Microsoft Stands Firm on Xbox Live Bans


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Epitome said:
Lets change context on the whole "stealing" issue.

Lets pick another company that makes millions of dollars a year.

Hmm.. Walmart, McDonalds, Apple (Taken from

Now, why don't you just walk into walmart, or any of the other above companies stores, and steal things. According to your argument of "MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop", it doesn't matter. You wouldn't walk into Walmart and start taking thousands of dollars in clothes or other merchandise, even though they make a crap load of money each year and it probably would not affect their final income substantially.

Second, where do you think the word "Piracy" comes from? Pirates. What did/do pirates do? They steal things. Illegally downloading games is the same as going to the store and just taking it off the shelf. Bottom line, stealing is wrong and these xbl users deserve to be punished.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
HuddledMass said:
And you're ripping on people for following the rules ? You're probably either poor or cheap and can't afford games... no need to rip on people who can ... I can't afford a jet... I'm not going to steal one. If i did maybe I'd be "cool" like you for not following the rules though
I'm ripping on him for gloating about the people who did not follow the rules even though he has no moral authority to do so. Im about to rip on your for being illiterate and unable to follow the discussion. I have said many many times in this thread I do not support piracy, I just do not think MS should be banning modders who did nothing wrong. Serious how hard is it to read, could you at least try and process what I said before you kneejerk "pirates are bad reaction" kicks in? I own an extensive legal collecion of media btw but thats none of your business now is it.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
theflyingpeanut said:
lazy_bum said:
TheTygerfire said:

Wait, how would they be able to tell if you just customized the outside? o_O
Because they're watching, always watching us.
Shh. Now they're watching you closely. Never let on that you know.

And now they're watching me closely, for warning you that they're watching you closely!
See what you've done! We're all doomed!
This of course all nonsense, our beloved government would never ever do such thing, the idea is ludicrous as i am sure you are aware.

I have also just decided to go on an extended cruise. do not try to contact me as i will be out of signal range. I kmow this seems suspicous but it is in no way connected to any silly idea of a government crackdown on dissdents.

Good day to you all.

omg they've codfvhgjkgj



New member
Feb 7, 2009
Epitome said:
muckinscavitch said:
Microsoft did the right thing and should NOT refund the money.

Simple mathematics:
Microsoft makes money from games.
People pirate (or, a better word STEAL) games, so microsoft makes no money off of the games the paid to develop.
Microsoft bans people without refunding them
People by new xbl accounts, thus refunding the money lost from microsoft earlier.

Microsoft is not stealing money from these people, they are simply claiming the money that is legally theirs.

Whoever thinks otherwise is clearly one of the people who got banned, and therefore have a grudge. People need to learn to play by the rules or get out of life.
Okay first off MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop. What your trying to say is that they should make, more money than they do. Second piracy and stealing are not interchanagble words as much as you would would like them to be and for that reason they have seperate legal definitions. MS bans people and then extorts there deactived accounts in hopes of regaining their patronage you mean, if pirates are STEALING as you so indelicately put it then why would they return to MS instead of just switching to say PS3 or back to PC where ther efforts are less impeded.

I disagree with your statement and i am not one of thebanned, not even a member of XBL and "get out of life" is a pointless statement akin to; you should do as they say or die.
"MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop" So what you're saying it that they should be punished for making too much money? And don't try to bullshit me with "DATS NOT WAT I SAID!!!", it might as well be, and arguing that is like arguing that saying 'There will be consequences if you don't do this' isn't a threat.
"piracy and stealing are not interchangeable words"? Are you fucking retarded? Yes they are, just as larceny and theft are the same, piracy and stealing are. If you even try to defend that you're probably going to be put on a depopulation list.
And saying that Microsoft should pay them back is like getting caught burglarizing someones house and suing them so that they have to pay for everything you bought for the crime.
Also, in your case you honestly should 'get out of life,' here's something to help you with that. []


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Epitome said:
HuddledMass said:
And you're ripping on people for following the rules ? You're probably either poor or cheap and can't afford games... no need to rip on people who can ... I can't afford a jet... I'm not going to steal one. If i did maybe I'd be "cool" like you for not following the rules though
I'm ripping on him for gloating about the people who did not follow the rules even though he has no moral authority to do so. Im about to rip on your for being illiterate and unable to follow the discussion. I have said many many times in this thread I do not support piracy, I just do not think MS should be banning modders who did nothing wrong. Serious how hard is it to read, could you at least try and process what I said before you kneejerk "pirates are bad reaction" kicks in? I own an extensive legal collecion of media btw but thats none of your business now is it.
meh... you're the one overreacting... have fun pulling your hair out over an internet forum


New member
Jul 17, 2009
muckinscavitch said:
Epitome said:
Lets change context on the whole "stealing" issue.

Lets pick another company that makes millions of dollars a year.

Hmm.. Walmart, McDonalds, Apple (Taken from

Now, why don't you just walk into walmart, or any of the other above companies stores, and steal things. According to your argument of "MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop", it doesn't matter. You wouldn't walk into Walmart and start taking thousands of dollars in clothes or other merchandise, even though they make a crap load of money each year and it probably would not affect their final income substantially.

Second, where do you think the word "Piracy" comes from? Pirates. What did/do pirates do? They steal things. Illegally downloading games is the same as going to the store and just taking it off the shelf. Bottom line, stealing is wrong and these xbl users deserve to be punished.
Okay can nobody read? Serious how many times am i going to repeat myself. I DO NOT support piracy, i do however recognise that there is a distinction between piracy and stealing. To take your Walmart example the piracy equivilent would not be walking into the store and stealing $1000's worth of merchandise it would be walking into the store, looking at Walmarts designs, leaving, going to the textile facility you run and running of replicas of the clothes you saw in walmart and that is why the legal distinction exists.

But that is NOT what I am talking about here, I am talking about the many many people who refuse to see the difference between "modding" and "piracy". The issue at hand is not if it was right for MS to ban the pirates, of course it was, its was however wrong of them to ban modders who had done nothing illegal. Can you at least understand that "modders" and "pirates" are not one and the same, then maybe we can discuss the issue properly?


New member
Oct 15, 2008
muckinscavitch said:
Epitome said:
Lets change context on the whole "stealing" issue.

Lets pick another company that makes millions of dollars a year.

Hmm.. Walmart, McDonalds, Apple (Taken from

Now, why don't you just walk into walmart, or any of the other above companies stores, and steal things. According to your argument of "MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop", it doesn't matter. You wouldn't walk into Walmart and start taking thousands of dollars in clothes or other merchandise, even though they make a crap load of money each year and it probably would not affect their final income substantially.

Second, where do you think the word "Piracy" comes from? Pirates. What did/do pirates do? They steal things. Illegally downloading games is the same as going to the store and just taking it off the shelf. Bottom line, stealing is wrong and these xbl users deserve to be punished.
Piracy, when not occurring at sea, is more formally known as Copyright Infringement/ violation. The act of stealing involves the illegal acquiring of a physical product, while copyright infringement, or piracy, involves an illegal reproduction of a product. Essentially downloading games is the same act as purchasing fake designer handbags.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
It's depressing reading this sort of thread, really it is. If we were simply discussing blatant pirates and cheaters, then yes, everyone would be well within their rights to crow about not being banned and to point and jeer at the nasty pirates/cheaters.

But that's not the entire scope of this issue - you have modifications like the ones to get around region locking, where any sensible observer would tell you that if a customer really wants to import games from Japan, you should let him because a sale is a bloody sale. Those aren't pirates, those are customers you're refusing to sell things to, and then punishing when they find a way to buy your products anyways.

Don't want to pay Microsoft a small fortune for what amounts to just a standard SATA hard drive when you could get one with a ridiculously larger storage capacity for the same price instead? Too bad! That's consider modding your console, as opposed to the official Microsoft-branded hard drive accessory which is installed in exactly the same way - time to ban your console!

You replaced a fan because the ones Microsoft ships it with suck and it's a remarkable hassle to have to get a console replaced when you could just fix the problem yourself and keep playing uninterrupted? You're a horrible modder, time for the banhammer!

And as for the "legitimate backups" issue, this is one of those bizarre legal issues where you are in fact given the legal right to do that, but the manufacturers of the media (games, DVDs, etc) make it impossible to do so legitimately, which is (somehow) also within their legal rights - so you have the right to make copies but you're not allowed to make copies.

Discs get scratched, and commercial grade CDs/DVDs don't actually have all that long of an expected lifespan before they degrade. While you should endeavor to take care of them, making a backup is just a bloody sensible thing to do. There's a reason I track down no-CD patches for all the PC games I own where the developers didn't release such a fix themselves - constantly swapping a disc in and out of the drive when it isn't actually needed is a sure-fire recipe for raising the wear and tear on the discs for no good purpose. The EULA almost certainly specifies I shouldn't do that, but the EULA can take a flying leap - I've bloody paid for the games and it's insulting and non-nonsensical to treat paying customers like thieves, even more so when sometimes the very copy protection renders paying customers unable to play the game they've purchased (this has happened to me on no less than 3 occasions).

Microsoft is well within their rights to ban consoles when their owners breach the Terms of Service, but just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right or morally unassailable - there are a great many ways to be a despicable jackass without breaking any laws, but at the end of the day you're still a despicable jackass.

sheic99 said:
muckinscavitch said:
Epitome said:
Lets change context on the whole "stealing" issue.

Lets pick another company that makes millions of dollars a year.

Hmm.. Walmart, McDonalds, Apple (Taken from

Now, why don't you just walk into walmart, or any of the other above companies stores, and steal things. According to your argument of "MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop", it doesn't matter. You wouldn't walk into Walmart and start taking thousands of dollars in clothes or other merchandise, even though they make a crap load of money each year and it probably would not affect their final income substantially.

Second, where do you think the word "Piracy" comes from? Pirates. What did/do pirates do? They steal things. Illegally downloading games is the same as going to the store and just taking it off the shelf. Bottom line, stealing is wrong and these xbl users deserve to be punished.
Piracy, when not occurring at sea, is more formally known as Copyright Infringement/ violation. The act of stealing involves the illegal acquiring of a physical product, while copyright infringement, or piracy, involves an illegal reproduction of a product. Essentially downloading games is the same act as purchasing fake designer handbags.
Ha ha, that was quite hilarious. But to answer the considerably less intelligent poster you just mocked - the difference between software piracy and outright theft revolves around the matter of incurring a direct loss. When you swipe products from a local Walmart, you are costing them money because you've just stolen some of their inventory, which they PAID for in the first place. When you make an unauthorized copy of a software application, you... didn't give the author any money. The act of copying it does not in itself make them lose anything.

Now if you're distributing your stolen copy commercially or co-opting the code to release your own product illegally, then you might be legitimately impacting the bottom line through that act of software piracy, but the legion of pirates downloading cracked versions of PC games are impacting the bottom line of publishers in the same way that shoppers who look around the Walmart and then leave without buying anything do - they are non-customers. True, they are non-customers who still end up with your product (or rather, an altered version of your product), but their having that copy does not cost you any money in and of itself, anymore than when somebody glances at your game on the store shelf only to pick up something else instead.

When publishers tout figures about all the 'losses' incurred because of piracy, what they're actually citing are potential sales figures, if the pirates had all bought copies instead of, you know, pirating them, which they are claiming are losses - by the same reasoning companies should be able to claim the disparity between sales projections and actual sales as losses for all the basis in fact that comparison has. Pirates are not customers - there is absolutely NOT a 1 to 1 correspondence between units pirated and "sales you would have made if they couldn't have pirated it", and it's fundamentally dishonest for companies to claim as such.

I don't defend pirates, but it's important to realize that "piracy" is largely a straw-man the industry raises to justify chipping away at consumer liberty via systems like restrictive DRM - it sounds a lot better when you explain that you are going to screw your customers over to "fight pirates!" instead of "gradually make the second-hand games market obsolete because we don't actually get any money from that" or "we'd like to sell you multiple versions of the same exact product for every system you want to use it on".


New member
Jul 17, 2009
CAW4 said:
"MS make PLENTY of money off teh games they develop" So what you're saying it that they should be punished for making too much money? And don't try to bullshit me with "DATS NOT WAT I SAID!!!", it might as well be, and arguing that is like arguing that saying 'There will be consequences if you don't do this' isn't a threat.
"piracy and stealing are not interchangeable words"? Are you fucking retarded? Yes they are, just as larceny and theft are the same, piracy and stealing are. If you even try to defend that you're probably going to be put on a depopulation list.
And saying that Microsoft should pay them back is like getting caught burglarizing someones house and suing them so that they have to pay for everything you bought for the crime.
Also, in your case you honestly should 'get out of life,' here's something to help you with that. []
You are the perfect example of everything that is wrong with your mentality. No i did not say MS should be punished for making too much money, nor at any point did I endorse or support piracy.i merely recognised that there is a difference between the two. larceny is a form of theft btw, where as piracy is not. To steal you must deprive somebody of the economic benefit of something, if you pirate a game you were never going to buy then you caused no economic drain on the games owner. thus there are distinctions drawn up and copyright infringement is dealt with seperately throught the courts than with theft, because they are different.

Also your mistaken again, I do not believe that MS should refund the pirates who were abusing their service. I think that MS should refund the modders who broke no law and paid for all their gaming who were caught alongside pirates in the wave of bans. do you understand that being a modder does not automatically make you a pirate?


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
I am extremely relieved to see there is a few people here who have some common sense to see this situation is not clear cut. :D


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Epitome said:
HuddledMass said:
meh... you're the one overreacting... have fun pulling your hair out over an internet forum
Ill consider that your retraction. :)
Oh no ... far from it ... I just don't want to bother anymore since I know nothing said will change either person's side of this debate.

Jak The Great

New member
Jun 24, 2008
Epitome said:
Before I get the "terms of service" contract thing thrown back at me let me say that I think the ToS contract is BS. Just imagine that we are speaking in terms of what is morally right, people who upgraded their consoles in no violation of the law should not be punished so harshly by MS for not doing things their way. Even when it is in violation of the law does not make it wrong either, take MW2 for example, Activision took away the dedicated servers with no good reason and said deal with it. Somebody wrote the code that Activision wouldnt and now people who buy MW2 in a shop and crack it themselves should have every right to play it on a dediacted server, I'm not talking about pirates who dl and crack, I mean retail copies with increased functionality. How can people look at the ToS contract like its the 10 commandments, it is not infallible and its sole purpose is to cover MS's ass why should you defend it?
I put money into my bank. My bank doesn't give me as high of an interest rate that I would like. So I hack their system and adjust my rate from .5% to 10% to increase the value of my personal account. What you are describing, while not on the same level, amounts to the same thing

you may not like it, but it is still illegal


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Jak The Great said:
Epitome said:
Before I get the "terms of service" contract thing thrown back at me let me say that I think the ToS contract is BS. Just imagine that we are speaking in terms of what is morally right, people who upgraded their consoles in no violation of the law should not be punished so harshly by MS for not doing things their way. Even when it is in violation of the law does not make it wrong either, take MW2 for example, Activision took away the dedicated servers with no good reason and said deal with it. Somebody wrote the code that Activision wouldnt and now people who buy MW2 in a shop and crack it themselves should have every right to play it on a dediacted server, I'm not talking about pirates who dl and crack, I mean retail copies with increased functionality. How can people look at the ToS contract like its the 10 commandments, it is not infallible and its sole purpose is to cover MS's ass why should you defend it?
I put money into my bank. My bank doesn't give me as high of an interest rate that I would like. So I hack their system and adjust my rate from .5% to 10% to increase the value of my personal account. What you are describing, while not on the same level, amounts to the same thing

you may not like it, but it is still illegal
I take it you are refering to the MW2 example? I did not ask if it was illegal, as you say i plainly stated it is. I asked if it was immoral, if you hack the bank, the bank loses money and the service is diminished, if you buy MW2, crack it and play it on a dedicated server there is no economic loss. Developers get paid for their hard work, you get to play how you wanted, wheres the problem?

Jak The Great

New member
Jun 24, 2008
Epitome said:
Jak The Great said:
Epitome said:
Before I get the "terms of service" contract thing thrown back at me let me say that I think the ToS contract is BS. Just imagine that we are speaking in terms of what is morally right, people who upgraded their consoles in no violation of the law should not be punished so harshly by MS for not doing things their way. Even when it is in violation of the law does not make it wrong either, take MW2 for example, Activision took away the dedicated servers with no good reason and said deal with it. Somebody wrote the code that Activision wouldnt and now people who buy MW2 in a shop and crack it themselves should have every right to play it on a dediacted server, I'm not talking about pirates who dl and crack, I mean retail copies with increased functionality. How can people look at the ToS contract like its the 10 commandments, it is not infallible and its sole purpose is to cover MS's ass why should you defend it?
I put money into my bank. My bank doesn't give me as high of an interest rate that I would like. So I hack their system and adjust my rate from .5% to 10% to increase the value of my personal account. What you are describing, while not on the same level, amounts to the same thing

you may not like it, but it is still illegal
I take it you are refering to the MW2 example? I did not ask if it was illegal, as you say i plainly stated it is. I asked if it was immoral, if you hack the bank, the bank loses money and the service is diminished, if you buy MW2, crack it and play it on a dedicated server there is no economic loss. Developers get paid for their hard work, you get to play how you wanted, wheres the problem?
no economic loss that you know of; how do they pay to maintain their servers? is it just from sales, or does the simple act of playing it on their servers generate some money from a contractual agreement that IW made with another company? If too many people jump ship does that mean that they can no longer afford to maintain the servers, and then have to cut the service to the people who are playing the game legitly on IW servers?

I know this is a far fetched example, as there would have to be a hell of a lot of people jumping ship, but the point remains


Winter is coming.
Nov 19, 2008
lazy_bum said:
theflyingpeanut said:
lazy_bum said:
TheTygerfire said:

Wait, how would they be able to tell if you just customized the outside? o_O
Because they're watching, always watching us.
Shh. Now they're watching you closely. Never let on that you know.

And now they're watching me closely, for warning you that they're watching you closely!
See what you've done! We're all doomed!
This of course all nonsense, our beloved government would never ever do such thing, the idea is ludicrous as i am sure you are aware.

I have also just decided to go on an extended cruise. do not try to contact me as i will be out of signal range. I kmow this seems suspicous but it is in no way connected to any silly idea of a government crackdown on dissdents.

Good day to you all.

omg they've codfvhgjkgj

Stand firm. Help ... is coming.

Wait, what if they have ninjas?

Now, you may be asking how any of this could possibly work, due to the obvious logical deficincies of the plan.



New member
Oct 24, 2009
I think people smart enough to mod their box knew the risks. They should count themselves fortunate that Microsoft didn't pursue legal action against them. You know, since piracy is illegal and all.