And even then, when they picked up Crash Bandicoot, the franchise was already going through rough stages. The last few games they published during late 6th generation in early to mid 7th generation were between mediocre average, or just playing bad. By the 360 era, they were throwing darts on the wall and just throwing whatever gimmick they could. I can't speak for Spyro The Dragon, but that franchise also went through similar issues. A lot of the Transformers games varied in quality though. You had some decent ones, but the only good ones were the War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron games. They did publish Transformers Devastation, but that was Platinum doing the development of the game. The game was originally going to be $30, but when Activision saw how much effort Platinum was putting in, they decided to attack on an extra 20 bucks.Activision used to publish some pretty good games way back before they went all in on Call of Duty. Transformers, Spider-Man, Prototype, even Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. Heck they even published Sekiro. Now they’ve just the Call of Duty machine.
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