same tiny genre and they can't all fit. They pollute the market with tons of similar games each year and the gamers become numb to them. MoH looks like all the other modern shooters, why should we care? How is it different? How is it better?

It's not any of these things, it's basically the same game as all the others.


I endorse Jurassic Park
Oct 20, 2009
How's a 75 on Metacritic considered poor reviews? Not only that, but this site gave it a 3/5, which is decent but nor terrible.

Greg Tito said:
Not only have sales been down, but MoH is earning generally poor reviews, including from The Escapist's own Steve Butts []. Sorry, EA, maybe you'll have better luck with Battlefield.

Anyway, I can certainly understand that since games are more expensive, publishers want their games to sell a shit-ton. That said, 1.5 million copies in 5 days is not bad, considering this to be a revival of a franchise that's been considered dead for quite some time now. I honestly believe if Danger Close takes on the multiplayer for the next game (which there might be), it's gonna make for a more cohesive and interesting experience.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
After watching Steve's review of MoH, it struck me that the game was more geared for multiplayer and not so much the single player. Which made the whole fiasco over playable Taliban in MoH multiplayer all the more relevant to those speaking out against it.
EA, you really really screwed up on this, and sugarcoating it is not gonna win you awards.
Battlefield Bad Company was doing fine with modern day warfare. Medal of Honor should have stayed in WW2 or touched on other earlier conflicts.
Count this as a loss and learn from it.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
Autofaux said:
I got a copy of this for free. I wonder if I should sell it.
Do it quick while Game Stop is willing to shell out the most.

Medal of Honor tried to attract people based on the "realism" of the game environment. The problem is that real combat in Afghanistan consists of staring at a lot of brown and being unable to see who's shooting at you often. Combine that with uninspiring multiplayer, poor AI, mechanics that date back to the '90s, and a just plain boring story and you're not going to expect to receive the praise that CoD got.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Why can't they just make it more SP based instead of MP based?

The SP in these games are like 20 times more interesting than the MP ever is.


Aug 25, 2008
Wait closer to Chrimbo...the sales will improve...

I usually don't listen to reviews...I've heard from my friends that the game is great, so i will be trying it no matter what.

I'm usually easily pleased anyway, if I find the game fun, then i will play it no matter what the review score was. And it should be the same for everyone else.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Bretty said:
Why people would want to mimick CoD:MW I have no idea.
You're not giving it much thought, are you?

I rented it and just finished the single-player campaign. It wasn't bad at all, but not nearly as pretty, smooth, polished or intense as the Call of Duty games are. It's worth a rental if you're into this sort of thing, but yeah, those 1.5 million copies will pale in comparison to what Black Ops is shaping up to push.