The pulse radar should probably get picked up a bit sooner, as that's it's only function and is useless for vets
I honestly think it was placed just right this game. In Samus Returns it was your first Aeon ability if I recall. Since it mapped out areas around you on top of showing suspicious blocks, it kinda made secret hunting pathetically easy, especially considering you have it very early in the game. Its only other use was making a monster roar sound each time a Metroid was within your scan pulse range, which was good if you needed some direction. Otherwise, it kinda trivialized secret hunting.
In Dread, it's obtained closer to the end of the game, and by then, you've mapped out most of the areas by now. For a lot of folk, having all of the movement abilities and items that help break blocks (Screw Attack for example) means that now is the best time to go back through each location and seek out upgrades and expansions, since the only thing stopping you from getting them now... is you, not an item or ability you have yet to obtain. Having the Pulse Radar at that point in time makes it good for helping you find secrets and stuff you may have missed.
It's similar, but with a slightly different design philosophy. By giving it to you too early, if someone gets stuck for even a single second they can just go "Scan Pulse" and find the path forward, without having to think about it, cause you have a way out of thinking about how to problem solve handed to you first thing. In Dread, it's given to you after you've already learned the game, and is a tool for you if you need it to find more stuff. By that time, maybe it's the little boost you need to get 100% completion that perhaps you'd struggle with otherwise.
I dunno why I made such a long post about this but I ended up doing it anyways AAAAAAA-