Misconceptions you hate!


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The idea that fear of something or someone is in any way connected to the respect of it.

Respect and fear, are completely different.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
That corn is a vegetable
i have a feeling this is one of the top contrbuters to america having the obesity problem it dose

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
The entire "10% of your brain" nonsense, misunderstanding of evolution, video games can't ask big questions, pretty much everything out of Michelle Bachmann's mouth. Seriously. She's running for President, and her husband runs an anti-gay clinic.


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Apr 11, 2011
Generic Gamer said:
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
I went to Canada and I must say I have never met such a polite people
As a Canadian I can only agree with your opinion if we exclude Quebec. Most of the people living there are assholes if you dont speak french. Not all of them just the ones who do not live in Montreal or Quebec City.
It was somewhere in Ontario, it's just weird that a convict would say good afternoon to someone passing by the court house. Is that considered normal in Canada?


Feb 9, 2010
That men think about sex every 7 seconds

I mean really?If this were true then men would never accomplish anything as they would be constantly distracted.How this is still believed to be true is beyond me.Plus it feeds into the bullshit notion that men are driven by their desires i.e the "men think with their dicks" shit that is still spouted by many women


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Dec 29, 2009
redspud said:
00slash00 said:
that a man who transitions to a womin, isnt a real womin (i use this as an example but obviously this goes for a womin who transitions into a man, as well)
Technically they aren't.

OT: Because your Hispanic your automatically from Mexico. Seriously do people not know how to read a map?
i very strongly disagree


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Aug 10, 2011
Whoracle said:
"Linux is a geek OS and is damn hard to install and/or to get hard/software running on it."

Because of those guys, I still don't have most games for Linux. Why port when no one uses it, right? And why use it if there's no software for it?
I hate it too, but you have to admit there is significant truth to that. My #1 complaint about Linux is the lack of intuative GUI's for things like installing drivers instead of having to use the terminal (I was also wary of the Package Manager for a while). And the fact that the OS is completely open and allows you to majorly fuck shit up means that you have to be careful and pay attention and most people aren't. They just want to be lazy and call tech support. Personally, I love the satisfaction of accomplishing those tasks myself and that nearly every problem I have can be answered with 30mins to an hour, some Googling, and forum browsing, but I can see why that wouldn't be appealing.

Edit: Also, I blame marketers for the gaming problems. It makes no sense to me why you would intentionally lock yourself out from a significant market and as more OS options become available I think the decisions not to make things compatible with Linux will look really silly. Ubuntu is getting easier to use every update and if they could make more of the basic functions more user-friendly I think you'd see a lot of people skip the multi-hundred dollar OS. Oh, and also make WINE work more like Play-On-Linux.


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Aug 10, 2011
Phenx92 said:
zephae said:
Now, I can't engage in my favorite topic, politics, because people either take it way too seriously, roll their eyes at you as though the very idea of talking about what our government or society should work towards is not an acceptable topic of discussion, or get offended because you try to probe their opinions and treat topics with significant depth. The contempt and apathy that people show for discussing public policy never ceases to amaze and infuriate me.
Feel the same there, Lucky for me I've got friends that I can talk to about that.

OP: I'd say people who beleave the US military as a whole is all about shooting things, killing people, and all the other ignorant bullshit that infuriates me to no end. That and people who think Americans are all fat or live like on "Jersey Shore," not only is it not true but I think that show is the stupidest thing ever.

EDIT: I just remembered another one, I despise people who think I worship satan because I listen to metal music. the only kind that fall in that catagory are Doom and Death metal, neither of which I listen to, and not all metal is screaming and growling either.
Yeah, my outlets for political talk usually end up being my boss, my brother, and a couple of friends and friends-of-friends (usually libertarians because they seem to be the only ones without the standard inhibitions, which may be because the Internet has allowed them to make somewhat of a strong counter-culture).

I also have to say I FUCKING HATE SCREAM-GROWLING IN MUSIC TO NO FUCKING END. Okay, that's all the profanity I need, but seriously, as a singer not only does the very sound and it's incomprehensible nature annoy the piss out of me, but you destroy your vocal chords doing that and so many of the people that do it have excellent singing voices. It's just depressing to me.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
werty10089 said:
-People that say that global warming is a 'debated' theory. 97% of scientists agree of it's existance, the ones that do not are mostly 'petrol engineers' or work in the oil field. That's not a coincidence. Sure, global warming is still a theory, then again, so is GRAVITY.
I was lost in this, thought I had nothing to add... and then you showed an understanding of my pain... The people who speak about a scientific theory like it is an English theory are, in my (not at all) humble opinion are nucking futs... In my class last year, the academically highest class in the grade... on myself, my girlfriend and around 3 other people (one of whom was my friend), out of 35, believed that evolution had any credibility... and we had our SCIENCE teacher go on about how the theory on the formation of the Earth was simply "a theory" and that she did not condone it being in the syllabus... I want to swear, but no one word will do so... Meow.

Thank-you for reminding me to vent :D

General Ken8

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May 18, 2009
The Virgo said:
That lumberjacks wear women's clothes. Many of my best friends are lumberjacks and only a few of them are transvestites.

... I'm sorry, there was no way I was going to pass up the Monty Python joke. XD
Nice, I love Flying Circus.

And now for something completely different: I hate when people clump all cross country runners together and say that they're nerds and that they're wimps. If you think it's so easy, why don't YOU go run a dozen miles right now and then tell me it's easy?

Monsieur E

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Jul 1, 2011
Mimsofthedawg said:
synobal said:
What is the most common misconceptions that drive you crazy? Mine has to be the 'humans only use 10% of their brain.' It drives me crazy when I see it in TV shows, Movies, Books or Video Games to justify anything. That sort of laziness in writing just isn't acceptable for me, as a writer or story teller. I mean what's the point of coming up with something awesome for the 'plot' and then use something to lazy to justify it.

So what misconceptions drive you to insane frenzies of rage?
What I hate is that there are actual, scientific articles who either try to substatiate the claim of 10% of our brains being used or use that "fact" in some part of their research. I've seen topics ranging from psychology to health and exercise fitness that use this "fact" to explain why certain tasks are good for you or bad for you (if you do THIS you'll be capable of using 12% of your brain, which is like doubling the time you typically study!). Yea, no. we use more like 98-99% of our brain. Even when we're sleeping, our brain is incredibly active - arguably more so than when we're awake, as it has to process EVERYTHING that occurred the day before and heal itself.

I think the myth came from a real fact, though. That fact is higher brain function comes from roughly ten percent of our brains. But the idea that at any one time our brain is essentially "off" is completely false.
I thought we only used 10% of the brain at a time? Use 10% for one thing, then use another 10% for a different activity? I don't know, I could be extremely wrong.

OT: That:

1. All Americans are more fat and stupid than {insert fat and stupid thing here}
2. Everyone who games on the Xbox 360 is 12-16, and plays Call of Duty 24/7.
3. Bethesda is a dick because they are legally obligated to protect their copyright. If they don't, how long before there is a game called "The Ancient Scrolls"?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
To list a few:
1) that we only use 10% of our brains.
2) that muscle turns into fat if not used enough.
3) that humans and dinosaurs co-existed at a point.( apparently some where in California they did a test and only 59% of people got it right.)


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Jul 1, 2009
It drives me crazy when people say pigeons are filthy, extremely dumb, and carry a lot of diseases just waiting to jump on you. None of these are true. It's like people have conveniently decided to forget the importance of pigeons in our history because EWW A SKY RAT POOPED ON MY CAR!

But yeah, sure, a pigeon CAN transfer a disease to you if you, like, snort pigeon poo that's been laying around in a big pile in a poorly ventilated room for a long time... If you have a weak immune system.

Sinclair Solutions

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Jul 22, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
ianrocks6495 said:
EverythingIncredible said:
UrKnightErrant said:
EverythingIncredible said:
My personal biggest beef is that everyone thinks it is okay to believe that something exists without any empirical evidence to support it.

Here's a tip: It's not.
That some people feel it's their place to dictate to others what it's OK for them to believe and what it's not.

Here's a tip: It's not.
If you have no real evidence to support something existing, then you shouldn't believe it exists in the first place.

How is that illogical?
If people believe in somethings existence, they (logically) must also personally believe that the evidence is substantial enough to warrant that belief. A believer interprets that same evidence differently from a non believer. Just like people's bodies are naturally different, so are our brains. So it's actually logical that our different brains interpret evidence differently and come up with different morals and beliefs. So here's a tip for you: No one believes in something without enough evidence, empirical or otherwise. Empirical evidence is no more "true" or "factual" than any other kind and the value of evidence is in the eye of the beholder.

In short, people naturally have different beliefs, and its not up to you to tell them who or what they should believe in.
I was with you up until the point where you said empirical evidence is no more true than any other kind. And that's just wrong.

You do know what empirical evidence is right?
Well sometimes scientists believe in things based on theories they have concocted. Say, for example, the String Theory. As far as I know, there has been now experimental evidence to prove the string theory, thought research is currently going on. Are you trying to say that scientist who believe in the theory are wrong for doing so because they have no direct proof? What if they just don't have the technology to prove it yet?

People who believed in the Big Bang Theory were criticized by people who had your mindset. With no true evident for the Big Bang, these scientists were sometimes considered fools by some people in the scientific field. But the Theory was then proved in the 1970s with evidence based on new technology that was not available until that time. Are you saying that the people who believed in the theory before it was proved with the new evidence were wrong to do so?

I think, to a certain degree, your view is OK to have. But shutting off your mind to everything that is not proved is limiting the possibilities of what is possible in the unknown. Sometimes you need to just wonder and propose what is possible. Also, I would work on your tact in posts, since it has lead to quite an argument.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
EverythingIncredible said:
ianrocks6495 said:
EverythingIncredible said:
UrKnightErrant said:
EverythingIncredible said:
My personal biggest beef is that everyone thinks it is okay to believe that something exists without any empirical evidence to support it.

Here's a tip: It's not.
That some people feel it's their place to dictate to others what it's OK for them to believe and what it's not.

Here's a tip: It's not.
If you have no real evidence to support something existing, then you shouldn't believe it exists in the first place.

How is that illogical?
If people believe in somethings existence, they (logically) must also personally believe that the evidence is substantial enough to warrant that belief. A believer interprets that same evidence differently from a non believer. Just like people's bodies are naturally different, so are our brains. So it's actually logical that our different brains interpret evidence differently and come up with different morals and beliefs. So here's a tip for you: No one believes in something without enough evidence, empirical or otherwise. Empirical evidence is no more "true" or "factual" than any other kind and the value of evidence is in the eye of the beholder.

In short, people naturally have different beliefs, and its not up to you to tell them who or what they should believe in.
I was with you up until the point where you said empirical evidence is no more true than any other kind. And that's just wrong.

You do know what empirical evidence is right?
Yep and some people hold biblical evidence or personal experience higher than scientific evidence and weigh it more in their decisions. While in this age it is true most hold empirical evidence as the truth, its not universal. The value of evidence depends on the person. While to you and me it may be more truthful or factual, to others it's not. It's not necessarily closer to the concept of universal "truth" or "fact" than any other type of evidence.