Minecraft: Video Game Violence's Latest Victim


New member
Apr 14, 2008
How the fuck do you dig with a hammer?

Sounds more like a case of bad parenting and dumb kid, a bad combination.

legend of duty

New member
Apr 30, 2011
Evil Smurf said:
In Australia you can buy guns if to want, however you need to have them locked up securely. Am I an idiot or does America not have similar laws? For the love of eggs on toast America, get your shit together.
I will admit it is frustrating to see people drop a grand for an AR-15, just for them not to lock it up in a two hundred dollar safe. A lot of "gun nuts" simply don't think about home and personal safety beyond having a gun. Even though I believe the risk of fire, retiring without retirement funds and carbon monoxide poisoning are more likely than a home invasion.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Well atleast this isn't another news agency jumping on the GTA V bandwagon. I'm more surprised that Minecraft is the game being blamed here...considering the nature of the issue.

Interesting none the less.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I don't see any news reports blaming Minecraft. The only articles that are out right now are those saying "Minecraft is being blamed." but they don't cite any articles making the assumption. Only the dad seems to be blaming the game for his child's actions.

Billy D Williams

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Jul 8, 2013
Desert Punk said:
Forobryt said:
I'd be more worried as to how a 9 year old can have a freaking sledge hammer on him, plus other things, and actually be able to act like normal. Did his parents not notice him walking a bit weird in the morning?
To be fair all of those things fit fairly simply into a standard backpack.
Correction, its built into a standard Swiss Army backpack. It even comes with its own can-opener.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
soandnb said:
I don't see any news reports blaming Minecraft. The only articles that are out right now are those saying "Minecraft is being blamed." but they don't cite any articles making the assumption. Only the dad seems to be blaming the game for his child's actions.
They're clever like that, they don't outright blame the video game because they know that would expose them to justified ridicule. They just say that "others" are blaming the game and don't comment on how absurd that is, thereby improving popularity with that most important mainstream news consuming demographic (angry old men) without consequence.

It's not like anyone is going to care when the fact-checker comes along and says [citation needed].


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Eldritch Warlord said:
soandnb said:
I don't see any news reports blaming Minecraft. The only articles that are out right now are those saying "Minecraft is being blamed." but they don't cite any articles making the assumption. Only the dad seems to be blaming the game for his child's actions.
They're clever like that, they don't outright blame the video game because they know that would expose them to justified ridicule. They just say that "others" are blaming the game and don't comment on how absurd that is, thereby improving popularity with that most important mainstream news consuming demographic (angry old men) without consequence.

It's not like anyone is going to care when the fact-checker comes along and says [citation needed].
I don't see what you're saying. Of the two articles linked to, one is commenting on the absurdity of the media for blaming Minecraft as the culprit behind the kid's violence (Kotaku), and one is telling of the story and the events surrounding it (WFTV). The author of WFTV does not directly accuse Minecraft being the cause of the boy's behavior at all. It's only mentioned as a side note that the father thought the kid was playing his favorite character from a video game.

In all honesty, I think Kotaku is blowing this WAY out of proportion. WFTV did not give their article a sensational title like "Kid plays Minecraft, brings guns to school" to get hits. They did not correlate the actions of the kid to his video gaming habits, they simply repeated what the father said. That's not WFTV's fault.

If I'm wrong, correct me. I was only able to look at the articles presented - not any videos.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
So it is the same thing as always? Loads of guns and ease of obtaining them in the US, as a result irresponsible people will get hold of them. And when the person in question is a parent or otherwise legal guardian of minors they leave weapons and ammo lying around instead of locking them up properly. Neither do they keep any eyes on what their kids are doing. Then the kids start playing with, borrows or intentionally use them. With disastrous results.

And there seems to be a big taboo against stating that the legal guardians and owners of the guns are responsible for both and failed in their supervision. Thus media goes after the most absurd and outlandish scapegoats, everything so people can stare and whisper at the horrible scapegoat and not feel disturbed that they too should probably keep a better watch on what their kids are doing and where they store there lethal arms.

Sometime reality is just too predictable...


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Oh. This again. Delitful. I hadn't enough of my idiot quota for the day, I was about to go watch Fox News to get my fix. Thanks shitty American parents!

Seriously, had the kid tried to dig a giant hole in the courtyard and ripped through the neigbourhood's plumbing, maybe he'd get a point. But blaming freaking Minecraft for a gun? A freaking gun?

God freaking dammit, people are dumb.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
cowman2000 said:
This reminds me of the Sandy Hook shooting when the media tried to blame Dynasty Warriors for the shooting. FUCKING DYNASTY WARRIORS! School children died, teachers got killed, and you try to blame it on something that doesn't even make sense? Instead of reporting actual news, and telling actual stories about the event, they try to blame it on everything and anything, especially video games.
They tried to blame dynasty warriors for that? DYNASTY F*CKING WARRIORS?

For those that don't know, dynasty warriors is set in china in the early years of the millenium. yeah.


I think someone should gather up america's reporters and fire them into the sun. Also the kid's parents.


New member
Jun 25, 2010
KingWein22 said:
A judge ordered the boy to home confinement and said his parents need to keep any and all weapons away from him.
If any parent doesn't realize this applies to all 9 year old kids, and they shouldn't need to be told by a judge in order to know it, then they shouldn't be allowed to be a parent.

Ken Sapp

Cat Herder
Apr 1, 2010
kiri2tsubasa said:
Evil Smurf said:
In Australia you can buy guns if to want, however you need to have them locked up securely. Am I an idiot or does America not have similar laws? For the love of eggs on toast America, get your shit together.
We do, we have laws that outright state where you can place your guns when they are not either on the way to a firing range, having maintenance performed, being used as a means of self defense in the event of home invasion. The laws state that they need to be locked in a fire proof safe. The problem is that some people do not believe in those things, they are morons.
Depends on where you live. Laws concerning ownership, use and storage of firearms vary by state and municipality. However the laws do tend to be stricter for homes with children in them.

As a "gun-lover", I would like to say something about guns, children and parents. I have long held the opinion that the majority of shooting deaths involving children are due to poor parenting. The problem used to be little Johnny finding his Mom's/Dad's pistol in their closet and accidentally shooting their friend or sibling showing off. This is a failure on multiple levels. I was raised in a house with firearms and they were securely stored but my father also saw to it that me and my sister were taught from a young age to respect them, how to safely handle them, and never to touch them except when supervised. We never thought of them as toys. Be a responsible parent and teach your children to respect firearms if you are going to have them in the house as well locking them up securely away from the children. Whether or not you are going to teach them how to handle a firearm is up to you but make sure they know what the possible consequences could be.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
... Wow. Holy ... I'm speechless. My mind boggles. We need a law or something to prevent this scapegoating crap. Personal responsibility needs to be accounted for. The parents need to be held accountable.

I thought this topic was a joke. Minecraft couldn't have been implicated, could it? Sadly the joke is that I was wrong.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
soandnb said:
If I'm wrong, correct me. I was only able to look at the articles presented - not any videos.
Well not everyone is interested in subtly bashing video games, Kotaku least of all.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
KingWein22 said:
I know there are many out there who enjoy Minecraft and it's # of mods out there, but now it has become the latest victim in the fight against Video Game Violence.

Kotaku [http://kotaku.com/now-weve-heard-it-all-minecraft-blamed-in-school-viol-1418633346] Reports:

A nine-year-old Orlando, Fla. boy?"so tiny ... he could barely see the judge over the podium"?was sentenced to home confinement by a state judge after he brought "multiple weapons to school." The video game being blamed? Minecraft.
WFTV in Orlando, FL [http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/student-found-weapons-orange-co-elementary-school/nZ8DK/] adds:

School officials said the boy brought multiple weapons to his elementary school in Hunter's Creek Wednesday.
An officer searched the student's bag and found an unloaded handgun, a magazine with six bullets inside, a steak knife and small-handled sledge hammer.
The guns came from his father's home, officials said.
A judge ordered the boy to home confinement and said his parents need to keep any and all weapons away from him.

The boy's father said he was playing a character he learned from the video game Minecraft.

"They use hammers to dig and knives and guns to protect themselves from zombies," the boy's father said.
The school the 9-yr-old attends is Endeavor Elementary School in Orlando, FL.

Now, I am no Minecraft fan...but this makes me wanna flip a table. How about you?

Sources: WFTV [http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/student-found-weapons-orange-co-elementary-school/nZ8DK/], Kotaku [http://kotaku.com/now-weve-heard-it-all-minecraft-blamed-in-school-viol-1418633346]
Next they will blame Legos for murder at this rate


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Rebel_Raven said:
... Wow. Holy ... I'm speechless. My mind boggles. We need a law or something to prevent this scapegoating crap. Personal responsibility needs to be accounted for. The parents need to be held accountable.

I thought this topic was a joke. Minecraft couldn't have been implicated, could it? Sadly the joke is that I was wrong.
I am always surprised how pro-gun you are.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
luckshot said:
yeah the minecraft blaming is pure retardation,
but the nra guy was refuring to the fact that soldiers are not allowed to be armed on bases, effectively turning them into gun free zones...until a lunatic brings some and starts shooting all the unarmed people
There's a simple problem with this line of reasoning: the guy wasn't exactly wearing a t-shirt reading "I AM THE AGGRESSOR." If someone else had returned fire, how would the next person to pull a piece know which one to shoot?