Medal of Honor Sales Are Not Amazing


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Medal of Honor was shallow and boring. It tried so hard to emulate Call of Duty it ended up copying it. I hoped they would do something different as Call of Duty is as shallow and boring as it gets but apparently, companies don't like taking risks.


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Jan 5, 2008
TheRightToArmBears said:
MoH stands out from the pack?

Keep in mind, it stands out from the pack the same way an injured baby zebra stands out enough for the lions like to pick it off for lunch.


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Sep 29, 2009
Too many people trying to do the same thing. Hey EA why not make up a war? Everyone is bored with the middle east. Why not make a game based during the Cold War but a different timeline where Russia and the US actually fight? Or what about the future with a war between the US and China?

What about something completely different from any war ever done, maybe WWII ended differently and now its 2020 with Germany and Japan owning half the world and the US, Russia and China team up to fight them. Just give us something new and exciting. All this processing power and nice tvs and we have to stare at 5,000 shades of brown? How about a little color as well.


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Mar 28, 2010
direkiller said:
There is just too many modern FPS on the market based around Multiplayer

you oversatrated the market. Putting controversy in the game and over-hyping it dose not grantee sales. Doing something new that people find fun dose.
Agree. Try opening a Operating system can't because windows and apple already took it over.


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Sep 15, 2008
Trogdor1138 said:
Wait, so selling 1.5 million goddamn copies isn't impressive enough?

The games industry has an even more warped view of success than I thought. What happened to the days of a game selling one million copies total was a good feat?
Possibly when they started needing to sell 3 million plus to break even, and only the first few days of sales mattered to the charts that would be appeasing shareholders and investors... I guess.


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Sep 29, 2009
Trogdor1138 said:
Wait, so selling 1.5 million goddamn copies isn't impressive enough?

The games industry has an even more warped view of success than I thought. What happened to the days of a game selling one million copies total was a good feat?
It would be impressive if it wasnt a AAA title and selling anything more than 1 million units was pure profit. It would be like a summer blockbuster movie getting only 15 million in the opening weekend. Successful sales are relative to the hype/quality/production cost of the product.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
My question is why oh WHY did MOH choose to go modern?

Back in the days of the PS1/PS2 there were nothing but WW2 shooters, and there was ridiculess amounts of them, but overall MOH was probably the most well known game of the bunch.

Nowadays the market is full of not WW2 shooters, but Modern combat based shooters. So releasing a MOH WW2 based game now would have been perfect since you have a niche that people would buy just to have something different from all the modern shooters out there, and then be the best of WW2 shooters again.

But no, you copied MW2 and got fucked. Buncha idiots deserved it. Speaking of which, I think i'm gonna download Allied Assault for old times sake and play an actually fun MOH game


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Aug 5, 2008
Wicky_42 said:
Trogdor1138 said:
Wait, so selling 1.5 million goddamn copies isn't impressive enough?

The games industry has an even more warped view of success than I thought. What happened to the days of a game selling one million copies total was a good feat?
Possibly when they started needing to sell 3 million plus to break even, and only the first few days of sales mattered to the charts that would be appeasing shareholders and investors... I guess.
So you're saying that MoH development and marketing cost is over 180 millions dollar? That's more than most triple AAA movies.

I'm pretty sure it's much less than 180 millions. EA made their profits. They are whining because they couldn't get more out of it.


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Oct 16, 2009
Greg Tito said:
"In this ultra competitive category, Medal of Honor stands out from the pack. By portraying the Tier 1 Operator as so elite, so tough, Medal of Honor offers a view into a world that has the power to resonate with FPS gamers everywhere."
When he says that his game's protagonists "have the power to resonate with FPS gamers everywhere" solely because they are "so elite, so tough," I get the sense that he's describing the juvenile twelve-year-old militarists who are already hooked on MW2.


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Mar 6, 2009
Autofaux said:
I got a copy of this for free. I wonder if I should sell it.
i say do a speedthrough. basically when you get a brand new game free, play through it in a few days then boom! trade it in you play a brand new game and earn money! :D what i did with BRUUUUUUUUUTALLL LEGEND.


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Nov 9, 2009
Bretty said:
Suskie said:
Bretty said:
Why people would want to mimick CoD:MW I have no idea.
You're not giving it much thought, are you?

I rented it and just finished the single-player campaign. It wasn't bad at all, but not nearly as pretty, smooth, polished or intense as the Call of Duty games are. It's worth a rental if you're into this sort of thing, but yeah, those 1.5 million copies will pale in comparison to what Black Ops is shaping up to push.
Actually I have given it a lot of thought...
And you seriously can't figure out why *EA* would want to replicate the success of one of the highest-grossing video game series of all time?


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I am a cheap bastard (and also don't like paying $60 for a game with 5 hours of single player, by all accounts) so will wait until sometime in February when I can get it fo 50% off on Steam.

And yeah I will be paying full price for Black Ops on day one. Heck, if this wasn't MoH and was another Battlefield: Bad Company game I'd be buying it right now.
Mar 26, 2008
Note to EA; you of all people should have learnt from Sega when they tried to preempt the arrival of the PS2 and steal Sony's thunder by launching the Dreamcast early. And they had the superior product; whereas you brought nothing new to an already saturated market.

Back to the drawing board guys.


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Jul 28, 2010
InterAirplay said:
Well said. EA only did themselves a disservice by further urinating into the same ocean of recycled ideas and Call of Duty idolization as everyone else. Time has has shown with other titles that taking a distinct path has its rewards by establishing possibly new franchises or innovations for gameplay, and EA should have learned this from the likes of Deadspace and Mirror's Edge. The "can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality is a myopic and shallow maneuver in the face of successful competition that only self-detonates when that same competition will almost always triumph through experience against a failed reproduction. They may as well have tried pawning off a post-apocalyptic shooter around New Vegas' release because it is a nigh-Sisyphean task to try and surmount an established game through mimicry.

The only favorable and unique aspect that EA touted for Medal of Honor was the "respect for the soldiers," which quite honestly translates as a very empty promise offering no proper insight or benefit towards the actual game.


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Mar 1, 2009
InterAirplay said:
Christ guys, gaming communities everywhere are filled with people who like action FPS games but who don't like COD. Didn't anyone at EA say "hey, maybe we should make a game that COD haters will like, there's lots of them, it'll put less pressure on us and we can try going in our own new direction"?
EA already made that game. It was called Battlefield Bad Company 2. And there was nothing wrong with it. They should have focused their efforts on cranking out some more expansion packs for it like the upcoming Vietnam expansion. Or at the very least included destruction 2.0 in Medal of Honor. Admit it. That game would be ten times more fun if you could blow buildings up at will. I'm actually kind of hoping the new COD game tanks too so we can finally be done with this whole modern military shooter fps nonsense.